
Well-known member
Feb 19, 2015
Houston, TX
From England
Bulldog(s) Names
Buster 2013-2023 Monty 6/2010 - 1/2020 Chumly 2002-2014
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This has been a bit of an eye-opener for us! Don't get me wrong, we love him to bits and are so thrilled to have him but he is NOT even remotely like Monty! Monty was so laid back and easy going. This boy has his quirks and is so stubborn. If he doesn't want to go outside, he won't, even if it has been hours and hours since he peed. If you are lucky enough to get him outside he won't move off the patio. The good thing is if he does need to go, he will stand at the door and bark (sometimes after just bringing him in because he wouldn't go!) It is on his terms. We are having problems with the night-time schedule. I will be grateful for any hints. He had a doggy door in his previous life so I think that has a lot to do with it. We will get a wake-up bark at around 4 am and sure enough, he needs to go. We take him for a walk the very last thing before bed but it is a crap-shoot as to whether he actually does anything on that walk. You can lead a horse to water etc.... Our other dog is peeing on every blade of grass but he isn't even interested in covering it. I have never known a dog like him! If he does do something then we can sleep in until about 5 or 6 am. Oh, joy. We won't even talk about if it's raining, it's a complete non-starter.

Having said all that he is such a lovely, friendly, happy boy. He would be on my knee all day if I let him.

He is very food driven and it is like he is starving to death but I have cut his food back a bit and added green beans. He was getting 1 1/2 cups in the am and 3/4 cups pm. He now gets just over a cup in the am and 3/4 cup pm. He weighs 65 lbs but is smaller than Monty and you can't feel his ribs very well.

Poor Monty had such a tight tail and there was no movement there at all no matter how pleased he was. Buster has a bit of a tail so he does a wiggle and a dance with his front feet. I love it!

His eyelid is healed after the surgery and looking good but I think the damage was already done on that eye. It looks cloudy and scarred to me but the vet said no ulcer and no dry eye.

He licks his feet a fair amount and if you stop him doing that, he licks the air. The previous owners said he did it a lot. Could be habit by now and I am not sure where to start on that one. There is nothing in his mouth now but he did have hair between his teeth.

Anyway, I appreciate any comments or hints. Thanks!
He seems like a typical bulldog... his terms.

Schedule is going to take timeā€”- it is said that it takes three months for a dog to fully settle in after rehome

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He sounds like Jake but Jake likes his walks. It takes time as you or I got them at a later age. Jake also stays at the door if I donā€™t let him in. Very insecure imo. He needs to see 24/7 what weā€™re doing. I only had him since last July n from what Iā€™ve read n heard takes a good year before they feel 100% comfortably with their new owners. My sonā€™s 2 pit bull he rescued them 3-4yrs of age. He said it took a good years to let go of their bad habits. Jake is a very good dog but his anxiety some days is hard. Heā€™s bitten me 3x. Did hurt as it was more like a warning bite. Yes grabbed him immediately n put him to his place. Only advice for you is time n patience as you know. Sometimes they come with baggageā€™s. Different as puppies as they grow with us, rescued we need to observe n bring them back slowly.
Cannot offer any advice, I'm afraid, but it's so nice for him to have come to a home where he seems to be fully respected! I can understand that the issues you descirbe might be a bit irritating, but you don't sound angry or frustrated at all, just looking for ways of resolving the issues :)
Can anyone see the pictures? I don't know why they are showing as attachments in the earlier post and I can't open them either.
8April 2020.jpg
Dogtag (2) 2020.jpg

Now they seem to be working!

Yes, I do know it takes a good while for them to settle in. All our pets have been rescues. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about the lack of wanting to pee as that is new to me. He drinks well and when he does go, it is a long one!
Can anyone see the pictures? I don't know why they are showing as attachments in the earlier post and I can't open them either.
View attachment 118845
View attachment 118846

Now they seem to be working!

Yes, I do know it takes a good while for them to settle in. All our pets have been rescues. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about the lack of wanting to pee as that is new to me. He drinks well and when he does go, it is a long one!

He's really gorgeous! Now I see the pictures!
Can anyone see the pictures? I don't know why they are showing as attachments in the earlier post and I can't open them either.
View attachment 118845
View attachment 118846

Now they seem to be working!

Yes, I do know it takes a good while for them to settle in. All our pets have been rescues. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about the lack of wanting to pee as that is new to me. He drinks well and when he does go, it is a long one!

Handsome nugget!!!

Pee.... not sure maybe Chip has some insight. [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION]

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It's SO funny how different their temperaments are... it will take some time for adjustments all around. I'm just glad to see that he has a loving home now!!!
Sure sounds like a battle of the wills. He has control-like some little kids hold their pee for control. Guess he has a pretty big bladder-and wants to go when HE wants to go-not when you decide! His whole life and routine has changed(probably for the better) but I guess peeing (when he wants to) is his control! In his own time, he should give in!
Handsome nugget!!!

Pee.... not sure maybe Chip has some insight...
I just go when the Alpha says go...keeps things simple.

We get a stubborn one every now and then. Sandy takes control and makes them walk off the deck into the yard and if they try to come back without pottying she turns them right around. I've seen her stay outside in bitter cold(not Helene cold) for as long as 20 minutes. She NEVER gives in and lets them in without pottying. I prefer to take them for a walk until they go. We keep repeating "you go potty" until they go...then it's an abundance of praise. It has always worked for us but some "get it" much quicker than others. Persistence pays...hoping it works for you.
I have been putting him in his crate for the last couple of nights and so far, so good. He is still in our room and not a peep out of him until we get up. We have been doing "nothing in life is free" for everything and also making a big song and dance out of it when he does do his stuff outside. My dachshund is the same in that regard (unless he is on a walk). I can't believe I have two dogs with cast-iron bladders! My poor neighbours, all they hear is "go pee" or "go poo"!! He can be pretty pushy but he is learning he is not the boss. We will get there!!
Good to hear things are going in the right direction, although slowly. He needs someone strong and determined. Good thing he found you, you him.

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