
New member
Feb 16, 2017
United states
Bulldog(s) Names
Diesel and Bentley
Hi guys! I havenā€™t been on here in forever. I have a second bully now which Iā€™m having some problems with. Heā€™s 10 months old. 2 weeks ago he started with watery diarrhea and vomited several times . Vet put him on metronidazole and took an x ray and didnā€™t see an obstruction. I was sent on my way with a couple cans of rx food (hills i/d). The diarrhea cleared up for the most part. He does have soft stools though. He is also vomiting once a day since this, his entire meal. It can vary from 1-5 hours after eating. Before he got sick I did try a new Fromm flavor, about 5 days after feeding this he started getting sick. He constantly lick his paws, vet says he has hives in the one ear, and has teary eyes, and a pink face.. The vet mentioned changing his food to Purina sensitive skin and stomach for these issues... any suggestions?!! Sorry for the long post!
Hi guys! I havenā€™t been on here in forever. I have a second bully now which Iā€™m having some problems with. Heā€™s 10 months old. 2 weeks ago he started with watery diarrhea and vomited several times . Vet put him on metronidazole and took an x ray and didnā€™t see an obstruction. I was sent on my way with a couple cans of rx food (hills i/d). The diarrhea cleared up for the most part. He does have soft stools though. He is also vomiting once a day since this, his entire meal. It can vary from 1-5 hours after eating. Before he got sick I did try a new Fromm flavor, about 5 days after feeding this he started getting sick. He constantly lick his paws, vet says he has hives in the one ear, and has teary eyes, and a pink face.. The vet mentioned changing his food to Purina sensitive skin and stomach for these issues... any suggestions?!! Sorry for the long post!
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Whatever you do do not give your puppy vet food. Your dogā€™s gut is messed yup. Meds kills all good bacteria and the flora in our gut just like dogs gets screwed up. I say this often but truly works getting back on track. Get fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies in the fridge section. 1 good full size tablespoon in his meals per day for now. Also organic pumpkin purĆ©e and NOT the one for pies. The 100% pure one. Give a good tablespoon as a snack 2x per day till stools are firmer. I like Acana as itsthe only one that has tripe in it which is a great probiotic dogs needs daily. BUT for now, go back to the original Fromm he was on till diarrhea stops. Give it a good month then change food slowly. Licking paws n ear issues is a sign the food isnā€™t working for him. What flavor of Fromm is he on?

For the ears for now, get a cotton ball n add 2-3 drops of essential lavender oil, swipe inside the ear but ABOVE the ear canal not inside the canal. Oil will seep on its own n will kill bacteria inside the ears.
Thank you!! He was on Fromm puppy still, then I switched to white fish potato, then about a week later all this happened. He is still vomiting once a day.. I have him back on the Fromm puppy. The vet wants me to bring him in Tuesday for a barium series and more X-rays.... and thank you for all the suggestions, I will definitely try them!
Thank you!! He was on Fromm puppy still, then I switched to white fish potato, then about a week later all this happened. He is still vomiting once a day.. I have him back on the Fromm puppy. The vet wants me to bring him in Tuesday for a barium series and more X-rays.... and thank you for all the suggestions, I will definitely try them!

I would even do a bland diet, before the vet food. Fromm is a great kibble, but he could be allergic to one of the ingredients.

What does the vomit look like? Is it food or bile or foam?

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I would even do a bland diet, before the vet food. Fromm is a great kibble, but he could be allergic to one of the ingredients.

What does the vomit look like? Is it food or bile or foam?

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Yeah thatā€™s what I was thinking... itā€™s just whole undigested food..
Yeah thatā€™s what I was thinking... itā€™s just whole undigested food..

How is he acting? Any behavior changes?
Whole indigested food is usually an indication of blockage... happy to hear they are doing the barium testing with X-ray... it is much more accurate

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Ughh I hope itā€™s not that! He has an appetite but I can tell he gets nauseous from time to time. Heā€™s lip smacking a lot. Itā€™s hard to tell if heā€™s lethargic, heā€™s usually pretty lazy to begin with..
Ughh I hope itā€™s not that! He has an appetite but I can tell he gets nauseous from time to time. Heā€™s lip smacking a lot. Itā€™s hard to tell if heā€™s lethargic, heā€™s usually pretty lazy to begin with..

Lip smacking is an upset belly... try bland diet, but instead of rice use egg noodles. My first boy, had this issue for months and then we found out he was allergic to rice. We had been feeding him rice/chicken so it never cleared up... did allergy testing.. removed rice and he was fine

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Lip smacking is an upset belly... try bland diet, but instead of rice use egg noodles. My first boy, had this issue for months and then we found out he was allergic to rice. We had been feeding him rice/chicken so it never cleared up... did allergy testing.. removed rice and he was fine

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Iā€™ll try that, thank you! Yeah Iā€™m not really sure what his problem is since this all just started all of a sudden.. I will update you guys once I find out on Tuesday! Thanks again!
I would swear by pumpkin. As a pup, our Stella seemed to always had diarrhea. We first discovered that she is allergic to chicken, so we removed all chicken from her diet. Then, I started mixing pure pumpkin with her food. Since using the pumpkin she has no stomach issues at all. It was like a miracle cure!
Bentley was at the vet all day Tuesday, they did about 5 xrays and found nothing. The barium moved through. She put him on amoxicillin, metronidazole and Famotidine.. he hasnā€™t vomited since Sunday, now last night he vomited his food... the vet isnā€™t really sure whatā€™s wrong with him... :(
Bentley was at the vet all day Tuesday, they did about 5 xrays and found nothing. The barium moved through. She put him on amoxicillin, metronidazole and Famotidine.. he hasnā€™t vomited since Sunday, now last night he vomited his food... the vet isnā€™t really sure whatā€™s wrong with him... :(

Get full blood panel allergy testing done... he MIGHT be allergic to something in the food

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