Help Needed! Hives Hives Hives


New member
Jul 12, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Utley and Bella
Update: Today is day three since her last hive flare up. The Benadryl and prednisone were both to be cut back. Benadryl went from every 8 hours to every 12. The prednisone went to every 24 hours. She was itchy s little last night and then more so this morning. A small flare up but it is around her mouth and chin. She’s been having ear infections and issues with her tail pocket and anal glands. Starting to wonder if it is all connected.

We have two English bulldogs. Utley is 7 and Bella is 5. Bella has had issues with hives from bug bites and allergic reactions to vaccines to unknown reasons. Her issue is appearing to be more frequent. We already give her Benadryl twice a day. Looking to see if anyone else has had the same issue and what they have done. The rushing to the emergency vet is becoming more and more nerve racking. Thank you in advance!
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We have two English bulldogs. Utley is 7 and Bella is 5. Bella has had issues with hives from bug bites and allergic reactions to vaccines to unknown reasons. Her issue is appearing to be more frequent. We already give her Benadryl twice a day. Looking to see if anyone else has had the same issue and what they have done. The rushing to the emergency vet is becoming more and more nerve racking. Thank you in advance!

We have definitely had issues w/hives... at our home it's been issues w/bug stings or bites.

Vaccines I can understand, but what about the other issues? Could this be food related?!! You probably need to keep a log of what she's eating... and where she hangs out... do you use a lawn service that may have sprayed chemicals? What type of laundry detergent/fabric softener are you using? What type of floor cleaner are you using? Do you use Febreeze or any other type of chemical in the air?!! We had a bulldog that was highly allergic to Febreeze, Bella would break out in horrible hives!!!

We all have allergies in our home so I typically use organic cleaners, laundry supplies and use essential oils in diffusers. Perfumes can cause a LOT of issues...
We have two English bulldogs. Utley is 7 and Bella is 5. Bella has had issues with hives from bug bites and allergic reactions to vaccines to unknown reasons. Her issue is appearing to be more frequent. We already give her Benadryl twice a day. Looking to see if anyone else has had the same issue and what they have done. The rushing to the emergency vet is becoming more and more nerve racking. Thank you in advance!

So basically in 5 yrs she never had food allergies? If not, definitely stop all vaccines. No matter what vaccines are chemicals. When was her last vaccines? Did she get just one shot or more for different things?
We have definitely had issues w/hives... at our home it's been issues w/bug stings or bites.

Vaccines I can understand, but what about the other issues? Could this be food related?!! You probably need to keep a log of what she's eating... and where she hangs out... do you use a lawn service that may have sprayed chemicals? What type of laundry detergent/fabric softener are you using? What type of floor cleaner are you using? Do you use Febreeze or any other type of chemical in the air?!! We had a bulldog that was highly allergic to Febreeze, Bella would break out in horrible hives!!!

We all have allergies in our home so I typically use organic cleaners, laundry supplies and use essential oils in diffusers. Perfumes can cause a LOT of issues...

I use norwix products for floors and windows to clean. No lawn care service. Crazy thing is this last time she broke out in hives first thing in the morning before eating or going outside🤷*♀️ We have her schedule for an allergy test. I have heard mixed opinions on them but I’m not sure what else to do. Use fabric softener only for our clothes not on the sheets or blankets. We do use a hypo allergenic detergent.
So basically in 5 yrs she never had food allergies? If not, definitely stop all vaccines. No matter what vaccines are chemicals. When was her last vaccines? Did she get just one shot or more for different things?

Shes pretty good with food. We have them both on four star Fromm lamb and lentil. We use that as food and for treats . She is allergic to the vaccine for parvovirus. She is passed due however we were not sure if we wanted to give it to her again. Plus they vet said we need to get her hive issues under control first.
I just went through a bout of hives with Louie. I still don't know what caused them but here is that thread I washed all the blankets, cleaned the rugs, played around with food, etc. One day they were gone and they have not come back. I still haven't given him rabbit as a meal yet but he has gotten a few rabbit treats.
Shes pretty good with food. We have them both on four star Fromm lamb and lentil. We use that as food and for treats . She is allergic to the vaccine for parvovirus. She is passed due however we were not sure if we wanted to give it to her again. Plus they vet said we need to get her hive issues under control first.

