
New member
Jul 9, 2018
United Kingdom
Bulldog(s) Names
Good afternoon all.

I have a question but first just to keep you updated on Lola.

She is doing really well since being spayed. The wound was infected but it has cleared up completely now.
The laminate flooring has helped in my opinion with her allergies/scratching.
She hardly scratches anymore.

She had a rash on her stomach a couple of weeks ago, but thats because the daft dog lay on the dead grass...
That has healed now as well.

The question I have is that Lola's back paws have always been a little dis-coloured from her licking which doesn't happen to much anymore
but I'm using (Tear stain removal) wipes 2 times a day to help keep her paws clean and help with the discolouration.
(Which is slowly working) These wipes have worked wonders on her tear stairs and nose rope. No stains at all on her face now.

But looking in between her paws today I have noticed some white gunk.
I know this might sound weird but it smells like ear wax....

Her paws aren't sore and the skin isn't irritated at all.
Just a bit confused what this gunk is..

I don't have a picture unfortunately because after seeing the gunk I gave her a clean.

I only discovered a small amount but my partner has noticed it before as well..

Any advice would be appreciated..

Thanks in advance.

Tom & Lola

[MENTION=18442]Vhoas[/MENTION] soak all paws in with lukewarm water n apple cider vinegar. Make sure the ACV is organic n with the ā€œmotherā€ inside. Sounds like yeasty paws. Btw, what do you feed your dog?
[MENTION=18442]Vhoas[/MENTION] soak all paws in with lukewarm water n apple cider vinegar. Make sure the ACV is organic n with the ā€œmotherā€ inside. Sounds like yeasty paws. Btw, what do you feed your dog?

Do you think?
She went for her booster shots the other day and our specialist took a look
and said not to worry.

She is eating Royal Canine at the moment.
We are going on holiday in 2 weeks and when we get back Iā€™m changing her
her diet to ā€˜taste of the wildā€™

The discolouration of the fur on her paws always concerns me..
It always looks like sheā€™s in pain her skin looks perfectly fine.
Do you think?
She went for her booster shots the other day and our specialist took a look
and said not to worry.

She is eating Royal Canine at the moment.
We are going on holiday in 2 weeks and when we get back Iā€™m changing her
her diet to ā€˜taste of the wildā€™

The discolouration of the fur on her paws always concerns me..
It always looks like sheā€™s in pain her skin looks perfectly fine.

Agree... with Helene. The discoloration is due to her licking and the smell/white stuff may be from always being wet. Do the soak and be sure to dry her paws.

The food changes will help too as RC is all filler and no real meat/nutrition

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Agree... with Helene. The discoloration is due to her licking and the smell/white stuff may be from always being wet. Do the soak and be sure to dry her paws.

The food changes will help too as RC is all filler and no real meat/nutrition

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Itā€™s not very often that she licks her feet anymore.
It used to be a daily struggle but she has calmed down a lot.

Could that be due to allergies along with the scratching?

I do my best to keep her paws dry, especially after she goes outside and after walks.
Itā€™s when I leave her with my girlfriend she could
ā€˜Forgetā€™ to dry her.. (also a daily struggle)

I totally agree with the food change. The specialist said
she should be on a fish based diet.
Itā€™s something I plan to do after our holiday incase she has an upset stomach while
my friend looks after her.
Itā€™s not very often that she licks her feet anymore.
It used to be a daily struggle but she has calmed down a lot.

Could that be due to allergies along with the scratching?

I do my best to keep her paws dry, especially after she goes outside and after walks.
Itā€™s when I leave her with my girlfriend she could
ā€˜Forgetā€™ to dry her.. (also a daily struggle)

I totally agree with the food change. The specialist said
she should be on a fish based diet.
Itā€™s something I plan to do after our holiday incase she has an upset stomach while
my friend looks after her.

Some dogs do great on a fish diet, some throw up on it. I had 2 bulldogs ( now just one ) and one would always throw up, and the other was great. But I don't think it's a good idea to just keep a dog on a fish diet, as they wouldn't be doing that in the wild, plus fish nowadays have a lot of contaminants. It'd be better if you could switch your bully to dehydrated raw eg.Pure pet food https://purepetfood.co.uk/dogs/dehydrated-recipes or even less allergenic but less convenient, frozen raw eg. from Bella and Duke https://www.bellaandduke.com/new-signup/
Yeasty paws can be cleaned with chlorehexidine (diluted!). Douxo wipes are good, for instance.
The best treatment is to prevent paw irritation by eliminating food and environmental allergies if they are the causes, so a diet change and adding an antihistamine such as cetirizine might both be required.

A dog shampoo with an antifungal (ketoconazole) and antiseptic ( chlorhexidine ) is also useful for washing dogs feet - in USA there's Ketohex and Curaseb, not sure if readily available for a reasonable price in UK. You could probably use Nizoral shampoo that's meant for humans ( just for the paws, not whole coat, since it's wrong pH ) plus some separate chlorhexidine dog shampoo https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hibiscrub-Health-Care-500-ml/dp/B001AV4C20/ref=sr_1_1?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1534088536&sr=1-1&keywords=chlorhexidine+shampoo

There's also essential oils that are good for yeast such as tea tree oil, but you have to use proper dilution [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION]

Also a good idea to give dog some probiotics once in a while,especially after getting antibiotics, eg. commercial doggy probiotic like Proviable DC or Probiotic Miracle, or milk kefir, or raw goats milk, or live sauerkraut from refrigerator section of health food store.

You may need to put muzzle or e-collar or socks on dog if it won't stop licking the area and it's getting worse.
Yes as [MENTION=16884]Dollys Owner[/MENTION] mentioned essential oils will help for sure.

One ounce of fractionated coconut oil (the clear one)
5drops of tea tree
5drops of oregano oil...

You can also add oregano oil in his meal but ONLY 2 drops! It needs it be mixed in wet food not kibbles as OO is very strong as itā€™s an anti-fungal


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