Hi All!


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Hi everybody,

I just wanted to introduce ourselves to the group. My name is Bob and my little guys name is Optimus. Me and my fiancee got him in September and haven't been happier. He is quite the character and has a tendency to test my patience but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I love all the great insight and tips everybody leaves, it has already helped out a lot.

Optimus is so cute! Glad you have found our daily jibber-jabber useful! But if you ever want to create a new topic speficially to your question, don't hesitate to ask :)

Glad you joined us!
Welcome Bob and Optimus!!

It's great here ... I have learnt so much since joining the website. Please join in all the discussions, and photo competitions!!!

Of course, we'd love to see more pics of Optimus .. that is such a cool name!!

Welcome. Your little boy is amazing, such a cutie. You have found the right place and just a warning, you will soon get addicted!!!!! Can't wait to see more photos.
Welcome Bob and optimise!
Welcome Bob and Optimus!! Glad you joined. Hope you enjoy yourself here and please post more pix of Optimus.
Hi and welcome!!! Optimus is such a cool name for a Bulle. I can't wait to see more pictures of your happy family!!
Hello and welcome.... Optimus is sooo cute... Glad you found us..

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