Keep in mind it’s always good to rotate proteins. You know they do good with lamb, so give them a different protein as a treat. Like sardines or other type of fish. Keep their gut flora clean to have a stronger immune system like a good probiotic. That being said, hives needs to be controlled “before “ introducing something new unless they are use to that new protein. But you still can introduce the probiotic immediately. I think its the vaccines. She’s been allergic from day one of the vaccines. Now this is ME, I personally would stop all shots especially if she has allergies to it. I’ve seen and even in EBN members giving vaccines n basically affecting dog’s immune system n organ issues. I “never” updated any of my dog’s vaccines. They get their puppy shots and that’s all and when you buy a puppy most puppy shots were already given. All dogs I’ve ever owned never die cause of a health issue either. All old age. I don’t go to dog parks or let them sniff the ground/grass. They only see the family dog’s only. I’m more on the holistic way. If your dog eats healthy and maintenance done on regular basis, dogs will live a good life. I’m against vaccines as it’s all chemicals n pesticides. I never gave flea/tick vaccines or liquid form especially a flea collar. You’re basically wrapping your dog in a pesticide collar. I use essential oils for maintenance. But again, that’s me. Everyone’s beliefs are different. Just a thought.
And how is he on the rabbit treats?

He's gotten 2 or 3 at a time and has been fine. I just picked up some frozen rabbit yesterday and will making a batch of food this weekend so I will probably give him a little bit to see what happens. If no reaction, then I may never know what caused the hives!
I just went through a bout of hives with Louie. I still don't know what caused them but here is that thread I washed all the blankets, cleaned the rugs, played around with food, etc. One day they were gone and they have not come back. I still haven't given him rabbit as a meal yet but he has gotten a few rabbit treats.

This was helpful thank you o just read through this string. Can I ask it had mentioned a natural oil for ford and ticks. What do you use?
Keep in mind it’s always good to rotate proteins. You know they do good with lamb, so give them a different protein as a treat. Like sardines or other type of fish. Keep their gut flora clean to have a stronger immune system like a good probiotic. That being said, hives needs to be controlled “before “ introducing something new unless they are use to that new protein. But you still can introduce the probiotic immediately. I think its the vaccines. She’s been allergic from day one of the vaccines. Now this is ME, I personally would stop all shots especially if she has allergies to it. I’ve seen and even in EBN members giving vaccines n basically affecting dog’s immune system n organ issues. I “never” updated any of my dog’s vaccines. They get their puppy shots and that’s all and when you buy a puppy most puppy shots were already given. All dogs I’ve ever owned never die cause of a health issue either. All old age. I don’t go to dog parks or let them sniff the ground/grass. They only see the family dog’s only. I’m more on the holistic way. If your dog eats healthy and maintenance done on regular basis, dogs will live a good life. I’m against vaccines as it’s all chemicals n pesticides. I never gave flea/tick vaccines or liquid form especially a flea collar. You’re basically wrapping your dog in a pesticide collar. I use essential oils for maintenance. But again, that’s me. Everyone’s beliefs are different. Just a thought.

Okay good to know about rotating the proteins. What do you use for the monthly preventatives? I took them off a while ago and have been hasitant on putting them back o. However the glee and tick one did seem to keep their skin good. But again they are chemicals...
This was helpful thank you o just read through this string. Can I ask it had mentioned a natural oil for ford and ticks. What do you use?
[MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION] can you give you the recipe for the flea and tick essential oils recipe. It's been mentioned numerous times on here so you can probably do a search for it as well. I don't give anything for ticks but give Sentinel Spectrum for fleas and heartworm.


14 oz of Witch Hazel
12 drops of Lavender
15 drops of Citronella
15 drops of Lemongrass

Put all in a spray bottle and shake.

As some knows I do live not far from the Rockies and we do walks n hikes. I spray them n comb it in before leaving the house. There is ticks in the Rockies....Also put a couple drops of lavender on the outside of the collar. Works like a charm.
Hopefully when you do the allergy testing they are doing food and environmental.... I have had three with testing, it is not 100% accurate but a good guide.

One was allergic to rice, corn, dairy
Our second broken out in hive never to know why, but she was highly allergic to chicken, salmon, rice and house flies. Our guy now.. Lamb, soy, corn and everything green

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I agree with advice to stop all vaccines ,besides rabies if it's mandatory, and ask for the rabies vaccine that's only every 3 years. You can always do a titre test to check for antibodies to the core vaccine if you're worried and vaccinate with the core vaccine if there's no antibodies. I would try switching your dog to cetirizine from diphenhydramine, since it has less side effects,not because it works better. Usual dose of cetirizine (if dog is more than 20 kg) is 10 mg twice daily or 20 mg once daily.

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