Dog booster wash station


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Community Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
Eau Claire WI
Bulldog(s) Names
Abby 13 (RIP), Bella (6), Betsy( RIP), Frenchie: Oliver
Does anyone use the Booster station for bathing?

I was wondering if it was worth the money.
I want a wash station! I see them in many rescue pics.... they look awesome! yes, anyone have one? Worth it?

Not the inflatable one, the real kind! Where can you get those?
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I saw them online at Petco and numerous places. It looks like the going rate is $179. They are also on Ebay for a little less. I tried to search Craigslist, but don't know if the person posting would give it the correct name. I have tried: Dog Booster, Dog Bath, Dog Wash, Dog Booster Bath. Problem is Craigslist will pick up any of those words seperatly.
we love ours!!!! it'z better for u humanz's back and ur tub won't get clogged up wif our dirt and fur!!! -champksy
we love ours!!!! it'z better for u humanz's back and ur tub won't get clogged up wif our dirt and fur!!! -champksy

do you have a pic of yours champ? I think I saw yours and that is the kind I want! What is the brand, and where can I find one?
What a great picture, you need to enter that sometime into the Photo of the Month!!! I love it. Thanks for sharing.
Ahhh! Bully bath time! Great pics - if I had that many, I'd probably be looking for one of those too!
Yep, that is the one I defiantely want!!! Time to start saving up! ;)

Thanks for posting that Champ!! You da best bully *smooch*
We have one exactly like that one pictured. We haven't used it in ages because Arrow we just hose down in the drive-way, and the girls get their bath in the kitchen sink. But that thing is WONDERFUL!! We got ours' at a dog show. If you have a big AKC show coming to your area, there are usually venders selling everything imaginable and by doing it that way you don't have to pay shipping. We also paid a little extra for an attachment that hooks up behind the washing machine, so you can get hot water. Instead of just using hose water, which can be quite cool in the winter. Living in Az., we use it year-round. If it's sunny and you can use warm water, we can even use it in the winter.
it'z great for dirty stinky new rescue dogs who u dont want to bring in ur house til AFTER dey gets a baf!!! hehehe :)
sumtimes dey sell discounted ones on der website- da color is off or it has a scratch on it. in no way defective, but not "visually up to par". we're lookin into gettin one of doze lil outdoor storage fings to set by da booster baf and keep all our shampoo and cotton balls and q-tips and clippers and and and and... :)
Champ, I noticed on their website they post photos and info about the different rescues that use their products. Maybe you can send them you picture and get a write up about AABR. I noticed that the Quigley house, a house for abused women and children use them since the pets can go with them. The Quigley house isn't far from our house.
Hey I have been watching and searching for one of these with a better price. I just found out that you can order one from Costco. For anyone that is lucky enough to have a membership, they are only $120 with free shipping. Otherwise you are looking at about $179 + shipping. Christmas list!

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