
  1. M

    Hot spots?

    Brought my 6 year old bulldog to the vet last week for a sore on his back and vet prescribed an antibiotic because she thought it was a hot spot. A couple years ago he started losing his hair and his side have gotten bumps on them the last week or so. The vet thought the balding could be his...
  2. B

    Scabs and sores on my puppyā€™s face

    My puppy is going to be 1 at the end of August, so far he had no problems other then one cherry eye, but now I noticed he started having scans on his face, I tried picking it and dead skin just falls off with the heat leaving an open sore, I think it started happening after I gave him a bath...
  3. Amy89

    Tear soreness

    Hi All Hope you are all keeping safe. I am sorry if there is already a post I cant find it Bruce's wrinkles where his tear stains are, are getting red and look really sore. How can I treat this or is it a trip to the vets? Thanks in advance
  4. Vahe418

    Lip swelling

    Hi everyone, so this morning I noticed the bottom lip of my puppy was swollen and when I wiped his face I noticed a little blood on the napkin from that same lip area.. it almost looks like a cold sore but maybe not.. anyone know what this is from?
  5. RiiSi

    Finally a product that really works for those tear stains!

    Hi guys! I know that many of you work your a***s off trying to keep those beautiful bulldog faces clean and stain free. All my bulldogs have white faces and those stains are really an eye sore. Voittos other ear also use to get really dirty quickly. My bullies stains were not too bad, but still...
  6. Lau23n

    Help Needed! Red Paws

    Hi Guys Im relatively new here. I love reading all the different posts and learning all the tips and tricks. Hopefully you may be able to help me. I have noticed my Bully's paw becoming red and sore in between his toes. It doesn't seem to hurt him as he lets me clean in between (i use witch...
  7. K

    Help Needed! Lump found on anus

    Ronnie has has sore bottom today. Hes been going for the toilet fine but hasn't been himself been pacing around and keeps sitting and standing up. I've just wiped him after the toilet and have felt quite a hard lump on his anus hes been sleeping quite a lot last few days but had put this down...
  8. Hankster

    My Hank ran too hard and is sore

    What can i give him from home. Did rub his leg with some oils ;) but anything internal i can do ? Asprin,,, aleave? I know some are absolute NO!!!!! 's but been a LONG time since needed anything. And hi friends. Miss this place so much... Just have so many distractions :(
  9. paw7004

    Hyperkeratosis treatment!

    I recently posted that Porkchop had tough little "hairs" coming out of his paws. One member said it was hyperkeratosis. I took the suggestion to contact my vet. She said I didn't have to come in for an exam if I wanted to try an inexpensive product first. (Which is great because I'm short on...
  10. V

    Stressed and upset

    Good evening. Sorry for the following essay. I have posted on here before about Lola's skin. A few weeks ago it got worse and worse. Her skin was red/pink and with small raised lumps that were red. Some lumps were scabby also. It was mainly located on her shoulder. After 4 visits to the vets...
  11. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Clyde~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in New Jersey

    PSSSTā€¦.can I tell you a secret? I might have a tough guy name and I might look like a bruiser, but in my mind, Iā€™m a lap dog. Thatā€™s right. Iā€™m a 50 pound brindle English Bulldog boy, but Iā€™d love to sit on your lap or beside it and get bulldog rubs. Iā€™ve recently relocated from the southeast...
  12. V

    Nose rope..

    Good evening all. Itā€™s that time of year again... Lolaā€™s allergies. Over the past week her tear stains and scratching have started again. We are controlling the tear stains and scratching (just about) But I came home from work today and saw her nose rope looking sore.. We changed her diet...
  13. V


    Good afternoon all. I have a question but first just to keep you updated on Lola. She is doing really well since being spayed. The wound was infected but it has cleared up completely now. The laminate flooring has helped in my opinion with her allergies/scratching. She hardly scratches...
  14. H

    Palate surgery update

    First off I want to thank everyone for the recommendations and well wishes! Auggie had his palate surgery and tonsils removed last week and everything has gone very smoothly! We had it done at Hunt Valley Animal Hospital and I would 100% recommend them to anyone in the area for this surgery...
  15. Cbrugs

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Emmy Lou~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    Age: 4 Yrs. Old Gender: Female Adoption Fee: $500.00 Special Needs: No Tolerant of children Tolerant of dogs Tolerant of cats Sweet Emmy Lou found life in her adopted home to not be exactly what was expected. She did not fit in with the other family dog. She was too energetic for a family...
  16. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Jack Frost~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    Please welcome Jack Frost to Lone Star Bulldog Club Rescue. He writes: Iā€™m new to rescue and Iā€™m glad to be. I donā€™t know if I got out, was turned loose, or ran away. All I know is that I ended up in a really, really cold place. In fact, there were snow flakes falling on my fur. I thought to...
  17. MamaAndi

