
New member
Nov 20, 2019
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi all. My name is Todd. I am the proud owner of Walter, a male pure bred English bulldog. Being a long time dog owner, my dream dog was always an English bulldog. 1 year ago on November 16th, Walter was born. My wife and daughters being so amazing, surprised me by taking me to the moms house, where I got to pick Walter, taking him home after the New Year. He is so amazing and I love him dearly. Walter came from a very reputable breeder. I know the family well, I know Walters mom, and knew his Grandma. I knew the mom was pregnant, but my wife and I having two kids, I just had come to the resolution that spending $2,500 on a bulldog would probably have to wait. I had no idea of the surprise in store.

All of that said, here is where Walter stands today. I learned decades ago, you get what you pay for in dog food. Cheap dog food equals vet bills and poor health of a dog, pure bred or otherwise. Walter has been on a premium dog food since I have had him. Early this November Walter started to develop these bald patches about the size of a quarter to half dollar. The skin looked raw, moist, almost like skin underneath a popped blister would look like on you and I. To the vet we went. Vet is very versed in bulldogs and was recommended by breeder. Walter had developed an allergic reaction to the dog food which come to find out is not uncommon in this breed. Walter was put on a steroid and antibiotic and within days he was responding unbelievably well.

Friday November 8th, me and momma go away for a weekend (no kids!). That Saturday night my oldest who is 20 years old, sends me a video of Walter staring off in the distance and then biting at the air, like a fly was around his head. I thought it was bizarre but again, I was alone with momma so I thought since I would see him the next day, I would check him out. Since the night of the 9th, this "fly biting syndrome" has only gotten worse. Back to the vet. He is now on Prozac and Prilosec. Vet says these drugs can take a couple of weeks to show effect or not.

My questions are, has anyone else ever seen this? Walter never had these symptoms before the allergy outbreak. I cannot imagine this is coincidental and that Walter had this allergic reaction and at the same time developed a neurological issue, it just doesn't make sense to me. Walter and I need some help.
[MENTION=19339]tleva[/MENTION] funny you mentioned that earlier today my brindle Nyala balanced on her bum and started to do her wiggle dance and licking the air. We had a few posts on this question. I know for myself, Nyala always had a tail pocket issue. Each time she lick the air wiggle, I clean her tail pocket n yes itā€™s dirty n full of hair. Iā€™ve also started using a couple drops of frankincense essential on top of her head. Frankincense oil is very well documented to reduce/shrink tumors. I do that just as precaution. She use to do this licking the air thing a lot previously n now maybe one a month or 2. I havenā€™t heard of any members giving Prozac and Prilosec for this situation. This is MY opinion but I would never give any of my pets Prozac or Prilosec. Youā€™re going to have a lot more health problems down the road. Vets are very fast to prescribe meds. In reality, there is absolutely NO evidence/studies anywhere these meds stops dogs from air licking or catching flies. I sure wouldnā€™t be giving them meds to any of my dogs. But thatā€™s me.
Walter & family,

I have a five y/o, male, pure bread and he literally gets those EXACT same spots of baldness and then after the quarter/half dollar size amount of hair falls off (and itā€™s typically in a circular patter like that as well too, at least it has been for my Jaxy Boy. Then the skin redness/inflammation, where it does almost appear to resemble an open/raw area kicks in. And if he scratches at the area and gets the hair coming out to fast/clumpy, sometimes there will even be a little bit of blood there too when I go to clean him up. My vet said bullies are SUPER sensitive to basically everything and so we went over what I have been feeding Jaxy (for his entire life mind you), which up until now had been blue buffalo (sometimes wilderness and sometimes basic...I would switch it up for them so I felt like they werenā€™t getting bored eating the same old thing all the darn time).

Jaxy Boy has had some GI probs in the past (gas, diarrhea, straining/constipation) but boy, NOTHING like this before. My vet told me the 2-3 circular bald patches were most likely a skin allergy (prob due to his food) and so she prescribed ultamino by royal canin. She told me I could even mix in some canned pumpkin (not the pumpkin pie filler prefab-pie-in-a-can kind), just plain old 100% canned pumpkin. Jax actually even likes the pumpkin so the extra fiber should help him out a bit, but LORD HAVE MERCY, Jax has had gas that could clear the entire city block. Terribly foul smelling gas and now heā€™s super backed up again anyhow!?!!? So now we are back to straining, audible farting with squirts/dribbles of pumpkin colored poo, but heā€™s not producing much stool itself.

