
New member
Jan 16, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi, Iā€™m new here. I need help with a few problems with my dogā€™s behavior. He adopted a 5 year old English bulldog names Zoe. We got her about a year ago. Unfortunately shortly after we had to move to a condo that did not accept dogs so she stayed at my mothers home until we bought a house. My mother was very lenient with her and she learned a few bad habit from her dogs. We finally bought our first home and have been there for 2 weeks and now Iā€™m struggling to get rid of this bad habits.

1. Going in her crate. Since we moved in 2 weeks ago we got her on a strict schedule. She spends the night in her crate, gets let out at 6:30 am, comes back inside to eat breakfast, she gets let out again around 7:15 until about 7:30am and then goes back in her crate. My son letā€™s her out again when he gets home around 4pm. She is free to roam the house since then. She eats at 6:30 pm and get let out multiple times until bed time around 9pm. Weekends she roams the home free we let her out multiple times a day with out problems. So yesterday when my son got home she had pooped and peed in her crate. We cleaned up. And again this morning she has peed in her crate. The schedule has not changed at all Or the amount of food or water so Iā€™m not sure when she canā€™t longer hold it. She was fine for almost 2 weeks.

2. Dog door. I installed a dog door because I donā€™t like her spending that much time in her crate( she doesnā€™t seem to care but I do). We have tried multiple times and she just refuses to use it. Unless I hold the flaps open all the way. I would love to get some advice on this because I would love to have her out of her crate.

3. Hates the elements. So I have notice that she hates the rain and wet grass to the point that I have to walk out to the back yard and walk her to the grass. Just letting her out isnā€™t enough if itā€™s raining. She will just stay on the deck and refuse to do her business. Itā€™s driving me crazy because even once she learns to use the dog door I donā€™t thing she would go outside if itā€™s raining or the grass is wet.

I really need help with this. I want her to be able to roam free and enjoy our home. Also have for me and my son to use the time we spend cleaning up after her in more important things like keeping her folds clean and more training. Thanks in advance for all the help. Here are some pictures of the doggie door I even installed a step for her and another one of her refusing to go to the grass area because it rained the night before E4B0658E-7960-48F8-8DD2-77DA2636D56A.jpegF27DB2B5-751E-4A20-A6E6-898DA63F7F7C.jpegEB64D6BD-6454-4356-98EB-A29C04550950.jpeg
Do you ever walk her? Leash? Harness? or is she always alone on potty breaks, etc.
Do you ever walk her? Leash? Harness? or is she always alone on potty breaks, etc.

We use to walk her before moving into this home. Since we moved in on the 3rd we have only let her out on the fenced in back yard. When we would walk her we she would always hate walking on wet grass. It was very hard to get her to do her business when the grass was wet. We always used a leash and her collar. She is very good at being walked. She will not pull and sits if she is asked to do so.
The beauty of a EB, STUBBORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If Ralph doesn't go pee pee in the morning before i go to work i have to pick him up and take him out myself. Ralphs way or the highway. re.png
We use to walk her before moving into this home. Since we moved in on the 3rd we have only let her out on the fenced in back yard. When we would walk her we she would always hate walking on wet grass. It was very hard to get her to do her business when the grass was wet. We always used a leash and her collar. She is very good at being walked. She will not pull and sits if she is asked to do so.

Maybe you need to reestablish your bond with her, leash and harness, walks. Including taking her to potty and rewarding her for going....maybe......
The beauty of a EB, STUBBORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If Ralph doesn't go pee pee in the morning before i go to work i have to pick him up and take him out myself. Ralphs way or the highway. View attachment 118361

Yeah I keep reading that LOL. Iā€™m just trying to make it easier for everyone I really hope I can get her to use this dog door
Maybe you need to reestablish your bond with her, leash and harness, walks. Including taking her to potty and rewarding her for going....maybe......

Yeah at this point Iā€™m willing to try anything. Do you think walking her in the back yard is the thing to do?? I want her to realiza thatā€™s where I need her to go do her business
Yeah at this point Iā€™m willing to try anything. Do you think walking her in the back yard is the thing to do?? I want her to realiza thatā€™s where I need her to go do her business

I think that it certainly will work, she needs your guidance again....that bond with you. She WILL get it but not on her own. Honestly I never understood doggie doors. I am a FREAK about knowing that all is well with Joey, ie bowel movements, pee etc. sorry, but I want to always know that she is healthy, not eating stuff from the yard or anything like that. Joey will be 5 years old in May and to this day (including 6am this morning) she TELLS me that she needs to go out, so we go....TOGETHER :) Flashlight in hand. She has had the run of the house for years now.

I hope that you and Zoe get back in sync, I truly think that you will if you reestablish your relationship with her.....
[MENTION=19434]Nando63[/MENTION], Maybe itā€™s not what you want to hear but......Way to much crating!! Sheā€™s 5yrs old, is she crated because she chews on things? If NOT donā€™t crate her. At night she can sleep with your son? But if she chews at least block off a section n leave her in it. Basically your dog roams free 5hrs a day. 4-9pm. Sorry but thatā€™s not normal nor right for any dog. She sleeps all day in the cage plus at night. At least get a gate n put her in a room so she can move more. If it was a puppy itā€™s another story. At your momā€™s was she roaming free with the other dog? Probably did?

