HUGE thanks to Jillh10 and English Bulldog News!!!!!


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May 7, 2010
Southern California
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I want to give a GIANT thanks to Jillh10 and English Bulldog News (Lisa, Chip).Thanks to them after over 6 months of back to back ear infections I am happy to report Samson has been infection free for 2 months!!!!! Some months back Jillh10 shared with us the issues she had with reoccurrent ear infections with her adorable Linus. She did research and read that potatoes can aid in the growth of yeast. Unfortunately, she is in the same boat we are in. Have to have a grain free food for the allergy issues but all the grain free foods have potatoes in them EXCEPT Natures Variety Instinct. So Jillh10 switched to NVI and it cleared up Linus' infections, after I heard that I knew I needed to try it with Samson. Samson got his first ear infection in his 4 years of life back in April 2010 and it never really cleared up until we switched to NV Instinct. Now 2 months later there are absolutely NO signs of an ear infection. Who knows how long it would have gone on had jillh10 not been here to share that information and EBN for me to get it from her! Terrible to think how long it could have taken to find a solution, the vet visits and prescriptions didn't help and I've recently heard the drops prescribed can eventually cause deafness!!!! So again many thanks to you [MENTION=860]jillh10[/MENTION] and you EBN ([MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION]). Samson and I are both eternally grateful. I could almost cry it makes me so happy, he isn't just my dog, he is my son and I hate to see him in pain/discomfort.

It doesn't stop there, another pup has been helped by this as well. My co-workers cocker spaniel has allergies and reoccurrent ear infections. The ear infection issues have gone on so long they resorted to surgery on her ear in hopes of getting the poor pup some relief and that didn't even stop them! This is a very well taken care of pup but they have only taken the medical approach to treatment in the past, not nutritional. I shared this information with my co-worker and now she THANKFULLY is no longer feeding Iams and has her on the Instinct. So far its only been a couple weeks and she is already being treated for a past ear infection so we won't know for awhile if the NV Instinct has helped with the ear infections but my co-worker did report that since the change her pup has been licking/chewing at her paws MUCH LESS. I am praying that in a month or so I can report a improvement on the ear infection situation too, that poor pup needs some relief!
That is such wonderful news!!!

....and to add to the thanks I did some digging to find out how we all discovered this food, and it was a very interesting read.

First, it was [MENTION=939]NikkiSchoolcraft[/MENTION] who posted this question about the link to potato and yeast

Which led to this topic from [MENTION=860]jillh10[/MENTION] where Chip did some research on foods that cause yeast:

Which led to the discovery of Nature's Variety Instinct:

My point is to all of this: The foods we recommend are NOT because we get paid to recommend them. They happen in a discovery and trail process. Success Stories and knowledge of the ingredients is how they are chosen.

And yet another success story.....
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Im so happy for Samson! I know what its like watching them suffer through allergies. :( I have felt helpless many times. I love this site because everyone is so willing to share their experiences and is eager to help other bully owners. I think you are all pretty awesome!! :up:
That is such excellent news!!!! I don't see how anybody could not benefit from using this site!! :up:

AND a big YAY for Samson!!!!!!! :heart:
Aw, thanks [MENTION=574]TessaAndSamson[/MENTION]! This is really sweet. Sharing experiences and information really does help us improve the quality of life for our bulldogs!
[MENTION=574]TessaAndSamson[/MENTION], Yea, Samson AND Vegas!!!! :up: [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], she also recommended NV Instinct for Vegas when I was complaining about how yeasty he was and smelly, I truley was at the point of not wanting him because my whole house smelled, yet KNOWING I was not going to give him up.

With in 2 weeks of a food change I started noticing such a difference in him and now it has been about 4 months with no yeast, no smell and such a difference with not itching, the redness in his face and not being miserable from all the allergies he has. I don't know where we would be at had I not found this site and gotten such great information on a lot of things but mainly how important their food is!! :up:
Oh no I guess I left out part of how it all went down (I didn't remember that) :eek: Thank you to [MENTION=939]NikkiSchoolcraft[/MENTION] as well for getting this issue out in the open! I just love being able to come here and get so much support and advice from everyone! I am so thankful for everyone here, everyone is so helpful and supportive :)
Yay for Samson, by the way he is so handsome Saban has a dblear infection now and hes only 4 months old....we may be looking in to this food in the very near future! Thanks guys :D
wooot!!! Samson is feeling better~~!~~

With all the knowledge I gained on feeding bulldogs on this site, I have been estatic to not have any problems because I had the good fortune to get the information from such a wonderful source. Kudos to all!!!

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