Tear Stains


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Apr 5, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
A little history on our little one Zuri. She is 1 year and has had two cherry eye surgeries and about 5 months ago lost one eye due to dry eye and ulcer. We tried the graft surgery on the ulcer but it did not take and had it removed. She is happy healthy and doing great. She still has very bad tear staining and it hard to keep her nose fold dry and clean. We have her on Steve's real dog food patties (Pork Forzen) and she is doing great except the staining.

She has been on this food for maybe 2 months. I would have thought it would be cleared up by now. ANy suggestions?
Try another protein. My white face as soon as I put him on a raw diet tear stains disappeared slowly but surely. Also filtered water as tap water has a lot of minerals.
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A little history on our little one Zuri. She is 1 year and has had two cherry eye surgeries and about 5 months ago lost one eye due to dry eye and ulcer. We tried the graft surgery on the ulcer but it did not take and had it removed. She is happy healthy and doing great. She still has very bad tear staining and it hard to keep her nose fold dry and clean. We have her on Steve's real dog food patties (Pork Forzen) and she is doing great except the staining.

She has been on this food for maybe 2 months. I would have thought it would be cleared up by now. ANy suggestions?

Berry blend works great for tear stains!

I give my dogs Four Leaf Rover brand, itā€™s called Red Rover which has all different berries and a antioxidant too.

I have tried many things for my dog with tear stains and thatā€™s the only thing that has helped, no more tear stains since!šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘

Allergies can also cause tear stains which my dog also has and the Red Rover berry blend has helped his allergies and tear stains.

Thatā€™s great you feed raw! Do you rotate proteins? Itā€™s good to rotate proteins to prevent food allergies or they can become allergic to what they eat every day no matter what it is your feeding.

Definitely continue the raw diet as thatā€™s the best diet for them, but see if maybe you can rotate thru either beef, fish, Turkey,lamb, or kangaroo.

I recommend trying the Red Rover berries for antioxidants and tear stains
A little history on our little one Zuri. She is 1 year and has had two cherry eye surgeries and about 5 months ago lost one eye due to dry eye and ulcer. We tried the graft surgery on the ulcer but it did not take and had it removed. She is happy healthy and doing great. She still has very bad tear staining and it hard to keep her nose fold dry and clean. We have her on Steve's real dog food patties (Pork Forzen) and she is doing great except the staining.

She has been on this food for maybe 2 months. I would have thought it would be cleared up by now. ANy suggestions?

And also give filtered water cause tap water can cause tear stains
Itā€™s important to rotate through at least 3 proteins when feeding raw because each protein has different nutritional values. You can also rotate through different brands.

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