New member
Feb 18, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Matilda(RIP), Dozer

After having lost our last bully Matilda in Oct of 2019 we have finally found another. We just brought home an 8 week old puppy today named Dozer. We have never raised a puppy before so we have some questions mainly about feeding.

We are going to give him a few days to settle into his new home before we start to transition off the Royal Canin that he is currently on. We have purchased Acana Puppy but aren't clear on the amount or frequency we should be feeding him. The bag says for his weight now and for his adult size it should be 2/3 of a cup and another spot on the bag says to feed twice a day. So is that 2/3 twice a day or do we halve that amount and feed him 1/3 twice a day? Other sites and foods I'm seeing say feed him 3 times a day until he is 6 months.

Also we know Acana is good but is the single protein better then the puppy stuff? The puppy stuff is mostly poultry so we got some freeze dried salmon and beef liver treats which are single ingredient to introduce him to a few new things. Are we ok to stay on the puppy formula or should I try and return it and go with the single protein on rotation?


Hi there, your puppy is adorable!

You already have the puppy one so just finish the bag. Donā€™t worry about it. After get the single protein bags.

I say this often...When itā€™s a pup, definitely feed some chicken!! The body needs to build to all proteins. The more you introduce different proteins the better. Less allergies IF ANY down the road. All my dogs had chicken, never had issues. Itā€™s the grains you need to watch for. Btw, I suggest to feed raw organs as a topper. Organs if loaded of probiotics. A dog needs a strong immune system n raw diet is the key. If not full raw diet at least use raw organs as toppers. Start now to build his immune system stronger.
Firstly Dozer looks awesome! :D good luck with your new bully, we are just starting the long search to find our new bully boy after losing Dudley 5 weeks ago.

I second everything helsonwheels has said :yes: Thats exactly what we will be doing when we eventually get another bulldog.

We made a slight mistake with Dudley and every time we found a food we thought he had no issues with we were so relieved he was ok we would leave him on it ā€œif it isnā€™t broken donā€™t fix itā€ kind of thing! But we learned that you need to find different proteins you can rotate with to help stop allergy problems farther down the line.
Dozer is adorable... Congrats on your new addition!!!

I stuck with puppy food until my babies were almost a year (8 months) old... I feed my pups Fromm's puppy gold, but Acana is a great brand. DO switch up the proteins to find out what works best!!! My Willow could eat anything, but Walter has been a problem since day one.

Puppies are just like babies... small tummies and always hungry!!! I fed mine 3 times a day... that made potty training a little easier, but I'm at home so of course that schedule worked out for our house.
Welcome! Everyone has you covered on food but you should definitely feed a puppy 3 times a day.

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Congratulations; Dozer looks adorable. I must admit I'm not in favour of crating dogs but I can see he has already crate trained you!

Concerning feediong, you have got lots of good advice. I remember we had Castor on three meals a day until he was 7-8 months something and then went down to two meals a day.
Welcome to EBN! Congratulations on your new baby.. he is gorgeous!

Gang has you covered with great advice

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I think everyone has you covered on the food front, but all i have to say is O-M-G what a cutie!!!!!!! Can't take that face!:heart::havemyheart:
Well it looks like Dozer is going to have issues like Matilda did. We swapped him over to Acana puppy from the royal canin and he is getting scabs all over his back and has a very running nose with thick green boogers. Took him to the vet and heart and lungs sound good. Going to try switch from the Acana puppy to Acana single Lamb and we also picked up Acana single Pacific pilchard. Hopefully it was just the chicken in the Acana puppy causing the issue. I'd rather not put him back on royal canin but he had no issues with it and it's what his parents ate.
Well it looks like Dozer is going to have issues like Matilda did. We swapped him over to Acana puppy from the royal canin and he is getting scabs all over his back and has a very running nose with thick green boogers. Took him to the vet and heart and lungs sound good. Going to try switch from the Acana puppy to Acana single Lamb and we also picked up Acana single Pacific pilchard. Hopefully it was just the chicken in the Acana puppy causing the issue. I'd rather not put him back on royal canin but he had no issues with it and it's what his parents ate.

Dozer is only 8 weeks old. They dont have allergies at that age. Ok 99.999% none. The RC basically screwed up his system. Start with the Acana single Pacific pilchard. One bag at the time. If you jump to different proteins you will not know IF heā€™s allergic to an ingredient in the bag. Lamb is a bit harder to digest. Do the fish, then the duck, then chicken, then the lamb. As a pup, definitely give chicken only after once one bag is finished. You will be building up his immune system. When pups are introduced to chicken as a young age, extremely rare they develop allergies. I say this often, rotating proteins at a young age like pups is the best thing you can do for any pet. All my dogs had chicken, none ever had issues. Also use raw organs as a topper on his kibbles. 1/2 per day. Loaded of probiotics. BUT wait after a bag or couple bags since you got him off RC.

Again, I stress this often, Rotation as a pup is the KEY to eliminate most if not all allergies. Jake, Nyala (Duke) all eat/ate Turkey, Beef, Horse, Bison, Chicken, Pork, Duck, any Wild game, any fish etc etc. Because they were introduced every protein on the market as pups.
Dozer is only 8 weeks old. They dont have allergies at that age. Ok 99.999% none. The RC basically screwed up his system. Start with the Acana single Pacific pilchard. One bag at the time. If you jump to different proteins you will not know IF heā€™s allergic to an ingredient in the bag. Lamb is a bit harder to digest. Do the fish, then the duck, then chicken, then the lamb. As a pup, definitely give chicken only after once one bag is finished. You will be building up his immune system. When pups are introduced to chicken as a young age, extremely rare they develop allergies. I say this often, rotating proteins at a young age like pups is the best thing you can do for any pet. All my dogs had chicken, none ever had issues. Also use raw organs as a topper on his kibbles. 1/2 per day. Loaded of probiotics. BUT wait after a bag or couple bags since you got him off RC.

Again, I stress this often, Rotation as a pup is the KEY to eliminate most if not all allergies. Jake, Nyala (Duke) all eat/ate Turkey, Beef, Horse, Bison, Chicken, Pork, Duck, any Wild game, any fish etc etc. Because they were introduced every protein on the market as pups.

Alright we will give that a shot thanks. The vet told us he was likely allergic to something. His whole back is coverered with scabs and he is chewing his paws. His snotty nose is getting better after some steam showers though. Matilda had the same issues and worse which is why i figured we are dealing with allergies again.
Alright we will give that a shot thanks. The vet told us he was likely allergic to something. His whole back is coverered with scabs and he is chewing his paws. His snotty nose is getting better after some steam showers though. Matilda had the same issues and worse which is why i figured we are dealing with allergies again.

Like I mentioned earlier, Rare 2-3 month old gets any allergies from any food cause theyā€™re bodies still have mommyā€™s milk so they are well protected. Like a human baby drinking Momā€™s breast milk. Good immune system. That being said, if his parents were fed only RC thatā€™s not healthy for the pups. You mentioned he is getting scabs all over his back and has a very running nose with thick green boogers. Did the vet do a scrap to analyze the skin issue? Also as you probably know, thick green boogers is a sign of infection.

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