For the rain issue, you guys ever walk her in the rain? Rain or snow all dogs needs to be walked so they get use to Mother Nature. Find a dog park and simply walk around it while itā€™s raining or snowing so her mind will be looking at the other dogs while sheā€™s walking on the wet grass or whatever around the dog park.

Doggy door, use treats. You on one side n your son on the other side. Praise her... sheā€™ll understand the doggy door.

The problem here is you she was living at your moms and now recently just moved 2 weeks ago n you expect her to do everything you want. Sadly it doesnā€™t work like that as you probably already knew. You n your son needs to understand this is an EB, they donā€™t do anything on command like other breeds. Itā€™s your mom that basically raised her at her house while you were still living in your condo n working/school etc.... So yes, donā€™t expect to change a dog in 2 weeks. Takes time as they need to get use to their new surrounding. But definitely get her out of that crate.
Try cheese either side of the door as a treat, Ralph would break down a door when he smells cheese, if i get cheese out in the house Ralph is at my feet in seconds.
Try cheese either side of the door as a treat, Ralph would break down a door when he smells cheese, if i get cheese out in the house Ralph is at my feet in seconds.

Thanks Iā€™ll try that

- - - Updated - - -

Try cheese either side of the door as a treat, Ralph would break down a door when he smells cheese, if i get cheese out in the house Ralph is at my feet in seconds.

Thanks Iā€™ll try that
I think that it certainly will work, she needs your guidance again....that bond with you. She WILL get it but not on her own. Honestly I never understood doggie doors. I am a FREAK about knowing that all is well with Joey, ie bowel movements, pee etc. sorry, but I want to always know that she is healthy, not eating stuff from the yard or anything like that. Joey will be 5 years old in May and to this day (including 6am this morning) she TELLS me that she needs to go out, so we go....TOGETHER :) Flashlight in hand. She has had the run of the house for years now.

I hope that you and Zoe get back in sync, I truly think that you will if you reestablish your relationship with her.....

Thanks I will keep working on it
[MENTION=19434]Nando63[/MENTION], Maybe itā€™s not what you want to hear but......Way to much crating!! Sheā€™s 5yrs old, is she crated because she chews on things? If NOT donā€™t crate her. At night she can sleep with your son? But if she chews at least block off a section n leave her in it. Basically your dog roams free 5hrs a day. 4-9pm. Sorry but thatā€™s not normal nor right for any dog. She sleeps all day in the cage plus at night. At least get a gate n put her in a room so she can move more. If it was a puppy itā€™s another story. At your momā€™s was she roaming free with the other dog? Probably did?

For the rain issue, you guys ever walk her in the rain? Rain or snow all dogs needs to be walked so they get use to Mother Nature. Find a dog park and simply walk around it while itā€™s raining or snowing so her mind will be looking at the other dogs while sheā€™s walking on the wet grass or whatever around the dog park.

Doggy door, use treats. You on one side n your son on the other side. Praise her... sheā€™ll understand the doggy door.

The problem here is you she was living at your moms and now recently just moved 2 weeks ago n you expect her to do everything you want. Sadly it doesnā€™t work like that as you probably already knew. You n your son needs to understand this is an EB, they donā€™t do anything on command like other breeds. Itā€™s your mom that basically raised her at her house while you were still living in your condo n working/school etc.... So yes, donā€™t expect to change a dog in 2 weeks. Takes time as they need to get use to their new surrounding. But definitely get her out of that crate.

Thanks for the reply. Yes she was roaming free at my mother house but she would also have a lot of accidents and my mother simply didnā€™t care. It became a problem because now I canā€™t trust her in the house. She is in the crate because I canā€™t trust her not to use the go in the house. I agree is way to much time in the crate. My plan is to train her to use the dog door. Once she uses it I would like to leave the crate up against the dog door so she can come and go as she wishes. After some time with no accidents eventually leave her roaming free. Yes we did walk her in the rain or snow but she just hates it. She just wanted to go back home. If it was up to her she would just run back in.
Thanks for the reply. Yes she was roaming free at my mother house but she would also have a lot of accidents and my mother simply didnā€™t care. It became a problem because now I canā€™t trust her in the house. She is in the crate because I canā€™t trust her not to use the go in the house. I agree is way to much time in the crate. My plan is to train her to use the dog door. Once she uses it I would like to leave the crate up against the dog door so she can come and go as she wishes. After some time with no accidents eventually leave her roaming free. Yes we did walk her in the rain or snow but she just hates it. She just wanted to go back home. If it was up to her she would just run back in.

Sorry to jump in on [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION] Helene's post BUT PLEASE BE VERY VERY careful with "at will" use of the dog door when you are not home. If anything would happen, ie SUMMER HEAT....and Zoe is unable to get back in or refuses to go back in, by the time she overheats it will be TOO please re-think your configuration. There are many safe ways to accomplish your goals with Zoe.

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