frustrated and sad


New member
Oct 28, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
My kids had been asking for a dog forever and we finally gave in. Now we have this dog they can barely interact with because he is so agressive towards them. He is only 11 weeks and still a puppy but he is not affectionate. He goea after clothes and constantly tries to bite them. They can't help me walk or take the dog out to the bathroom at all because they are afraid and cant control him. Of course he acts like an angle at the trainers and kujo at our house.
My kids had been asking for a dog forever and we finally gave in. Now we have this dog they can barely interact with because he is so agressive towards them. He is only 11 weeks and still a puppy but he is not affectionate. He goea after clothes and constantly tries to bite them. They can't help me walk or take the dog out to the bathroom at all because they are afraid and cant control him. Of course he acts like an angle at the trainers and kujo at our house.

Oh dear, sounds like a difficult situation. Unless you are used to dogs and can handle the dog, my suggestions is that you get help from a trainer who does not primarily train the pup but who trains you and the kids. A dog mustn't be the children's responsibility; it has to be walked by a grown-up. I don't know how old your kids are but unless they are very used to dogs, they may not be able to handle a difficult dog encounter, for instance. Taking a dog out is not just dealing with your own pup but with everyuthing that can happen as you go out among people, dogs, cars, etc. Sorry if I come across as critical - that was not my intention. I just think it is important that you and the kids learn to deal with the new baby in the house. Pups can act as if they are aggressive when they play. If the kids run and shout, for instance, that might trigger the dog and pups can bite when they play.
It can very frustrating w/this breed during what we know as "shark faze" when they are essentially teething, and learning the rules of the home. Basically you need to treat them like toddlers... IF they misbehave after they are told to stop, then put them in time-out. I had a penned area (with a plastic baby crate) and I would use that... after about 5 min or so I would let them out. IF they didn't behave we continued w/the time-outs and I would add more time. I promise you, he will get the picture and decide that behaving is the best choice.

AS for your kiddos and the bitting so forth... make sure you have plenty of alternatives such as nylabones, and antlers (NO RAWHIDES) in reach. We had them scattered all over the house in case of an attack.

I think that puppy classes are GREAT once they have all their basic shots... it helps w/potty training and making bad choices.

Affection will come... you need to be patient... and you honestly don't know the temperament of a puppy when you bring it home, of course they're adorable and sweet. Consistency is the key here... award good behavior, and time-outs for the bad. Hang in there!!!
I cannot imagine that an 11 week old puppy is being aggressive. They are being a puppy! They all go through that phase, it’s the shark phase and they have razor sharp teeth and they hurt! And it lasts a good few months.

Now, if you brought home this puppy before he was 8 weeks old. You might have some behavioral issues as that would be too young to take away from his mother and littermates.

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@Cmdurso It sounds to me like you were not a "dog person". Meaning that you are not able to train a pup to behave.The pup is not being what you call "aggressive" it is him just being an out of control little pup! You need to be trained, in order to train a pup to behave. All pups like to bite and misbehave,and have to be trained to have manners. Until they lose their baby teeth, they need to have safe things to chew on, and to hand them to bite, instead of you,or the children. Having a trainer train the pup, will do no good, unless you learn how to train the pup,too. The children also have to learn ,also. Puppyhood is sometimes a trying time, but once you work hard at learning/teaching it will all be worth it! Don't give up! :yes: Just like you have to train your children to behave, it is the same with pups!
Everyone else has you covered. Much like toddlers, puppies meee to be taught right from wrong and what is acceptable and what isn’t. Brisket was hard to get under control, but he is now 4 months old and still tries to bite when he gets too riled up but it has dissipated a lot. It takes time and like others said plenty of training for you, your kids, and the pup.
You just answered your own question. No problem at training class? Like mentioned, definitely you need to be trained before the puppy. Puppy is being the boss at home. I always said, a good trainer is the one that will train the owners first then the dog then both together. Talk to your trainer.
When we got Nikolas, our sons were 6 and 9 years old. Nikolas went through his shark faze, BIG TIME! He was very rough and for a time I was worried that it wasn’t going to work. I mean, there were times there was blood and he wasn’t biting or attacking but he would head butt the boys. I also took him to training and learned that we were the problem. We learned to put boundaries with Nikolas and be firm with him, we showed the boys how to be firm with him and with time Nikolas got better. Now he is 2 years old and does not show any of that behavior at all, we became better dog owners and Nikolas has matured.
In all my years of puppy ownership, I have NEVER encountered an "aggressive" 11 week old puppy. There are no bad pups, but we may have bad owners. I mean that respectively. Pups, especially EBD pups are wild, headstrong, nippy, and will be out of control if allowed. It is worse with kids in the house as they are usually ramping up the bad behavior unwittingly. When I got Bogey ( 8 years ago) I thought I got the spawn of satan. He was SO hard to control at times. With the great advice of the many owners here, I learned the "art" of raising a bulldog. Bogey is now the most gentle, loving dog ever. And Jackson ( my 1 year old) is the same, although I did not go thru as bad a puppy time with him. You neeed to be in control at all times. The kids should not be over stimulating your pup. Pups need love an firmness, NEVER anger to discipline. And just like kids, they need naps and time outs. I truly found my pup would rev up his bad behavior when he was over tired. You need to get some puppy training started today! You will never regret it!!
Same here! Bella was pretty nippy as a puppy but now the most lovable, and also loved dog!
Also their growl also sounds a lot worse than it really is. I feel I have to explain that to non English Bulldog owners (boxers are the same [emoji23][emoji1787]). They sound so ferocious but are really not at all!
We have a a boxer too, so when they get to playing it really sounds like a dog fight.
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