
New member
Oct 24, 2012
Wenatchee, Washington
Bulldog(s) Names
I was wondering if anyone can give me any advice regarding eye irritation. Lola's eyes constantly water and she gets tear stains. I keep underneath her eye clean and try to keep it dry, I also use some Desitin cream to help keep it dry. But now it looks like the very top of her eyelid where her eyelashes are is raw and red looking. Any suggestions on how I can help heal the top of her eye? Or should I just take her in and maybe the vet can give me some sort of cream? I currently feeding her Fromm weight management food, but I may switch her to a different protein to see if that may help. Thank you for the input!
Could it be entropion? If her lashes are turned in and rubbing her eyes, that will cause damage. If not, you could ask the pharmacist for something for irritated eye-an ointment.
Sounds like it could be entropion. I would take to vet to confirm. Could also be the eyelashes which has a different name that I can’t think of.

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Castor has ingrowing eye lashes, and we found a vet who plucked some of the lashes which helped a lot. He was scheduled for surgery (entropion), and during the consulation, the vet offered to remove some of the eye lashes (five minutes with tweezers, no sedation), and that helped so much that we decided to cancel or at least postpone surgery.

I would take Lola to a good eye vet and see what she/he says!
Ok thank you all for the help! I think I will just take her to the vet for evaluation then. :)

agree with the gang... have a vet check for eyelash issues..
Ok thank you all for the help! I think I will just take her to the vet for evaluation then. :)
Please post and let us know how it plays out(with pics preferred:))

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