URGENT!!! Possible soft tissue sarcoma...


New member
Apr 8, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Dear all, Ulysses and I are back and we are extremely happy to reconnect with our bully forum family again. So sorry to have been disconnected for a while but as you all know, sometimes life gets in the way and one looses touch for a bit. Sadly, we received not such good news from the vet this week. About 6 weeks ago, Ulysses had what seemed to be a little hotspot or some sort of insect bite on his left hind leg. However, it began to grow quite quickly and two weeks ago we decided that a visit to the vet was necessary. As soon as she shaved it, it was clear that it was something much more serious than expected. It looked like a tumor. Of course we were shocked but still hoped it was nothing too serious and that it could perhaps be treated with antibiotics (it looked like an infected wound). But, this week we got the results from the biopsy and the "wound" has a high probability of being a malignant tumor of the soft tissue.

Now we are scheduling surgery and seeing a second vet because the one we saw last week is now on vacations, and honestly, I want this thing removed from my boy immediately. Of course, I am devastated and for some moments I want to think it is not true and Uly is just as healthy and bossy as usual. So far he was doing well and the "wound" didn't seem to bother him. Unfortunately, since yesterday he seems more lethargic, bothered and a little in pain. He finds it difficult to be comfortable... and I can feel that he is not feeling well. Of course me crying all the time has possibly some effect on him too, so I'm trying to avoid it but it is too hard. The possibility of loosing him is too overwhelming for me and I can't imagine my life without him. I can tell you all of this because I know you bully parents understand, people around me.. not so much.

So for the moment I would like to ask whether any of you has any experience with this, and of course, we are thankful for your positive thoughts and prayers. Lots of love to all!!!
Sorry to hear you are going through this. Castor and I send our best regards and will keep your boy in our prayers.
Sorry to hear you are going through this. Castor and I send our best regards and will keep your boy in our prayers.

Thank you so much cefe13 :) . Castor is adorable! <3
So good to see you back, but sorry for what you and Ulysses are going through, sending positive thoughts and healing prayers.
[MENTION=11639]rjisaterp[/MENTION] [MENTION=9956]nubonics[/MENTION]. Both these members recently have experience with their bulldog and cancer
Hi Chip. Sorry to hear that Ully has this but glad you had it evaluated. Jewel had what I thought was a sebaceous cyst but turned out to be a mass cell tumor. It was removed and the margins were clean. We chose chemo as a prophylaxis; however, we had the chemo stopped because Jewel's quality of life deteriorated. Because of the high dose of prednisone, Jewel developed calcinosis cutis but now has since resolved (please see my thread in Caring for your Bully). We have an oncology follow-up on Monday.

This is going to be one step at a time my friend. Tincture of time as well. Just keep us posted. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and of course Ully.

Please try to have good holidays.

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So good to see you back, but sorry for what you and Ulysses are going through, sending positive thoughts and healing prayers.
[MENTION=11639]rjisaterp[/MENTION] [MENTION=9956]nubonics[/MENTION]. Both these members recently have experience with their bulldog and cancer

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[MENTION=4663]Maife[/MENTION] maybe also look into CBD oil.
So good to see you back, but sorry for what you and Ulysses are going through, sending positive thoughts and healing prayers.
@rjisaterp @nubonics. Both these members recently have experience with their bulldog and cancer

Thank you so much for the lovely wishes, Christine!
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. We will definitely go for surgery as soon as possible. After that we will see which course of action to follow. I had already thought that chemo would't be an option for us, because of the side effects mostly. I want him to be as happy and healthy as possibly until his last day with us... and I know from previous experiences with loved ones, that chemo more often than not, has the complete opposite effect. And now knowing that your little Jewel had a hard time with it, I'm even more set on a hard pass for chemo. But I also don't want to get ahead of myself and, as you say, we'll take it one step at the time.

For the moment the new vet is evaluating the biopsy and blood-work results and we will hopefully settle on a surgery date this week.

Yesterday was really tough. He was obviously in pain and trying to reach the "wound". I smelled it, and actually it had a very bad smell... we went this morning to the vet and he got again antibiotics and some pain medication. Both of which he should take up to surgery day. She said the smell can come from the old bacteria inside the wound... although to me it looks more like necrotic tissue... so for the moment he is on those meds and we have a little waiting to do.

Again thank you so much, also for your lovely wishes. I will keep you posted and our thoughts and prayers are also with you, your family, and Jewel. Hope everything goes well at the follow-up on Monday!

Hi Chip. Sorry to hear that Ully has this but glad you had it evaluated. Jewel had what I thought was a sebaceous cyst but turned out to be a mass cell tumor. It was removed and the margins were clean. We chose chemo as a prophylaxis; however, we had the chemo stopped because Jewel's quality of life deteriorated. Because of the high dose of prednisone, Jewel developed calcinosis cutis but now has since resolved (please see my thread in Caring for your Bully). We have an oncology follow-up on Monday.

This is going to be one step at a time my friend. Tincture of time as well. Just keep us posted. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and of course Ully.

Please try to have good holidays.

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Thank you for the tip! I'll definitely look into it. Any ideas on the side effects on dogs?[/

[MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION] gives it to one of her dogs she can probably give her input.

I am more on the holistic way of doing things and I personally if I was in your shoes, I sure would do CBD... but THATS ME. :) hereā€™s a link that might help you out understanding CBD.

I give CBD oil twice a day to my French Bulldog as maintenance for inflammation as he has a disc disease. I canā€™t tell you if it works as itā€™s to hopefully prevent another flare up but itā€™s not hurting him so if itā€™s helping him, Iā€™m all for it.

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Bella and I sending prayers...

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