The loss of my little boi, Boobies

I am so sorry for your loss. They break your heart but for the absolute joy they gave, I wouldn't have it any other way.
What a beautiful Bully, and thank you for your kind words.
Yes I agree. Getting another bully doesnā€™t replace the loss BUT what it will do is give you is another place to give and receive love. You cannot replace your beloved boy, but you can make another bully lucky to have you! I know it very personally. You can still hear the beautiful sound of the shuffling front paws, the snores, the drinking from the bowlā€¦the special smellsā€¦there is no dog greater than a bulldog. All of them own my heart, I will never live without one. You can still grieve and hurt but you donā€™t have to be without.
Thank you, your words mean a lot.
So sorry you are going through this, as has been said already on the thread there are many here that really do know exactly what you and your family are going through and how unbelievably hard it can be.

I would also say please do not have any concerns about welcoming another fur baby into your life, i did have concerns but everyone on the forum assured me it would be ok and they were right.

No bully will ever be the same as your Boo but they will definitely still be a bulldog and you will find they are very similar in some ways but completely different in others.

I always said i could never have another bully while Dudley was alive but within a week we knew there was a massive whole in our family that needed filling so along came Wesley.

Dont get me wrong the little S#it is driving us mad at the moment :mad::)pushing the boundries to see what he can get away with but MOST of the time heā€™s just what the doctor ordered:yes:
So sorry you are going through this, as has been said already on the thread there are many here that really do know exactly what you and your family are going through and how unbelievably hard it can be.

I would also say please do not have any concerns about welcoming another fur baby into your life, i did have concerns but everyone on the forum assured me it would be ok and they were right.

No bully will ever be the same as your Boo but they will definitely still be a bulldog and you will find they are very similar in some ways but completely different in others.

I always said i could never have another bully while Dudley was alive but within a week we knew there was a massive whole in our family that needed filling so along came Wesley.

Dont get me wrong the little S#it is driving us mad at the moment :mad::)pushing the boundries to see what he can get away with but MOST of the time heā€™s just what the doctor ordered:yes:
Thank you, your words speak true... especially the part about pushing/testing boundaries, I always laughed when I saw Boo doing this to new people. All your messages have really helped us, so thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.
Sending big bully hugsā€¦. So very sorry. Unfortunately, we all know your pain and can tell you.. the pain never leaves because of how much we love them and the love they returned to us.
Sending big bully hugsā€¦. So very sorry. Unfortunately, we all know your pain and can tell you.. the pain never leaves because of how much we love them and the love they returned to us.
Thank you, and your words speak true. I have seen a rainbow nearly every day now whether it's in the sky or through a piece of glass and every time it has been followed by a butterfly, I can hear certain noises in the house, which are lovely reminders that boo is always with me.
Hi all, I need some comfort from the bulldog community as on Sunday (29/08/21), I lost my soul mate, Boobies. He was/is the most beautiful boy, and I am completely lost without him. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, snoring, and was 8 years old. He decided to fall asleep and he knew we wouldn't be able to make the decision, like a typical stubborn bulldog he did what he wanted to do.

My heart is breaking, and I know as a Bulldog parent when you have one, all your love goes into them, it is an endless pool of love for them. From when you wake up in the morning, have your morning conversation with them (if they have decided to wake up at the same time as you), let them out for their morning toilet break, run around the garden, back to sleep (until you wake them up for their next toilet break), more conversations and judgy looks to their afternoon mad hour, inhaling of food and back to sleep. I miss the noise Boobies brought to the house and would do anything to hear his nails on the wooden flooring and give him kisses, ear scratches, wipe his folds or the drool from his mouth.

What I love about bulldogs and Boobies, is how much of an impact they have on other people. The outpouring of love, messages, never before seen photos and videos of him have all reminded me of what an amazing bulldog he was and the life he had. I had Boobies, from the age of 2 months and he lived with me in France and grew up as a mountain dog in Les Alpes. We lived all over France, moved to the UK for a few years, and then finally settled here in Norway where he got to live his life with his papa and we became the three musketeers. I made a promise to Boobies that when we left France, we would eventually move to Norway and he would never have to move again and we fulfilled that promise.

