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Dec 12, 2018
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello all I have a 1.75 year old lilac tri English bulldog nmed Dora. Since she was a puppy she has had these reoccurring breakouts on her back that consist of large welts that appear overnight that turn into scaly itchy bumps. She is on a raw diet of ground beef zucchini carrots red apples and occasionally a raw or hard boiled egg. Occasionally will give her chicken but I think that could be the culprit of the reactions but I am not sure. She itches very badly and spins around on her tail in discomfort. Have been to the vet multiple times. Once treated for allergies next time for staph infection. Did 21 days of antibiotics and not even a few days after she completes that script the hives are back and worse than ever. What should I do ? Feel helpless have been giving her Benadryl every day. I switched her to boiled chicken and rice and it seems that her back got worse than it was. Really want to figure not what she can safely eat 5366FEF1-A354-4538-8B89-482F21CD60D3.jpg5366FEF1-A354-4538-8B89-482F21CD60D3.jpg
Hello all I have a 1.75 year old lilac tri English bulldog nmed Dora. Since she was a puppy she has had these reoccurring breakouts on her back that consist of large welts that appear overnight that turn into scaly itchy bumps. She is on a raw diet of ground beef zucchini carrots red apples and occasionally a raw or hard boiled egg. Occasionally will give her chicken but I think that could be the culprit of the reactions but I am not sure. She itches very badly and spins around on her tail in discomfort. Have been to the vet multiple times. Once treated for allergies next time for staph infection. Did 21 days of antibiotics and not even a few days after she completes that script the hives are back and worse than ever. What should I do ? Feel helpless have been giving her Benadryl every day. I switched her to boiled chicken and rice and it seems that her back got worse than it was. Really want to figure not what she can safely eat View attachment 114826View attachment 114826

Hello there, regarding staph, your vet did what exactly for that?

Also one great thing you should always have on hand is NuStock. My white face had that from his next to mid back on n off. I started with a NuStock and did wonders. Also stop giving chicken n rice completely. You’re doing a good job on the raw. Does she lick her paws?
Agree avoid chicken and even rice... use egg noodles instead and get a probiotic started to help build immune system

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Hello all I have a 1.75 year old lilac tri English bulldog nmed Dora. Since she was a puppy she has had these reoccurring breakouts on her back that consist of large welts that appear overnight that turn into scaly itchy bumps. She is on a raw diet of ground beef zucchini carrots red apples and occasionally a raw or hard boiled egg. Occasionally will give her chicken but I think that could be the culprit of the reactions but I am not sure. She itches very badly and spins around on her tail in discomfort. Have been to the vet multiple times. Once treated for allergies next time for staph infection. Did 21 days of antibiotics and not even a few days after she completes that script the hives are back and worse than ever. What should I do ? Feel helpless have been giving her Benadryl every day. I switched her to boiled chicken and rice and it seems that her back got worse than it was. Really want to figure not what she can safely eat View attachment 114826View attachment 114826

I would switch her to a totally different protein like duck or salmon or rabbit. Try giving her a commercial frozen raw, since it's hard to recreate a complete balanced diet on your own. eg. Answers brand commercial frozen raw.

Also give her some organic virgin coconut oil and turmeric with freshly ground pepper with each meal.

