
New member
Jun 25, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi everyone. Recently new member here. I have an 8 month old pure English Bulldog puppy named Lincoln.


I am posting to get some insight on a skin issue heā€™s been having. A few months ago, I noticed on his back near his butt, he had a few crusty/scaly bumpy yellowish spots that I didnā€™t think too much of at the time. He was never bothered by it and I had just thought it was maybe some dry skin. They were also not bothering him and you couldnā€™t see them unless you pulled the hair back with a comb. Anyways, fast forward about a month, I noticed the few bumps starting to become larger. At this point, the bumps still had the same appearance; hard, crusty, scaly bumps. No pus or redness to them and never bothered him. At this time I finally took him to the vet to have him examined. They performed a scrape test; negative for mites and ring worm. The vet prescribed Simplifec 100mg once a day for the next 4 weeks. I was also giving him Chlorohexidine baths 2x a week. After the course of the antibiotics, I really didnā€™t see much of an improvement, if any.

I took him back to the vet after the 4 weeks on antibiotics and was told that since the bumps were not bothering him and he didnā€™t respond much to the antibiotics, that we try just leaving it be for now and see if it will clear up on its own before considering other options (stronger antibiotics, topical cream, biopsy, etc.) I was not too keen on continuing antibiotics any longer at this time.

So itā€™s been a few weeks now since heā€™s been to the vet and here is what they look like now. The breeder suggested I try him on some Zyrtec 10mg once a day. So Iā€™ve been giving him that for the past week or so. He eats Taste of The Wild adult food and has always eaten this brand since I got him at 11 weeks old. What do you suggest I do at this time? A part of me thinks to just leave it be since it doesnā€™t bother him at all and heā€™s acting totally normal; however, since heā€™s young, I would rather tackle the problem (if it is) now rather than later to keep it under control.

Here are some pictures of the bumps. He has 3 bumps (about the size of a pea) on his back near his butt. The hair has thinned out over them as you can see by the pictures. Any help / recommendations / insight is much appreciated. Thank you.

Do the crusty areas become patches and then fall out? It looks like staph to me. Tyson's had it his fair share of times, its usually a sign of a weak immune system or allergy related.

Do you give Lincoln any probiotics? I would get him on a good one, maybe with some fish oil as those help the skin as well. The good news is that they generally do not bother them at all, but they will not go away unless you treat with antibiotics (oral or topical), then maintain. They spread easily when not treated. Lastly, I'd wash any bedding, pillows, etc that he has contact with in HOT cycle to keep any of the bacterial hanging around.
Castor has had something similar on his head a year ago which the vet thought was a staph infection. We got a chlorhexidine shampoo but no antibiotics. It was probably allergy related - he now eats raw and no longer looks moth eaten.
I agree w/the gang... our dog Bella has this as well, and it would come and go.
Agree... staph infection

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Do the crusty areas become patches and then fall out? It looks like staph to me. Tyson's had it his fair share of times, its usually a sign of a weak immune system or allergy related.

Do you give Lincoln any probiotics? I would get him on a good one, maybe with some fish oil as those help the skin as well. The good news is that they generally do not bother them at all, but they will not go away unless you treat with antibiotics (oral or topical), then maintain. They spread easily when not treated. Lastly, I'd wash any bedding, pillows, etc that he has contact with in HOT cycle to keep any of the bacterial hanging around.

He's currently not on any probiotics. I will look into it for sure.

So as far as treating this currently, do you recommend that he should be on more oral antibiotics or just continue with the medicated baths and monitor accordingly? I really just don't want it to spread or get any worse. The good thing is that it seems to have localized itself to one area and I frequently check him for new spots but I have not found any.

Thank you all for the replies.
If the ones he has now are kinda in the clearing up stages, then you may not need antibiotics. Only if its a bad breakout that doesn't stop, gets worse or spreads. Since it can be allergy related as well, what are you feeding him?

He's currently not on any probiotics. I will look into it for sure.

So as far as treating this currently, do you recommend that he should be on more oral antibiotics or just continue with the medicated baths and monitor accordingly? I really just don't want it to spread or get any worse. The good thing is that it seems to have localized itself to one area and I frequently check him for new spots but I have not found any.

Thank you all for the replies.
If the ones he has now are kinda in the clearing up stages, then you may not need antibiotics. Only if its a bad breakout that doesn't stop, gets worse or spreads. Since it can be allergy related as well, what are you feeding him?

He eats Taste of the Wild adult. He started of TOTW puppy and switched to adult when he was about 5 months old (breeder recommendation). I vary the flavor from time to time.
Okay, have you noticed less breakouts when on a certain flavor??? Taste of the Wild is a good food, I wonder if perhaps in one of the flavors there is something triggering the reaction. I would, as a test keep him on one flavor for a a while and see if you notice improvement.

He eats Taste of the Wild adult. He started of TOTW puppy and switched to adult when he was about 5 months old (breeder recommendation). I vary the flavor from time to time.
Okay, have you noticed less breakouts when on a certain flavor??? Taste of the Wild is a good food, I wonder if perhaps in one of the flavors there is something triggering the reaction. I would, as a test keep him on one flavor for a a while and see if you notice improvement.

That is a great point, I didn't think of that until recently. I will limit it to one flavor and go from there.

Thank you :)
We personally use this one: (and I buy it off Amazon) but feel free to look up others. You could also do a tablespoon or 2 of plain greek yogurt. No flavoring, just plain. That is a natural probiotic. We've had issues with Tyson's belly, and his skin in the past and he's done wonderfully on this one.

I know that Vetri-Science has one: https://www.amazon.com/VetriScience...=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B002GIVC4C

Which Probiotic do you recommend? Is there any on Amazon that are recommended?
Not sure antibiotics are needed - vets here don't seem to go for that but rather try to find the reason eg allergies
I was giving him plain yogurt at one point but he gets loose stools from time to time. I will try it again but cut it back. I'm see that ACV is very popular around here so I will try that too!

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