The loss of my little boi, Boobies

Hi all, I need some comfort from the bulldog community as on Sunday (29/08/21), I lost my soul mate, Boobies. He was/is the most beautiful boy, and I am completely lost without him. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, snoring, and was 8 years old. He decided to fall asleep and he knew we wouldn't be able to make the decision, like a typical stubborn bulldog he did what he wanted to do.

My heart is breaking, and I know as a Bulldog parent when you have one, all your love goes into them, it is an endless pool of love for them. From when you wake up in the morning, have your morning conversation with them (if they have decided to wake up at the same time as you), let them out for their morning toilet break, run around the garden, back to sleep (until you wake them up for their next toilet break), more conversations and judgy looks to their afternoon mad hour, inhaling of food and back to sleep. I miss the noise Boobies brought to the house and would do anything to hear his nails on the wooden flooring and give him kisses, ear scratches, wipe his folds or the drool from his mouth.

What I love about bulldogs and Boobies, is how much of an impact they have on other people. The outpouring of love, messages, never before seen photos and videos of him have all reminded me of what an amazing bulldog he was and the life he had. I had Boobies, from the age of 2 months and he lived with me in France and grew up as a mountain dog in Les Alpes. We lived all over France, moved to the UK for a few years, and then finally settled here in Norway where he got to live his life with his papa and we became the three musketeers. I made a promise to Boobies that when we left France, we would eventually move to Norway and he would never have to move again and we fulfilled that promise.

They take your heart and for that, I am grateful, as he will always have it. I use to wish, I could bring Boobies everywhere with me, and now he is always with me in everything I do. Always and forever my Mr Boo.
Sending thoughts & prayers your way! It hurts so much to loose a fur baby never mind a Bully Baby. Bullies are so very special and just consume our entire world and hearts. Hold all those sweet memories of your Baby near and dear to your heart and hopefully one day soon the tears will be replaced with a smile. Hugs
I’m so very sorry for your loss! I can’t imagine he was such a cutie! I hope your heart heels with all your memories of him!
I wish I could ease you pain! Brutus and Jill


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Hi all, I need some comfort from the bulldog community as on Sunday (29/08/21), I lost my soul mate, Boobies. He was/is the most beautiful boy, and I am completely lost without him. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, snoring, and was 8 years old. He decided to fall asleep and he knew we wouldn't be able to make the decision, like a typical stubborn bulldog he did what he wanted to do.

My heart is breaking, and I know as a Bulldog parent when you have one, all your love goes into them, it is an endless pool of love for them. From when you wake up in the morning, have your morning conversation with them (if they have decided to wake up at the same time as you), let them out for their morning toilet break, run around the garden, back to sleep (until you wake them up for their next toilet break), more conversations and judgy looks to their afternoon mad hour, inhaling of food and back to sleep. I miss the noise Boobies brought to the house and would do anything to hear his nails on the wooden flooring and give him kisses, ear scratches, wipe his folds or the drool from his mouth.

What I love about bulldogs and Boobies, is how much of an impact they have on other people. The outpouring of love, messages, never before seen photos and videos of him have all reminded me of what an amazing bulldog he was and the life he had. I had Boobies, from the age of 2 months and he lived with me in France and grew up as a mountain dog in Les Alpes. We lived all over France, moved to the UK for a few years, and then finally settled here in Norway where he got to live his life with his papa and we became the three musketeers. I made a promise to Boobies that when we left France, we would eventually move to Norway and he would never have to move again and we fulfilled that promise.

They take your heart and for that, I am grateful, as he will always have it. I use to wish, I could bring Boobies everywhere with me, and now he is always with me in everything I do. Always and forever my Mr Boo.
I am so sorry for your loss. Your post breaks my heart 😪🌈
Hi all, I need some comfort from the bulldog community as on Sunday (29/08/21), I lost my soul mate, Boobies. He was/is the most beautiful boy, and I am completely lost without him. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, snoring, and was 8 years old. He decided to fall asleep and he knew we wouldn't be able to make the decision, like a typical stubborn bulldog he did what he wanted to do.

My heart is breaking, and I know as a Bulldog parent when you have one, all your love goes into them, it is an endless pool of love for them. From when you wake up in the morning, have your morning conversation with them (if they have decided to wake up at the same time as you), let them out for their morning toilet break, run around the garden, back to sleep (until you wake them up for their next toilet break), more conversations and judgy looks to their afternoon mad hour, inhaling of food and back to sleep. I miss the noise Boobies brought to the house and would do anything to hear his nails on the wooden flooring and give him kisses, ear scratches, wipe his folds or the drool from his mouth.

What I love about bulldogs and Boobies, is how much of an impact they have on other people. The outpouring of love, messages, never before seen photos and videos of him have all reminded me of what an amazing bulldog he was and the life he had. I had Boobies, from the age of 2 months and he lived with me in France and grew up as a mountain dog in Les Alpes. We lived all over France, moved to the UK for a few years, and then finally settled here in Norway where he got to live his life with his papa and we became the three musketeers. I made a promise to Boobies that when we left France, we would eventually move to Norway and he would never have to move again and we fulfilled that promise.

They take your heart and for that, I am grateful, as he will always have it. I use to wish, I could bring Boobies everywhere with me, and now he is always with me in everything I do. Always and forever my Mr Boo.

I am so very sorry !!! It is just heartbreaking, isn't it?

I tried to only quote one thing you said, but I can't get it to work. I LOVE
the part where you said "more conversations and judgy looks to their
afternoon mad hour
".....ROFL !! Soo accurate!

I've never heard of a doggie with the name "Boobies"---how cute and fun!
Many (( hugs )) from somebully who knows how hard it is to miss them!


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