Oh gosh... I'm SO sorry about Buster's eye, did he already have the surgery?!! Poor guy can't seem to catch a break... you guys either!!!

I haven't been able to get on the site for 2 days now, but I was thinking it was because of the weather. It has gotten very warm here, and we've have had very high winds w/power outages.

Yes, they did it that night. He is feeling more like himself but I know he is uncomfortable as he is panting at times. He was on Tramadol and panted A LOT which concerned me so we changed it to Gabapentin and he has calmed down. His appetite is good as always!

He is lethal with his cone! He always follows me everywhere anyway but hasn't worked out the depth of it and slams into the backs of my legs constantly. The edge of the cone is sharp and it hurts! I have a beautiful selection of bruises on my calves!

We go back on Friday for a follow-up. His eye is nasty looking but they said that is normal and will look like that for some time.
Yes, they did it that night. He is feeling more like himself but I know he is uncomfortable as he is panting at times. He was on Tramadol and panted A LOT which concerned me so we changed it to Gabapentin and he has calmed down. His appetite is good as always!

He is lethal with his cone! He always follows me everywhere anyway but hasn't worked out the depth of it and slams into the backs of my legs constantly. The edge of the cone is sharp and it hurts! I have a beautiful selection of bruises on my calves!

We go back on Friday for a follow-up. His eye is nasty looking but they said that is normal and will look like that for some time.

Oh GOSH... I hate the cone!!! I had more cuts to the back of my legs, they just can't navigate w/those things on... Lol
I hope he starts to feeling better soon, I think that was a good idea to switch out the Tramadol... some dogs just can't take it.
We had this done for our Pippy(rip) back in 2017. She ran into a Rose bush cane.
The graft took about 6 months for it to completely heal. The collar for 2 weeks(IIRC) was the biggest issue. Pippy hated it, but we made her wear it until Doc said it was OK to remove it. I think it was almost $2K spent for surgery and follow-ups.
Gook Luck, Buster!!!
We had this done for our Pippy(rip) back in 2017. She ran into a Rose bush cane.
The graft took about 6 months for it to completely heal. The collar for 2 weeks(IIRC) was the biggest issue. Pippy hated it, but we made her wear it until Doc said it was OK to remove it. I think it was almost $2K spent for surgery and follow-ups.
Gook Luck, Buster!!!

Buster was after hours and they had to open the office for him, $3200! The cone is a big issue, you are right but as long as it keeps his eye safe, that is the main thing! They said 3 weeks.
Buster was after hours and they had to open the office for him, $3200! The cone is a big issue, you are right but as long as it keeps his eye safe, that is the main thing! They said 3 weeks.
Ouch! We pay what we must to keep our kids safe and healthy. He'll get used to the cone long before you(or your shins) do. We put Duct Tape all around the outer edge. Why Vet staff feel the need to hone that outer edge as sharp as they do is a mystery.
Yes, when my two had cones (for 2 wks.) I used duct tape around those sharp edges-saved some bruises!
Sending lots of healing prayers for Buster, and his parents wallet
Nyala as a pup (cherry eye) was using her cone to shovel dirt in the garden. Definitely tape it down!

I had another cone that is taped around the edges that fit and it has made a big difference. I just wish I had remembered it sooner! He had his 1-week follow-up today and all is going well. We must keep to the same regimen. He has to go again next week. I will be glad when I can actually go into the vet's office to see the vet. I understand the restrictions but I do miss being able to talk face to face.

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