Iā€™m thinking about going back to Blue Buffalo and just adding the pumpkin as needed (praying to god thatā€™s not what has caused his horrid changes in flatulence). I guess Iā€™m wondering whether or not your vet has said anything along the lines of food allergies or even just allergies in general? On a side note, in addition to the food change she also gave me some probiotics for canine gut health (though Iā€™m not sure if theyā€™re specifically for English Bullies). She also added Prilosec to his routine as well, which was no big deal for us because my husband had been prescribed it before and stopped taking his, so we happen to have a bunch leftover in just the right dose. I do know that my Jaxy has always had sensitive skin and allergy issues, ever since he was just a wee meatball. Ear and wrinkle infections, in addition to that crazy under-the-tail butt pocket, all require constant daily upkeep for preventative maintenance. Anyways, I wish you and Walter nothing but the best and please keep us all posted on his health.

Also, if any of you have any food suggestions Iā€™m open...WIDE open!

Best of luck and lots of love,
Walter & family,

I have a five y/o, male, pure bread and he literally gets those EXACT same spots of baldness and then after the quarter/half dollar size amount of hair falls off (and itā€™s typically in a circular patter like that as well too, at least it has been for my Jaxy Boy. Then the skin redness/inflammation, where it does almost appear to resemble an open/raw area kicks in. And if he scratches at the area and gets the hair coming out to fast/clumpy, sometimes there will even be a little bit of blood there too when I go to clean him up. My vet said bullies are SUPER sensitive to basically everything and so we went over what I have been feeding Jaxy (for his entire life mind you), which up until now had been blue buffalo (sometimes wilderness and sometimes basic...I would switch it up for them so I felt like they werenā€™t getting bored eating the same old thing all the darn time).

Jaxy Boy has had some GI probs in the past (gas, diarrhea, straining/constipation) but boy, NOTHING like this before. My vet told me the 2-3 circular bald patches were most likely a skin allergy (prob due to his food) and so she prescribed ultamino by royal canin. She told me I could even mix in some canned pumpkin (not the pumpkin pie filler prefab-pie-in-a-can kind), just plain old 100% canned pumpkin. Jax actually even likes the pumpkin so the extra fiber should help him out a bit, but LORD HAVE MERCY, Jax has had gas that could clear the entire city block. Terribly foul smelling gas and now heā€™s super backed up again anyhow!?!!? So now we are back to straining, audible farting with squirts/dribbles of pumpkin colored poo, but heā€™s not producing much stool itself.

Iā€™m thinking about going back to Blue Buffalo and just adding the pumpkin as needed (praying to god thatā€™s not what has caused his horrid changes in flatulence). I guess Iā€™m wondering whether or not your vet has said anything along the lines of food allergies or even just allergies in general? On a side note, in addition to the food change she also gave me some probiotics for canine gut health (though Iā€™m not sure if theyā€™re specifically for English Bullies). She also added Prilosec to his routine as well, which was no big deal for us because my husband had been prescribed it before and stopped taking his, so we happen to have a bunch leftover in just the right dose. I do know that my Jaxy has always had sensitive skin and allergy issues, ever since he was just a wee meatball. Ear and wrinkle infections, in addition to that crazy under-the-tail butt pocket, all require constant daily upkeep for preventative maintenance. Anyways, I wish you and Walter nothing but the best and please keep us all posted on his health.

Also, if any of you have any food suggestions Iā€™m open...WIDE open!

Best of luck and lots of love,

Hello n welcome!

