Bulldog swimming...uhh not so much.


Aug 4, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
Bulldog(s) Names
(HRH) Her Royal Highness Princess Gracie & Princess Amelia Pond (Amy)
Ok we knew it was a possibility and it happened. Princess Gracie went swimming this morning. We were both right there when it happened because until a fence get's put up we are not letting her out in the yard alone at all. I was cleaning up after her..and Bruce was feeding the fish. We had blocked off access to the deck and that's where Bruce was standing. Apparently Gracie decided that the pond was an access point to get on the deck to where he was and suddenly there was a splash. Followed quickly by Bruce's splash when he jumped in to get her out. A temporary barrier is already in place that Bruce installed today, and a fence will be installed this weekend. Until then (and likely even afterwards, Gracie will not be out in the yard unattended)

Our pond isn't super deep varying from about 8" around the edges to 2 1/2' at the deepest point, and she did actually dog paddle and kept her head above water in the seconds it took Bruce to jump in and pull her out.
Ahh Gracie! I am SOO paranoid with Samson around pools, my mom has one and I NEVER let him out there alone. I've seen him try to swim and it's terribly sad looking. His back end sinks, looks like he's standing upright in the water and his eyes get enormous with a look of terror. So sad :( Tryed to see if there was anyway I could teach him but no, they aren't kidding, bullies can't swim!
HI!. I'm Bruce, Lari's husband and this is my first post. Gracie jumped in about where I am sitting in my avatar pic. That 'bench' Im sitting on now has a fence attached to the top of it. This weekend we will get more of the wraught iron fencing used in the rest of our yard so the pond will be isolated from Gracie. She was in no danger with both of us there and she didnt act scared but we don't want it to happen again. Glad we found this site as it sounds like a great group of bully nuts. ;)
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HI!. I'm Bruce, Lari's husband and this is my first post. Gracie jumped in about where I am sitting in my avatar pic. That 'bench' Im sitting on now has a fence attached to the top of it. This weekend we will get more of the wraught iron fencing used in the rest of our yard so the pond will be isolated from Gracie. She was in no danger with both of us there and she didnt act scared but we don't want it to happen again. Glad we found this site as it sounds like a great group of bully nuts. ;)

Well welcome to the site Bruce! We are happy to have you and we are all definitely nutty for the bullys :)
Funny story.....we take Vegas down to the river. He likes water..he likes to splash and drink it. So we have a life vest for him. One day I took him to the river and I walked out to about mid thigh. I had Vegas in his jacket. Vegas was standing on a rock in the water so he was (maybe) in the water to the bottom of his chest. The unsturdy rock moved and Vegas slipped into the water. His jacket supported him, but it was the first time that he actually went over his head, and needed the vest. Vegas swam back to shore, climbed out of the water, walked the short distance to my truck and sat by the passenger door. He was done. DONE. I don't think he realized he was safe, but he'd never been "bouyed" by the vest before and it must have been a weird feeling for him. Poor baby.
Welcome Bruce! Glad you decided to join in our crazy fun here. You both scored a wonderful girl it seems, congrats! Poor thing I bet she was surprised as heck when she went in the water! wouldve made for a great video. ;)

Libra that is sad, poor Vegas!!! Has he gone back into the water since or is he afraid of it now?
We have a pool and both Abby and Bella have fallen in. We do take them in, on purpose, to show them the way to the stairs. They now can get out on their own. We never leave them out by the pool un-attended, however if they are playing and running, they still fall in. We also have many play parks here in Florida with pools, so I try very hard to get them used to water, just in case. They don't usually go in on their own. Bella will as long as it is very shallow. At the lake she even puts her head under and "looks" for things in the sand.
we have a 100 lb lab which loves the water so we ended up purchasing a life jacket for our bulldog lex which loves the water... well lex doesnt understand why he cant go out far like bo. well we got him a life jacket the other day and lex was in HEAVEN he would swim out w bo and come back it was hilarious he looked like an otter swimming around lol.... we couldnt get lex out of the water he was having a blast and had alot more freedom in the water!!!
I finished the fencing by the pond this morning. Now Lari can plant it how she wants it and Gracie will stay nice and safe :)



very pretty backyard!! That worked out very nice :)

[MENTION=1041]lexterwayne[/MENTION] you should post some pics of that sometime!
Thanks for the compliments on the yard. It's an ever evolving work in progress. We both enjoy having a nice yard with a lot of flowers and ponds and add something new every year (there are actually two more small raised goldfish ponds in the back yard) Eventual plan is NO lawn...all plantings. We're 'almost there' The front yard is grass free except the street easement (that's going grass free soon). Of course we're going to have to retrain Gracie to "go" on another surface at some point to keep with the plan. :D

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