They take your heart and for that, I am grateful, as he will always have it. I use to wish, I could bring Boobies everywhere with me, and now he is always with me in everything I do. Always and forever my Mr Boo.
Iā€™m so very sorry to hear of Boobiesā€™ passing. I know your hurting so much šŸ„²ā¤ļø
Boobies is now your Guardian Angel. He is still with you and living in your heart. šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—
My condolences on your Boobies passing. I lost my very first girl suddenly when she was just turning 5. She took a piece of my heart with her. Sending prayers and a hug your way.
You ask me if I see you
Since I have gone away
I try to help you understand
I watch over you each day
You wonder if I hear you
When you talk to me at night
I hear you say you love me
You will never leave my sight
You cry so many tears for me
They flow upon your face
Please feel me as I lick away your tears
I want a smile upon your face
Remember our sweet memories
The times we shared with love
Hold on to all your hopes and dreams
I support them from above
Let go of all your guilt and pain
Let go of all your fears
God just had other plans for me
Why carry all these years
The day I passed is not the day
I made you love me so
Please cherish all the memories made
Before I had to go
Just take the day I passed
And put it in a box with care
Now hand the box to God please
For isnt yours to bear
Please know I will always love you
As I watch you carry on
And know that I am here with you
For we are never really gone.
Love Boobie
Hi all, I need some comfort from the bulldog community as on Sunday (29/08/21), I lost my soul mate, Boobies. He was/is the most beautiful boy, and I am completely lost without him. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, snoring, and was 8 years old. He decided to fall asleep and he knew we wouldn't be able to make the decision, like a typical stubborn bulldog he did what he wanted to do.

My heart is breaking, and I know as a Bulldog parent when you have one, all your love goes into them, it is an endless pool of love for them. From when you wake up in the morning, have your morning conversation with them (if they have decided to wake up at the same time as you), let them out for their morning toilet break, run around the garden, back to sleep (until you wake them up for their next toilet break), more conversations and judgy looks to their afternoon mad hour, inhaling of food and back to sleep. I miss the noise Boobies brought to the house and would do anything to hear his nails on the wooden flooring and give him kisses, ear scratches, wipe his folds or the drool from his mouth.

What I love about bulldogs and Boobies, is how much of an impact they have on other people. The outpouring of love, messages, never before seen photos and videos of him have all reminded me of what an amazing bulldog he was and the life he had. I had Boobies, from the age of 2 months and he lived with me in France and grew up as a mountain dog in Les Alpes. We lived all over France, moved to the UK for a few years, and then finally settled here in Norway where he got to live his life with his papa and we became the three musketeers. I made a promise to Boobies that when we left France, we would eventually move to Norway and he would never have to move again and we fulfilled that promise.

They take your heart and for that, I am grateful, as he will always have it. I use to wish, I could bring Boobies everywhere with me, and now he is always with me in everything I do. Always and forever my Mr Boo.
I am so so sorry for your loss, I am at work and my eyes have filled with tears to just think of the dreaded day this will happen to me too. i am sending tons of love, peace and wisdom your way. You will always carry his snores and slobbers with you!!! It sounds like he had a wonderful peaceful death. Good luck ; )
Hi all, I need some comfort from the bulldog community as on Sunday (29/08/21), I lost my soul mate, Boobies. He was/is the most beautiful boy, and I am completely lost without him. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, snoring, and was 8 years old. He decided to fall asleep and he knew we wouldn't be able to make the decision, like a typical stubborn bulldog he did what he wanted to do.

My heart is breaking, and I know as a Bulldog parent when you have one, all your love goes into them, it is an endless pool of love for them. From when you wake up in the morning, have your morning conversation with them (if they have decided to wake up at the same time as you), let them out for their morning toilet break, run around the garden, back to sleep (until you wake them up for their next toilet break), more conversations and judgy looks to their afternoon mad hour, inhaling of food and back to sleep. I miss the noise Boobies brought to the house and would do anything to hear his nails on the wooden flooring and give him kisses, ear scratches, wipe his folds or the drool from his mouth.

What I love about bulldogs and Boobies, is how much of an impact they have on other people. The outpouring of love, messages, never before seen photos and videos of him have all reminded me of what an amazing bulldog he was and the life he had. I had Boobies, from the age of 2 months and he lived with me in France and grew up as a mountain dog in Les Alpes. We lived all over France, moved to the UK for a few years, and then finally settled here in Norway where he got to live his life with his papa and we became the three musketeers. I made a promise to Boobies that when we left France, we would eventually move to Norway and he would never have to move again and we fulfilled that promise.

They take your heart and for that, I am grateful, as he will always have it. I use to wish, I could bring Boobies everywhere with me, and now he is always with me in everything I do. Always and forever my Mr Boo.
I am so sorry for your loss, reading this made me cry as itā€™s such a sad post but 8 years filled with love and so many memories.
He will as you say forever be in your heart and you will be in his with all love you gave to him.
Sending you love xx
Hi all, I need some comfort from the bulldog community as on Sunday (29/08/21), I lost my soul mate, Boobies. He was/is the most beautiful boy, and I am completely lost without him. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, snoring, and was 8 years old. He decided to fall asleep and he knew we wouldn't be able to make the decision, like a typical stubborn bulldog he did what he wanted to do.

My heart is breaking, and I know as a Bulldog parent when you have one, all your love goes into them, it is an endless pool of love for them. From when you wake up in the morning, have your morning conversation with them (if they have decided to wake up at the same time as you), let them out for their morning toilet break, run around the garden, back to sleep (until you wake them up for their next toilet break), more conversations and judgy looks to their afternoon mad hour, inhaling of food and back to sleep. I miss the noise Boobies brought to the house and would do anything to hear his nails on the wooden flooring and give him kisses, ear scratches, wipe his folds or the drool from his mouth.

