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Aug 27, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
People always stop me to say what a stunning bulldog Hank is. I normally agree ;) but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right now, he looks like CRAP to me (though he still struts his stuff and still *looks* good from a distance) and is itchy like not b4. Im pretty sure it's environmental and he has those spots on back where there is hair loss dots and scratching his face and ears. Pollens are bad around here and im sneezing a ton as well so guessing it's that? Anyway, He does get releaf when i put coconut oil and drops of cbd rubbed on ears, Or Helsonwheels magic potion (best ever stuff!!!) ;) but more needs doing. Seems that last year, i just added some fish oil to his meal and walla the itch went away,,,, not happening this time. Im thinking it's Cytopoint shot has got to happen *for* him to ease the itching till the weather calms down. Anyway not sure what im asking except ......... any other suggestions? I HATE pills for him or me, and for some reason, i think the 'shot' is easier on him than if i was to give pills 2x a day. Opinions?????
Sorry to hear- I would try giving Hank enough fish oil to provide 100 to 150 mg EPA and DHA per 10 pounds of body weight daily. Plus natural source Vitamin E 800 IU once weekly. Or try switching him to fish protein in his food. Plus cetirizine 10 mg twice daily. If that doesn't work try the Cytopoint injection- its the safest one out there.
I have “lotsa” magic potion [MENTION=16280]Hankster[/MENTION] lol... god I should get on my broom n fly to your house :halloween5:

Now this is what I would try before meds. Why don’t you try putting him on raw? [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION] just switched and already seeing the difference. Is hank on some kind of probiotics?
Thank you [MENTION=16884]Dollys Owner[/MENTION],,,,, will add more of the oil...I had just put him back on that, and coconut oil back and forth so mabie i need to give it more time..... And [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION],,,, start flyin!! although i tellya! you have the most beautiful country there i've ever viewed (on youtube ;) , i'd rather jump on MY broom and fly there... only dont think it would carry this Hankster of mine too ;) And, Hanks been on strait raw for over a year,, mabie two lol cant remember. He has snagged , as of late, some of my home cooked that i do for my sons old chihuahua and it sometimes has chicken but has not ever *before* seemed to react to chicken. I'll watch that better, it's just hard not to give him a bite when im mixing it all up as the smells permeate the house and he wants haha Anyway, we shall see, he's comfortable right now, sleeps great but when he comes in from outside (mostly grassy areas) is when he goes to town.
Thank you [MENTION=16884]Dollys Owner[/MENTION],,,,, will add more of the oil...I had just put him back on that, and coconut oil back and forth so mabie i need to give it more time..... And [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION],,,, start flyin!! although i tellya! you have the most beautiful country there i've ever viewed (on youtube ;) , i'd rather jump on MY broom and fly there... only dont think it would carry this Hankster of mine too ;) And, Hanks been on strait raw for over a year,, mabie two lol cant remember. He has snagged , as of late, some of my home cooked that i do for my sons old chihuahua and it sometimes has chicken but has not ever *before* seemed to react to chicken. I'll watch that better, it's just hard not to give him a bite when im mixing it all up as the smells permeate the house and he wants haha Anyway, we shall see, he's comfortable right now, sleeps great but when he comes in from outside (mostly grassy areas) is when he goes to town.

Ohhh yes true... I answer so many questions on food that I can’t recall everybody. Sorry about that Jill. When I read “chihuahua “ I went duhhhh me. The Chihuahua gave me a flashback. Lol.

Intriguing now why... Duke use to get them lose hair spots, was stress cause of Nyala. I recall clamping down on her so she can leave him alone. Which did help but also he went on 100% raw. Something it can happen a dog will eat chicken n out of nowhere they’re allergic to it. Try removing it see what happens. What if you up the CBD oil?
Thank you [MENTION=16884]Dollys Owner[/MENTION],,,,, will add more of the oil...I had just put him back on that, and coconut oil back and forth so mabie i need to give it more time..... And [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION],,,, start flyin!! although i tellya! you have the most beautiful country there i've ever viewed (on youtube ;) , i'd rather jump on MY broom and fly there... only dont think it would carry this Hankster of mine too ;) And, Hanks been on strait raw for over a year,, mabie two lol cant remember. He has snagged , as of late, some of my home cooked that i do for my sons old chihuahua and it sometimes has chicken but has not ever *before* seemed to react to chicken. I'll watch that better, it's just hard not to give him a bite when im mixing it all up as the smells permeate the house and he wants haha Anyway, we shall see, he's comfortable right now, sleeps great but when he comes in from outside (mostly grassy areas) is when he goes to town.

Do you ever give Hank any snacks? I've been giving my dog some snacks lately that have rosemary extract in them and I think she might be allergic to that as she started to lick her paws again, so I'll stop those.
boy,,,, a whole bunch comes to mind when ya start talking about an Issue! Hank had to stay home w/o me but my neighbor coming to feed for two days. Wonder if the "stress" and possible 'snacks' did him in. I mean, he was getting the spots, but not this crazy face itch.. AND, sad story about Rosemary, My heart dog NoWell, developed seizures in her late years and they seemed to stem from Rosemary :( Took a while to figure out and they never went completely away, but very noticeably were triggered by that in her food. Yikes, it is also growing all over here right now, though he isnt out front where it is. Well, i have more to think about here. I dont know if i hope its something in his food, or hope it's something in the air that will change up soon. Well, it "is what it is" and i will have to control my desire to toss him a bite of the chi's food ;) Thanks you guys, i've missed it here :)
boy,,,, a whole bunch comes to mind when ya start talking about an Issue! Hank had to stay home w/o me but my neighbor coming to feed for two days. Wonder if the "stress" and possible 'snacks' did him in. I mean, he was getting the spots, but not this crazy face itch.. AND, sad story about Rosemary, My heart dog NoWell, developed seizures in her late years and they seemed to stem from Rosemary :( Took a while to figure out and they never went completely away, but very noticeably were triggered by that in her food. Yikes, it is also growing all over here right now, though he isnt out front where it is. Well, i have more to think about here. I dont know if i hope its something in his food, or hope it's something in the air that will change up soon. Well, it "is what it is" and i will have to control my desire to toss him a bite of the chi's food ;) Thanks you guys, i've missed it here :)

Oh and here for your FYI...

Also be sure he is getting a probiotic... stress smacks the immune system so you want the probiotic to help keep it balanced

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Also be sure he is getting a probiotic... stress smacks the immune system so you want the probiotic to help keep it balanced

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Yes thank you :) I have been lax about this but have a good batch of that green meat (cant even think of the name haha) and fermented sauerkraut i will start back up today.
Yes thank you :) I have been lax about this but have a good batch of that green meat (cant even think of the name haha) and fermented sauerkraut i will start back up today.

Tripe!! Green n smelly

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