Why does my bully bark at random stuff?


Mar 5, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Vader and Reya
Good afternoon everyone.
After trying to take a nap and having my big boy interrupt it several times, I thought I would see if anyone else’s bully just starts barking at random stuff.
Today’s item: Shadow figures in the shade caused by a tree moving in the wind.

I will set up the day a little, both Vader and Reya went to daycare for the morning and early afternoon while I installed a utility sink to wash them and their stuff.
Picked the guys up and returned home uneventful. Played a bit and then feed them and put them down for a quick nap. Then actually was dying to try out the new sink so I scooped up Vader and gave him a bath.
Very uneventful as he likes baths and he needed one. Dried him off and played with him and Reya for a bit. Then it was back to nap time. Reya out like a light as she just romps the whole time at daycare.
Vader reluctantly settled in for his nap. Confirmed both asleep and then decided I would like to take a nap as well… Thirty minutes later I heard the bark.

Not just any bark, but the “I am upset bark”. Vader rarely barks at all and he only has 2 barks.
The you have a couple of minutes to take me outside or I am going to use the pee pad and you’re not going to like it bark and the I am upset bark as someone moved my bowl, toy, I see something odd, I feel odd, I smell something odd, a bug landed on me and looked at me odd type bark.

This bully will sleep through the worse thunder storms, tornado siren going off, rv shaking as the wind pounds it type storms and never stir.
But lately at some random time of the day (usually night) will start the “I am worried about something bark” and everyone should come look and be worried also.
Reya rarely even lifts her head, just looks at him like he is a big dummy and goes back to sleep.

I have often wondered what they are thinking….
Vader: I have been keeping an eye on these shadow guys for months now. No one seems to notice or care about what they are up to, but I know it’s not good.
And they seem to be moving real fast today and I know they are about to attack and I need to let everyone know…… (Bark)
Reya: Why does that big dolt get to be the Alpha dog? I am smarter, faster and well just better… other than the peeing thing… and I don’t want to talk about that… (Sigh)

:evil:Or could it be more deep and sinister:
Vader: I am running out of things to randomly bark at… okay, shadow. He will buy that… I will keep barking at it till the food dude shows up and reassures me all is well.
Then I will start barking at it 30 minutes later and hopefully he will let me into the living room where I will act like I am seeking comfort under the dinette table and that wooden base is all mine….
Reya: Okay the dolt is trying to jail break us… If I was the alfa dog I would think of something better…
But if it works, I will slip under the dinette table and act like I am sleeping as I quietly chew on it as the big dolt gnawing will get him in trouble.

I am sure it is something in between.
But Vader has in the last couple of weeks started to wake up at random times in the night barking at things that he has been exposed to for months.
Examples include night light (all 3 at different times), trashcan, fan, bike ect. Anyone else experiencing this?


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
Staff member
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
Hey... That shadow is scary and it does not belong there! That is what Vader is telling you.

My girl was extremely dominant and everything thing had purpose until we pulled out an empty trash bag, then she would hide like a mouse behind furniture--- Bulldogs tend to have issues with inanimate objects

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EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee
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Willow (2015) Walter (2014-22) Winston (2012-13) Wellie (2012-13) Bella (2007-13)
OH this title is the absolute BEST… Lol

I SO wish we could figure it out… some bullies are more OCD than others. Our Bella and now Walter are the WORST… they both bark at any & everything. We are getting Wally to calm down some, but there are certain things that throw him off the cliff… namely right now the fly swatter… Lol :rofl:


New member
Feb 9, 2016
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Our Jango is hilarious in that if we move anything or he notices something new or out of place he sits and barks at it. He is very observant. PS love your dog names Jango is a Fett but when I tell people his name verbally they think I named him Django after the movie and they always reply "unchained!" ugh.


