
New member
Oct 31, 2019
Bulldog(s) Names
Nala & Lilo
This is my baby girl Nala 10 months old.

She has had this happen 4 times in the last 2 months. The first time they thought it was a bee sting. 2nd and 3rd time, she had just gotten a bath with some special medicine shampoo, and immediately broke out, so we thought it was the shampoo. We got baby shampoo and gave her a Benadryl about an hour before we bathed her, and haven't had a problem since!

This morning we woke up, and was getting ready for the day, and I noticed the first couple bumps. we called her vet and took her in right away. By the time we got there, she looked like these photos. (the vet is 12 min away from the house)

She eats Taste of the wild Salmon, and has been eating that for her whole life! Im about to make an apt with a specialist to get a skin test done and figure out what she is allergic to. Any ideas?

Also - her nipples, this is not normal at all and they're HUGE. my other bulldog never had this happen. Both my girls eat the same food and live in the same house and are always together. But Nala my all white one, just keeps getting hives.

PLEASE HELP, thanks <3

Yikes! Have you changed anything in the house like detergent or cleaning products? Also, they can develop an allergy at any time even if they didn't have it before. Louie went through a 2 week period of hives a couple of months ago. I still don't know what was causing the issue.
Ugh no, we have not changed any detergents or cleaning products, we actually have just bought all new hypoallergenic kinds to use in the future. She goes in for allergy testing tomorrow morning.
Poor Nala! Castor broke out into hives like that once when we took him to the beach (it was his birthday too, so a miserable way to celebrate). It probably was some kind of sand flies, so I was thinking, have you taken Nala to the beach or to some other place where there might be bugs she doesn't encounter on a daily basis? Hope you soon find out what causes the reaction.
Ugh no, we have not changed any detergents or cleaning products, we actually have just bought all new hypoallergenic kinds to use in the future. She goes in for allergy testing tomorrow morning.

Yes specialist needed alright. Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s mastitis which are more prone to come back as itā€™s all her nipples. Has she had a heat cycle as some dogs can start very young n we wonā€™t notice it cause itā€™s very early stage.
I was wondering if it was heat cycle related too.
[MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION] [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] any insight

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Looks allergy related to me...see what Vet says

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