Absolutely get Jaxy off ultamino by royal canin! Itā€™s all grains. Dogs needs minimum 60% protein from meat n not grains or legumes. Blue Buffalo has had a lot of recalls. Why donā€™t you simply start him on Acana Duck. Duck is easily digested. They are the single protein bags. A friend of mine she lives in NJ, her dog is around 12yrs old n no energy. I told her to change his food immediately to Acana Duck. Been 2 months now and yesterday I asked her how he was doing, she she it was a big turnaround for him. He now goes up the steps without issues , lost 6lbs, walks 3x a day. She said heā€™s like a new dog. She also gives him green beans as treats. For your skin issues on Jaxy, to help eliminate his problem would be go raw. You can buy it at your pet shops or online.
Walter & family,

I have a five y/o, male, pure bread and he literally gets those EXACT same spots of baldness and then after the quarter/half dollar size amount of hair falls off (and itā€™s typically in a circular patter like that as well too, at least it has been for my Jaxy Boy. Then the skin redness/inflammation, where it does almost appear to resemble an open/raw area kicks in. And if he scratches at the area and gets the hair coming out to fast/clumpy, sometimes there will even be a little bit of blood there too when I go to clean him up. My vet said bullies are SUPER sensitive to basically everything and so we went over what I have been feeding Jaxy (for his entire life mind you), which up until now had been blue buffalo (sometimes wilderness and sometimes basic...I would switch it up for them so I felt like they werenā€™t getting bored eating the same old thing all the darn time).

Jaxy Boy has had some GI probs in the past (gas, diarrhea, straining/constipation) but boy, NOTHING like this before. My vet told me the 2-3 circular bald patches were most likely a skin allergy (prob due to his food) and so she prescribed ultamino by royal canin. She told me I could even mix in some canned pumpkin (not the pumpkin pie filler prefab-pie-in-a-can kind), just plain old 100% canned pumpkin. Jax actually even likes the pumpkin so the extra fiber should help him out a bit, but LORD HAVE MERCY, Jax has had gas that could clear the entire city block. Terribly foul smelling gas and now heā€™s super backed up again anyhow!?!!? So now we are back to straining, audible farting with squirts/dribbles of pumpkin colored poo, but heā€™s not producing much stool itself.

Iā€™m thinking about going back to Blue Buffalo and just adding the pumpkin as needed (praying to god thatā€™s not what has caused his horrid changes in flatulence). I guess Iā€™m wondering whether or not your vet has said anything along the lines of food allergies or even just allergies in general? On a side note, in addition to the food change she also gave me some probiotics for canine gut health (though Iā€™m not sure if theyā€™re specifically for English Bullies). She also added Prilosec to his routine as well, which was no big deal for us because my husband had been prescribed it before and stopped taking his, so we happen to have a bunch leftover in just the right dose. I do know that my Jaxy has always had sensitive skin and allergy issues, ever since he was just a wee meatball. Ear and wrinkle infections, in addition to that crazy under-the-tail butt pocket, all require constant daily upkeep for preventative maintenance. Anyways, I wish you and Walter nothing but the best and please keep us all posted on his health.

Also, if any of you have any food suggestions Iā€™m open...WIDE open!

Best of luck and lots of love,

I agree with getting him off the RC and onto a higher quality food. Raw is a great option if you can do it. For probiotics, I like to use natural methods like fermented sauerkraut (not in a can but the refrigerated kind), raw goat's milk, fermented fish stock, green unbleached tripe.
Agree with what was said before. My dog had food allergies,(licking paws), and she got a little better on dehydrated raw. I used Only Natural EasyRaw dehydrated raw because I used to get it on sale at Pet Smart, but there's other better brands like Honest Kitchen. When I switched to a commercial frozen raw the paw licking went away. I rotate her between lamb,beef,pork,duck,rabbit and occasionally turkey, but no chicken. She also has environmental allergies, but I've been able to avoid having to give her Cytopoint injections by giving her daily cetirizine in the summer, probiotic ( water kefir grains ), organic turmeric,fish oil, vitamin e once weekly,and weekly flushing of her ears with EcoEars. She did get a really smelly ear at one point while on frozen raw, but that hasn't come back since using EcoEars. I used to use Zymox otic but it's a lot more expensive in Canada than EcoEars.
A lot of this could be allergies and food issue.

Please think about going raw, and ask your vet about Cytopoint shots instead of all those meds and crap prescription foods that are all fillers and chemicals, not really nutrition

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