Antihistamines are not as effective in dogs as they are in humans, but better than not giving. A non sedating one would be cetirizine (Zyrtec)
Thank you all for your responses. In regards to NuStock how much and how often should I give it to her ? She has been itchign like crazy. Hives have gone down in swelling but now are scabbed. She has been scratching at her face and made it bleed for the first time today. She has been being fed just ground beef until i figure out what I should feed her to alleviate this. Thanks in advance y’all hope we can get this figured out. Will attach photos of her skin tm.
Have you tried, as suggested, salmon,rabbit, or duck? Beef may not be her best option. NuStock is an ointment that you would apply to her sores,rub it in, then in 3 days, apply again. It smells, but it is good stuff. She would probably lose the hair, where the scabs are. Has she been checked for a staph infection? Mites?
She will not have a balanced diet, just eating beef. I feed mine a salmon, grain free dry food. She needs a probiotic and a different diet.I do not feed raw, but maybe @helsonwheels can help! She could possibly have environmental allergies.....but needs a good diet,nevertheless. HAVE YOU TRIED THE ZYRTEC? [MENTION=18764]Dorathebeefybulldog[/MENTION]
I have not I will try that starting today. How should I prepare the salmon ? What else should I give her with the salmon and what is a recommended probiotic ? She has been given antiobiotics for staph infection twice. Once for 2 weeks. The 2nd time for 21 days. Have not tried the Zyrtec I will change her diet and give her the Zyrtec today and order Nustock tonight. How bad will it remove the hair where the scans are ? She has them all over prob atleast 10-15 spots. Thank you for your speedy response.
My bulldog had the same, we had several courses of antibiotics, but it always came back. I was trying different food ( home cooked) and ended up with turkey. I buy whole turkey, cut it in quarters, boil it for 2 hours, then take it out and peel meat off the bones and cut it in blocks. Then cook in broth 2 cups of quinoa, add 300 gram of raw grated pumpkin, a bunch of green peas and when it is all cooked, put meat back and bring it to boil one more time. This makes a huge pot of food good for 8-9 days, I give 350 grams of food twice a day.
But I want to add that you have to use high DHA and EPA fish oil, human grade. Nordic naturals liquid fish oil was the best for my dog. Without fish oil these skin conditions won’t go away.
Also, you should use medicated shampoo with Ketokonazol and Chlorhexidine once a week, after lathering let it sit for 10 min on your dogs fur and then wash it away.
And probiotics too.
I do not feed a raw diet, I feed a dry packaged dog food-Taste of the Wild. My dogs do well on it. What I would recommend is seeing another veterinarian, as this should not be happening to your baby. Hopefully someone who feeds raw will answer soon. They may,though be busy with Christmas. I believe many people use Fortiflora Probiotic.
Antibiotics will kill the GOOD bacteria in the gut, so she does need a probiotic. I give one each day,once a day on their food.
I am guessing That where she has scabs, she may lose the hair, but NuStock will also grow hair, so it should come back in. There are several people here who feed raw, and many who feed a quality dry food. I know Acana is one, and Fromm, I like TOTW, If no one who feeds raw responds, maybe you should try her on a dry with the main protein duck,salmon or rabbit.No potatos, or peas. Sorry I can't be of more help. [MENTION=18764]Dorathebeefybulldog[/MENTION]
[MENTION=18764]Dorathebeefybulldog[/MENTION], [MENTION=15780]Lalaloopsie[/MENTION] n [MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION] gave you great advice. What I would suggest is start over with the protein and give ONE at a time. Like don’t mix chicken with beef. Stick to one protein and give it a good 2 weeks n write it down so you don’t get confused. Like I mentioned previously, I would stopped the chicken completely n the eggs. Comes from the same source especially if she’s extremely allergic to chicken. Also stop the apples if it’s not organic. Apples n strawberries has the highest pesticides in them. You need to simply start over. Duke also lost spots of fur but like [MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION] said, using NuStock it will grow back. I give homemade broth to my dogs. I freeze them in ice cube trays, put them in a ziplock and keep it as a snack. Broth is one of the best food item out there cause of all the minerals it holds. Antibiotics will destroy all good probiotics in the gut. You absolutely need to add more in the food like mentioned especially while on antibiotics. I give on regular basis fermented sauerkraut and broth. Everyone has got you covered on what to do. Start over, do your steps n write things down. You’re going to have great results. :)
86CFC575-600C-43EB-A73A-23147E093765.jpeg86CFC575-600C-43EB-A73A-23147E093765.jpegokay thank you all so much for your informative and speedy responses. I am going to start her over with salmon as her protein and make her a homemade broth with the correct ingredients that you guys have all stated. I will write everything down starting tomorrow and will keep this thread updated with pictures and updates. If anyone who has a successful broth recipe they don't mind sharing please do. I hope everyone has a very merry christmas with their families.
View attachment 115005View attachment 115005okay thank you all so much for your informative and speedy responses. I am going to start her over with salmon as her protein and make her a homemade broth with the correct ingredients that you guys have all stated. I will write everything down starting tomorrow and will keep this thread updated with pictures and updates. If anyone who has a successful broth recipe they don't mind sharing please do. I hope everyone has a very merry christmas with their families.

What a beautiful girl!!! Great smile

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UPDATE: I am switching her to FROMM salmon tunalini with raw fermented goats milk. Also gave her 2 zyrtec in a piece of white american cheese. Should I order the Nustock and fish oils still on top of this dietary change ? I was not sure if introducing so many new things at once would be the correct thing to do ? Also in regards to putting fresh ground pepper and tumeric in meal is that for raw only or is it something that I should do mixed in with the kibble ? Should I still schedule an appointment to see a new vet as well ? Thanks in advance I really appreciate the information.
Turmeric and pepper is with raw or kibble.

Change only one thing at a time... so hold off on adding fish oil till you see how he does with the food changes.

Nu-stock is an ointment so you can start that now

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