4 Entropion surgeries didn’t work, my baby is still suffering at 6 y/o


New member
Oct 17, 2023
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi fellow bulldog lovers! I first want to preface this with my bulldog Lola is my literal heartdog. She is my best friend, my comfort, and my rock. I knew what I was signing up for when I got her as I was raised with bulldogs. I was on top of her health as soon as I got her at 8 weeks. When the time came and symptoms began to show I got her stenotic nares done and entropion surgery in both eyes. One of the eyes took well to the surgery right away. The other one did not. I continued to get 3 more entropion surgeries done to the problem eye. It’s been a couple years since the last one as I was told by my vet and an ophthalmologist specialist vet there was nothing more to be done. This was truly disheartening and has left me devastated seeing her in pain since. The majority of the time it doesn’t seem to bother her but her eye remains red and inflamed which makes me and others believe it does bother her. The only time she rubs or scratches it is either after eating or when I put ointment on it. A couple people have mentioned just sewing the eye up permanently including my fiance which has been with her throughout all her surgeries. This scares me, but I don’t know what else to do. Putting her under at 6 y/o also really scares me as well as the stress another surgery could do to her body. I am just so loss and have so much anxiety about it and feel like I’m not doing all I can do for my baby. Any advice or comfort would be very much appreciated. Give your babies a smooch and a hug for me xoxo


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How did they do the surgery?? My previous bulldog had entropian surgery but the first time it was done with a laser and the first thing the vet said to me was that he would need it again in 6 months, not even 30 days later he needed another surgery. Second time was also done with a laser and again it did not help. I waited until his eyes were fully healed and had a different vet do the third surgery, this time she removed skin to pull his eye lid up and stop them from curling in and that was the final time he had this surgery. Just a thought
How did they do the surgery?? My previous bulldog had entropian surgery but the first time it was done with a laser and the first thing the vet said to me was that he would need it again in 6 months, not even 30 days later he needed another surgery. Second time was also done with a laser and again it did not help. I waited until his eyes were fully healed and had a different vet do the third surgery, this time she removed skin to pull his eye lid up and stop them from curling in and that was the final time he had this surgery. Just a thought
I believe they were surgical. I think I’m going to make another appointment at the ophthalmologist and hopefully get a different specialist to get one more appointment. Thank you so much!
No insight.. just sending healing prayers
We've had Entropion Surgery done to at least 20 Bulldogs and not once was there a need for a re-do. We currently use Dr. Andrew Berdoulay in Yorktown, VA. He is top notch and we are lucky to have him available to us.
Perhaps, a second opinion is in order.
If she is in good health, GA and surgery should not be a problem with a 6 YO Bulldog.
My vet is my hero! He's a country vet, but bulldog people bring their dogs from everywhere to him. He did entropion on both my bullies. Never had a problem again. Palates were checked then and no problem. This problem with your baby sounds strange to me. Sorry about your having such trouble. Even if you have to travel far from home-it may be worth it for Lola's eyes. Sending best wishes for you/her.
Is the another ophthalmologist practice that you could go to for a second opinion? Sometimes vets in the same practice do not go against a colleague's recommendation. I don't know what part of the country you are in so not sure if you have many choices in that regard. Another option would be to see if there is a Veterinary Training College in your State. They train the vets we see. Good luck and let us know what happens.