What I love about bulldogs and Boobies, is how much of an impact they have on other people. The outpouring of love, messages, never before seen photos and videos of him have all reminded me of what an amazing bulldog he was and the life he had. I had Boobies, from the age of 2 months and he lived with me in France and grew up as a mountain dog in Les Alpes. We lived all over France, moved to the UK for a few years, and then finally settled here in Norway where he got to live his life with his papa and we became the three musketeers. I made a promise to Boobies that when we left France, we would eventually move to Norway and he would never have to move again and we fulfilled that promise.

They take your heart and for that, I am grateful, as he will always have it. I use to wish, I could bring Boobies everywhere with me, and now he is always with me in everything I do. Always and forever my Mr Boo.
My heart aches for you and the loss of you bully baby. Hugs and slobbery kisses to you and yours


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I am so sorry for your loss. He had a wonderful life and your life is richer for having those years with him. He has a piece of your heart, and when the time is right, perhaps giving another piece of your heart to another dog will feel as though you are honoring Boobies.
Wishing you peace as you move through your grieving.
Hi all, I need some comfort from the bulldog community as on Sunday (29/08/21), I lost my soul mate, Boobies. He was/is the most beautiful boy, and I am completely lost without him. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, snoring, and was 8 years old. He decided to fall asleep and he knew we wouldn't be able to make the decision, like a typical stubborn bulldog he did what he wanted to do.

My heart is breaking, and I know as a Bulldog parent when you have one, all your love goes into them, it is an endless pool of love for them. From when you wake up in the morning, have your morning conversation with them (if they have decided to wake up at the same time as you), let them out for their morning toilet break, run around the garden, back to sleep (until you wake them up for their next toilet break), more conversations and judgy looks to their afternoon mad hour, inhaling of food and back to sleep. I miss the noise Boobies brought to the house and would do anything to hear his nails on the wooden flooring and give him kisses, ear scratches, wipe his folds or the drool from his mouth.

What I love about bulldogs and Boobies, is how much of an impact they have on other people. The outpouring of love, messages, never before seen photos and videos of him have all reminded me of what an amazing bulldog he was and the life he had. I had Boobies, from the age of 2 months and he lived with me in France and grew up as a mountain dog in Les Alpes. We lived all over France, moved to the UK for a few years, and then finally settled here in Norway where he got to live his life with his papa and we became the three musketeers. I made a promise to Boobies that when we left France, we would eventually move to Norway and he would never have to move again and we fulfilled that promise.

They take your heart and for that, I am grateful, as he will always have it. I use to wish, I could bring Boobies everywhere with me, and now he is always with me in everything I do. Always and forever my Mr Boo.
Hi all, I need some comfort from the bulldog community as on Sunday (29/08/21), I lost my soul mate, Boobies. He was/is the most beautiful boy, and I am completely lost without him. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, snoring, and was 8 years old. He decided to fall asleep and he knew we wouldn't be able to make the decision, like a typical stubborn bulldog he did what he wanted to do.

My heart is breaking, and I know as a Bulldog parent when you have one, all your love goes into them, it is an endless pool of love for them. From when you wake up in the morning, have your morning conversation with them (if they have decided to wake up at the same time as you), let them out for their morning toilet break, run around the garden, back to sleep (until you wake them up for their next toilet break), more conversations and judgy looks to their afternoon mad hour, inhaling of food and back to sleep. I miss the noise Boobies brought to the house and would do anything to hear his nails on the wooden flooring and give him kisses, ear scratches, wipe his folds or the drool from his mouth.

What I love about bulldogs and Boobies, is how much of an impact they have on other people. The outpouring of love, messages, never before seen photos and videos of him have all reminded me of what an amazing bulldog he was and the life he had. I had Boobies, from the age of 2 months and he lived with me in France and grew up as a mountain dog in Les Alpes. We lived all over France, moved to the UK for a few years, and then finally settled here in Norway where he got to live his life with his papa and we became the three musketeers. I made a promise to Boobies that when we left France, we would eventually move to Norway and he would never have to move again and we fulfilled that promise.

They take your heart and for that, I am grateful, as he will always have it. I use to wish, I could bring Boobies everywhere with me, and now he is always with me in everything I do. Always and forever my Mr Boo.
So sorry to hear of the loss of BOOBIES! He is a beautiful looking bullyboy. BOOMER and I send our sincere sympathy for your loss. You are in all of our hearts, thoughts and prayers! BOOMER sends you a stubborn stare and slobber kiss. The Carmeci's


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Sorry for your loss and prayers sent. I am on my 3rd Bullie and swore Iā€™d not get another after the passing of my second because of the grief and heartache but I realized I couldnā€™t be without one snoring and farting around the house so Levi came home with me and it was the best decision I could have made. The time we have with them is very short compared to other breeds so love and enjoy them while you can,, it sounds like Boobies had a GREAT life !
Levi and Mom also sending prayers


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