Dog Hoarder
May 27, 2013
Barrys Bay Ont Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Megan = Meg,
HA HA HA Rosie and Tilly do this , My big tough Bulldog will see something thru the sliding glass door , want out to protect everyone rush hell bent for election to edge of deck bark three tines then turn come running back stub between her legs and ears back scared poopless and wants back in , open the door she runs to the couch jumps on it beside Me and acts like she just saved the world . Rosie acts very very full of her self after these episodes and sort of struts around Tough as nails attitude showing lol
Up where I live when I let her out like that the big guys go out with her as there are bad things or could be in the tree line , No matter she feels pretty cocky when she come back lol

013.jpg007.jpg Here is the scary stuff she see,s and Odin who is one of the big guys that goes out with her , Odin keeps track of Nelli and Rosie he will bark if they wonder in his view to far away


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
The only explaination I can give is that they are just plain nuts!! My two notice everything and anything out of place of new and will bark to alert me! Last night my daughter had friends over in the yard for a fire and Frankie was beside himself because there were people in the house other than us who live there late in the evening interferring with his night time routine. Just embrace it, it wont change and is part of their quirky personalities.

Whitney Chiang

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May 26, 2016
United States
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Yep - no idea why or what brings it on, but every so often ours will bark - full on protective alert bark - at random things. First time it happened it was a pack n play we had borrowed for a relative in town. We moved it from one side of the room to near the door so we wouldn't forget to return it. In the middle of the night,hours after we moved it, Oliver decided it wasn't okay. Next time, it was a plastic bag. He also once chased a "light bug" (watch reflection on the wall) around the room and smack into a wall before we realized what he was going after. We just kind of go with it and tell him "good boy" and he calms down once we've been alerted to the "danger". He's also alerted us to some real potential issues, so we don't want to teach him to not let us know something is wrong, even if it's something ridiculous like a plastic bag.

AJ Fran Cotterman

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Jun 22, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Zeke and Xena
This post is so awesome I thought I had a nut that fell too far from the tree! How neat to see its a breed thing. Zoey is the same way bags are a huge issue so is her reflection and any random thing. The fake owl in the yard sent her crazy for 3 days. Lol sometimes now she will go to deck door and peek out and bark and run back like yea take that owl hahahahahahaha


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2015
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Hmmm, some weird ones Murray likes to bark at include but are not limited to: bulldog things around the house (cookie jar, planter, ceramic figurine, bookends (ok, ok, so maybe I'm a little obsessed but who here isn't?!), balloons, the creepy neighbor at my parents that I never liked. He's a silly boy sometimes but I love him and his little weird woofs dearly!


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May 19, 2013
South Carolina
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I think we need to give them more credit. Maybe it's something we can't see or hear... an earthquake we can't feel, maybe they're sensing our stress or blood sugar changes... aliens.. or, during football season, maybe they're just channeling Uga! :unsure:


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May 3, 2016
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Chunk, Harley Fatboy
Harley always barks at random stuff (almost daily), but mostly noises. Chunk however, he barks, growls and runs from cardboard boxes, trash bags, grocery bags, his shadow on the wall one time... ���� He is the silly one. They both have their protective bark, their alert bark, their "mom, mom, hey mom...mom, mom, moooooom" bark �� And their play bark. Harley cries occasionally it is THE weirdest thing I have ever heard. The first time he did it was at my mother's house when we gated him on one side of the house and my mom and I were freaking out because we didn't know what the noise was or where it was coming from till he did it in front of us! �� A couple months ago, Harley got the bright idea he was going to play with me in the middle of the night by coming to the bottom of the stairs and barking until I got up out of bed to go see what was up, but EVERYTIME I got out of bed, (I guess he heard me moving around) he would run as fast as he could back to his room and jump in his bed! I would go down there and look at him and ask him what's up and he would just sit there and cock his head to the side like he didn't know what was going on. I would go back and lay down and right about the time I would fall asleep again he would do it again!!! I was SoO mad, tired and dumbfounded!! He did this two nights in a row at like 3,4am! I decided paybacks were due, so I waited till he was sound asleep and snoring the next day and I crept up on him and yelled "Hey Harley!" Oh man! It was the funniest thing! He would jump up and bark at me. I got him good twice and then after that my husband said to quit because I was scaring the crap out of him too! �� And Harley went back to his "yeah whatever mom" stage and he would just lift his head or open one eye and growl softly at me and sigh. LOL The next few nights after that I woke up and almost grabbed the gun twice because I thought there was a home invasion! They decided to rough house and move furniture all around downstairs!! ���� Finally, I decided that the boys were both staying up playing all night and sleeping all day. So I have been trying to make them more active during the day. (We all leave the house for work and school, so they nap all day and play all night.)

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