
Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)
I usually don’t post on little things like checkups but I went in today as Jake has been tearing from one eye. Doesn’t bother him at all but still went after 3 days. Basically it’s one eyelash bothering him. No scratches or anything n not really growing towards his eye. Will eventually but it’s way too small even to pluck. Plucking is good but doesn’t kill the root so it does/will comeback. I had antibiotics from Duke’s eye infection 2yrs ago n ends this year in November so I’ve been using that for past 3 days. Vet simply diverted the lash for now away from the eye and see what happens. He did say to continue the drops for 7days. If it doesn’t improve next step will be laser to but roots. So aside from that he said he has beautiful skin, bulked very well from a few months ago when he did his vasectomy. Said he loves his personality as Jake is extremely friendly n just stayed put till vet was done. Jake does have a little round spot of missing hair but that was caused by his new mangled collar. Had black scabs hidden under the fur n bleed a bit the following day. I used NuStock for 2 days n it’s almost gone. He said to continue but shave around which I’ll do in a bit. Btw vet is all for NuStock!! He has horses and uses it on them. So all you guys that have skin issues n raw, NuStock is advised :) Vet mentioned he’s seen a dog with a nickel size hotspot n following day it has spread to half the back of that dog. :(

And that’s about it for his checkup...Oh, he also did say never to remove Jake from his raw diet as he simply was amazed how much a beautiful skin he has, no tear stains, very healthy n not fat but all bullied up with his hour glass shape. Worth $78 for good news :)

So yes I posted his checkup to advise the newcomers about NuStock n Raw diet. It works!!
Awesome!! I have seen NuStock recommended quite a bit on a Bulldog FB page that I follow, when new bully parents ask for help with a hotspot they have never seen before.
Wonderful report!

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I have always had horses and we have always had nustock in the cabinet. It’s good to treat many skin issues on many animal and I have seen it work many times!
Thanks for the good info .
It's stinky but it works and that's all that counts!

Interesting stuff you come across on this forum! It seems I have acquired a wayward eyelash that drives me mad. I have to go to the optician to remove it as I can't see it. I will ask about the laser option. I feel your pain, Jake!;)
AWESOME... I love great check-ups!!
It's stinky but it works and that's all that counts!

Interesting stuff you come across on this forum! It seems I have acquired a wayward eyelash that drives me mad. I have to go to the optician to remove it as I can't see it. I will ask about the laser option. I feel your pain, Jake!;)

I have no clue if they laser humans. If not I would definitely ask like LASIK or some thing in that field. I had laser surgery by them like 7yrs ish ago n never had issues with my eyes.
I have no clue if they laser humans. If not I would definitely ask like LASIK or some thing in that field. I had laser surgery by them like 7yrs ish ago n never had issues with my eyes.

My eyes are fine, it's the bloody eyelash! My lashes are blond, almost transparent, so that little one that is growing inwards is very hard to see.
My eyes are fine, it's the bloody eyelash! My lashes are blond, almost transparent, so that little one that is growing inwards is very hard to see.

What I meant is I would trust them even for an eyelash... :). How’s my little Monty today?
What I meant is I would trust them even for an eyelash... :). How’s my little Monty today?


I talked to the vet again today as he practically stopped eating again. We have decided to put him back on the Prednisone. Today he ate a bowl of Oatmeal mixed with whipped cream cheese over about 4 hours. He really likes cream cheese (for now). It is a big battle to come up with something that he doesn't just turn his nose up at. What he likes in the morning, he won't touch in the afternoon. I have got some chicken breast and chicken livers plus the broth that I am going to whizz up in the blender in a minute. Fingers crossed! Still drooling gallons and going into a room and staring into space. It's really sad.

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