
Well-known member
Jul 26, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Bullie (RIP) & Angus (RIP)
She is old. But still spunky. Still digs holes in the garden. Still bullies her 10 year old brother. She turned 13 last week. And it's starting to show.

Yesterday, she stumbled on her hind legs walking on the uneven pavers. This worried me greatly. We've tried to maintain her and her brother on the skinny side, not to the point of ribs protruding while standing, but skinny that the rib is right beneath the skin. This seems to be the best for both of them.

I have nothing but good things to say about the Prey-model Raw diet. There's a close-up picture below of Angus' teeth. It is sparkly clean (can't do anything with them crooked gobblers hah!). It is very easy to maintain their weight - if they get too fat, lower the amount of food, if they get too skinny, add more food. Results of food change can be seen in just a few days. Hair - well, I can't tell if its shiny or not, these dogs have this strange fascination with dirt and I figured a daily wash will hurt them more than the dirt will, so they're dirty dogs... but their hair is soft, at least that I can tell. I use a home-made dooley for both dogs' poop out of a 13-gallon trash bin buried in the ground. I don't add the enzyme at all. Just pop the poop in there and let it decompose on its own. The native worms like going in there too and help out. After almost 10 years of use, the level of composted poop has not reached halfway up the bin. For two dogs! No major vet visits - just the usual checkups.

So yeah, their situation is not ideal but they just told me while I was trying to pose them for pictures - Woof, woof! Which I translated to - We're happy dogs! Hah hah.

Bullie turned 13 years old last week:

bullie_13.jpg bullie_13_2.jpg bullie_13_3.jpg

Angus turned 10 years old last month:

angus_10_2.jpg angus_10.jpg


  • angus_10.jpg
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P.S. One of these days I'm gonna learn how to post proper pictures on here. I guess it's not gonna be today.
What an inspiring text and lovely photos! Castor turned seven in April and we have worried about signs of pain and eye problems. I will show these pics to hon as soon as he wakes up from his afternoon nap!
if posting pics from a phone simply crop the image slightly and that will set the metadata required to have the image displayed correctly. Good looking Sr crew you have...Congrats on a job well done!
I agree, you have a good looking crew and it is inspiring to hear more and more posts about bullies living past the 10 year mark. That is one thing that hurts me about pets... why can’t they live as long as we do!!??
What beautiful bullies you have! Whatever you have done, you obviously did it well!
Pictures are fine.... and your babies re beautiful!!

Happy belated birthday Bullie[emoji322][emoji512][emoji324][emoji8]

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What an inspiring text and lovely photos! Castor turned seven in April and we have worried about signs of pain and eye problems. I will show these pics to hon as soon as he wakes up from his afternoon nap!

Castor was amazed by the 13-year-old lady and her slightly younger brother, and when he heard it was her birthday last week, he immediately started singing, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Bullie, Happy Birthday to you, hoping she could hear him!
[MENTION=2874]anatess[/MENTION]. Great job! Definitely Prey-model Raw diet will help any dog to a stronger healthy immune system. Your post is very encouraging for owners how to feed you pet for longer life n see less of the vet! 13 with spunk says a lot!

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! :birthday6::birthday6::birthday6:
Beautiful looking seniors! My boy Max passed in February at 12 year 6 months and 8 days. Enjoy every day with them as I’m sure you do! Max fought heart failure for 6 months. The last month of of his life I kept having to get fluid drained from him weekly and it just got to be too much for him.

Beautiful looking seniors! My boy Max passed in February at 12 year 6 months and 8 days. Enjoy every day with them as I’m sure you do! Max fought heart failure for 6 months. The last month of of his life I kept having to get fluid drained from him weekly and it just got to be too much for him.

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Ohhh this is so sad to hear. 12 years 6 months and 8 days is a great age for a bully. Max was loved and that's the best we can do for these special creatures.

Last week, Bullie did not eat her meaty bones. I think chewing bone has just become too much of a chore for her. She still has all her incisors with no apparent pain, I think she's just getting slower at her age. I hand fed her chicken wings and she liked that much better. This week, she tripped on her back legs again on the uneven pavers. Poor girl. But yeah, she's still snapping at her little brother and swatting at the stray cat, ruling the roost like the queen of england.

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