The Furblog...our furkids have a website


New member
Aug 14, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Bulldog(s) Names
Ms. Piggy
Okay I'll admit it, I get asked a lot of questions about my dogs. In fact most people ask how my pups are before having any sort of real conversation about any other part of my life. So anyway...out of boredom and for fun I started a website/blog for the fur-kids.

This will be the online home for the infamous Piggy the Bully and the rest of the fur family Gabe and Bella, our mastiffs.

If you are at all interested here is the link...
Great job. I have never blogged, I wouldn't even know how to start. I am very impressed.
Very cute introduction pages!
It's great ..... can't wait to read more!!
she has it bbcoded into the word 'link'. Just click that word :)

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