Angus jumped off the pier...


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Bullie (RIP) & Angus (RIP)
I shared the crazy story about my first bulldog, Bullie (passed away last September), who has this weird fascination with water. You can't put her close to the pool because she will jump in. And she can't swim. But she doesn't care - she will jump in.

My other bulldog, Angus, never did that. He is one of the few bulldogs who can swim and when he was younger, he would chase a frisbee into the ocean but he never jumped into a pool or anything of the sort unless he is chasing a frisbee. But he is 10-years-old now and he gets tired very fast so we don't throw frisbees in the water anymore. He usually just lounges under the sunshade and sniffs any dog that passes by.

But the day before Thanksgiving, we were walking down the pier and, for some idiotic reason, he JUMPED 10 FEET INTO THE WATER! We have this 16-foot long leash hooked to his harness and it was rolled completely out. My husband pulled him up with the leash and I was afraid the leash was going to snap and my husband would have to jump into the water to keep him afloat until a boat can fish them out. I don't know what he was thinking. Maybe Bullie whispered into his ear from the rainbow bridge or something. Luckily, the leash held up and we were able to just pull him 10 feet up by the leash. We plopped him on the boardwalk and he's acting like nothing weird happened.

Saturday after Thanksgiving we spent the day on the beach and he was like a pup again chasing frisbees. I don't know what kind of Red Bull he drank to get all that energy again. Today, it's almost noon and he's still fast asleep snoring away - been like that for 3 days now. That was the weirdest vacation ever.

angus beach.jpg
Crazy story! Thank goodness the leash held up!!! Angus will probably sleep another 2 days after all of that FUN!! Your story put a smile on my face just thinking of the pure JOY Angus must have felt!!!! Joey loves the water too, but she tires quickly. NEVER unattended when we're near water (or ever for that matter LOL)
Holy COW!! Thank goodness you ha that leash on him... what an ordeal that would have been. 10 yr old puppy energy is interesting, hope he continues that way, however get that red bull away from him, you don't need all night zoomies
Wow! Great that he was on a leash and that you could pull him out of the water. It is strange how these slow furballs suddenly exhibit such bursts of energy and they come out of nowhere, it seems. In Angus's case, it must have been Bullie whispering to him!
Good job!! Phew :whew:

When I walk with the pups in the cold water of the Rockies I too put the harnesses on. That water is too cold for me lol..
If I see itā€™s deeper water I always bring the 20ā€™ leash we made for our GS. Our GS was 125fit dog n would also go under water to swim. Scared the crap out of me. So we made him a special leash. I bought real ā€œCarabiner Hooks for Hikingā€ in these specialty hiking stores. Mine is the ones that screws not the clip on. I felt if he goes under n does come up it wonā€™t snap nor open. Thatā€™s what I now use for Nyala n Jake in deeper or water with some current. These dogs are too short.
Lol.... lucky for the leash!
I want to get Bella to a beach! Someday soon hopefully. I think she would love it!

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Good grief... I'm glad the leash held up!!!

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