What we use as a puppy "downer" for Orion....


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
Clothes! Yep, clothes. I noticed last winter when O was just a baby that putting a shirt on her calmed her down. It all started with a sweatshirt. I would put it on her in the evening.....she seemed to always want to lay by the fire. As soon as I put it on her? She would curl up and fall asleep. During this past summer, I would use a summer dress. It is a pain to get Orion in the clothes...but as soon as she is in them...it's almost like she is in a trance. So, tonight she was fired up from all the trick or treaters..she had already lost her costume to a "time out" for being a brat to the kids..so as soon as the outdoor lights went off, I put O in this. Yep, baby O is sporting a Seahawks jersey.
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Absolutely love it. Do you have video of her tormenting trick or treaters? I'd love to see that, lol. It wouldn't be O without some drama :luv:
I don't have video of her, but I do of Vegas. He would watch them walk away..then on my command, he would close the front door. I had him on a leash because he was jumping up on the baby gate to get pets and I didn't want his massive power to knock the gate over and send the kids running. The second video is of O in her costume...waiting for the first trick or treater to arrive.YouTube - Trick or treat..Vegas participates.
YouTube - Orion waiting for the doorbell
Hey! ...you know over the weekend I went to the Canine Ocktoberfest here in Fort Lauderdale. I saw a product that was exactly what you are pretty much describing. It was a shirt with a bunch of Velcro straps. It was advertised as "Storm Hugger" ( I think). I had never seen it before or heard of it and I was told that the snug fit helps calm down dogs during a storm.
At first I was like ...Oh brother ..what a scam....but hey ...maybe it does work! =)
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Ha, I love the O costume video :)

I noticed the clothes phenom last night as well with our Shih Tzu... we put her Biker Chick harness on and she seriously chilled with all the Trick or Treaters, to the point where my wife was wondering if she was feeling OK. As soon as we took it off, she was going nuts.
I swear..it really works. Orion has been climbing onto the coffee table for the last 2 hours. I grabbed her jersey and asked if she wanted it on. I bunched it up ...acting like I was going to put it on her and she actually put her head thru the head opening. So I put it on her and she grabbed her stinky bear and ....well, the night is finally peaceful!
wow that is amazing!

Love the videos and costume too!
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] where did you get the jersey ive been looking for some for lexter!!

when i put lex's impressed shirt on he does nuts and is rubbing on the floor and he is excited!!!
I found her jersey on the clearance rack at Fred Meyers last year. It's a childs 4T.
Vegas doesn't really care to be dressed up. He will also rub against the wall. Same with a harness or his seatbelt. He will wear his sweatshirt while we are camping....but I think it's because he is so cold that its comforting.

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