Goodbye Senor Chubby


Active member
Community Veteran
Jul 26, 2010
Southeast, Ma
Bulldog(s) Names
It kills posting this, but my best friend of 10.5 years has unfortunately crossed the rainbow bridge. I haven't posted here in many years, and many of you wont know me, but this place was once a place I called home. I started by bully journey here by researching and asking questions, making friends along the way and obtaining valuable information. Guinness or AKA Senor Chubby was the bestest of the good good boys. He was with me through my engagement, marriage, first home, divorce, new girlfriend and new home. He was there for me everyday and there wont be a day that goes by where I wont think of him. I just hope he knows how much he meant to me and my family. I would post the 9 million photos I took of him, however, I dont have any on this new computer. Please take a second and search my previous posts to see my best bud. I know he is looking down on us, eating a ton of treats he was never allowed to eat down here, drooling and slinging his slober in places you would never think he could get, and keeping all the other dogs awake with his snoring. My bully journey started here and sadly will end with this post. This forum and some of it's members will always hold a special place in my heart.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Senor Chubby will be greatly missed. This month, many members lost their fur babies. Now yours :(

You have so many beautiful memories to cherish. They will always be close to you

R.I.P. Guinness :angelheart:
I am so sorry to hear that. It sounds like he had a great life.
I'm so very sorry to hear about Señor Chubby... my sincere condolences to you!!! RIP beautiful boy :angelheart:
So sorry you have lost your best pal but sounds like he had an awesome life with you :angelheart:
I am so sorry to read this. I’m sorry for your broken hear with the loss of sweet Chubby.

My thoughts and prayers are with you as well as so many others here that are going through what you are. It sounds like he had a wonderful life with you and gave you so much. I know you gave the same to him. [emoji3590]

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[MENTION=925]wfd38383[/MENTION] So sorry to hear that Senior Chubby has passed. Have been there, and I know I will have to face it again. So painful for you, You have to try and dwell on all the time you were so lucky to have with him and your good memories together.:angelheart: So sorry for your loss.
So incredibly sorry to hear of Guinness passing… sending you tons of prayers and gs. Is a great boy that had a fantastic life where he gave you great memories and mor love than you imagined.

he is always with you.

rest well senior Chubby!
So very sorry! Many (( hugs !!))):(

I'm sad to see what you wrote about your "bully journey" ending with this last post.
I hope it makes you feel just a tiny bit better that sooo many hoomans understand
and care about how sad you are about Senor Chubby! (and I LOVE his name!!!) :tongue:

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