    NO LONGER AVAILABLE ~Victoria~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Nebraska

    Status: Available Age: 7 Gender: Female Location: Omaha, NE Reason given up for adoption: Owner surrender Temperament: Mellow couch potato Health Condition: Sassy senior on a diet Placement Limitations: None Special Needs: No ā€‹ Comments: Oh Victoria! This senior girl will be celebrating her 8th...
  18. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Walter~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Georgia

    10/22/17: Please welcome Walter! Someone purchased him on Craigslist and gave him to the rescue. He needs to be neutered and have his palate shortened.He turned one year old in August. He likes dog and young children but we do not know how he feels about cats.Update 10/27/17: Walter can not...
  19. KingGeorgeTheBulldog


    Hi everyone, I'm new here. Looking for tips or advice on what to feed my dog for his diarrhea. He was Neutered on Thursday and since Friday he has had diarrhea every 1-2 hours for the past four days now. Its just pure liquid. And I can tell hes starting to have a sore bum, because he will not...
  20. I

    sore back leg

    hello my 1 year old bulldog frank cannot put weight on his back leg. he never cries out in pain but today when i got home to him he could put no weight on his back leg. right now he is sleeping as normal but he cannot get up to move. im really worried. is there anything i can do to help him...
  21. pauline

    Should I be worried?

    Hi all, Hobson is sounding chesty, and has a sort of cough or throat clearing issue going on. The cough type noise isn't constant and when he barks he sounds like his throat is sore, its very difficult to explain. He has snored since we got him but this cough type noise is new should i get him...
  22. sisters3

    Help Needed For Joey

    Hi all, Joey has developed a very sore nose rope, Iā€™ve been alway good about cleaning and drying but still now itā€™s sore and tons of gunk coming out when I dab at it. PLEASE I need to know the BEST course of treatment for her. I have Vetericyn spray, Malacetic wipes, and neosporin. Thank you...
  23. S

    Vaccination Question

    Hello, I had a quick question for everyone about vaccines. I looked a little through out the site but I didn't come across what i was looking for. I took my 6 year old male today for his annual check health issues by the way, anyway he only needed his distemper shot because last year he...
  24. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Rocko~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Illinois

    Hiyaā€¦ I am Nate and I am a sweet 1.5 year old special needs English Bulldog. I was surrendered to IEBR in June 2017 with some mobility issues to my back legs. I also have urine and fecal incontinence but I wear a belly band like a champ. I was taken to an orthopedic specialist who did not see...
  25. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Nathan~Special Needs English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Illinois

    Hiyaā€¦ I am Nate and I am a sweet 1.5 year old special needs English Bulldog. I was surrendered to IEBR in June 2017 with some mobility issues to my back legs. I also have urine and fecal incontinence but I wear a belly band like a champ. I was taken to an orthopedic specialist who did not see...
  26. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Tank Turbo~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    I wish this big hunk of a bulldog could talk. I really would like to know his story. All Tank knows is he lost his owner. An acquaintance took him in and now they are divorcing and he has joined rescue. Tank Turbo is on the ā€œthickā€ side, but he has scrapes and bumps and sore places that tell me...
  27. P

    How Common is aspiration pneumonia?

    Josie was running around and playing outside today. Eating grass, dirt, leaves, hopefully no rocks, and she tried to eat a spider web and then threw up just once. She seemed fine afterwards drank some water and went back to playing and running about. This evening she cleared her throat a few...
  28. Chevysmom

    Cherry eye??????

    OK so I have noticed Chevy has these what I call sad eyes they droop really bad and my question is does this mean he is likely to get cherry eye or is this the beginning stages or does he just have droopy eyes I am a worrier he is my first bully and I have heard all the horror stories about...
  29. B

    Help Needed! face sores

    Toby developed this face sore 2 years ago. I took him to 2 vets and they didnt know and said it should go away. It took months for it to heal. Now its back again. It has been getting better. Now looks like hes getting one on the other side. They are blood filled lumps and the start oozing pus...
  30. WaltsMom

    Walt's ears are itchy and sore

    Hey everyone! Walter (16 months) has a sore behind his ear. He is always itching it and it is to the point it is bleeding. There is also a spot inside his ear so i wonder if because he is itchy inside, it is causing him to irritate his skin outside? Recent change to food... he was on natural...
  31. Ranger777

    Please help! Seasonal Allergies or Food Intolerance

    Ranger is our first EB, he is 9 months old and luckily he's been healthy. We have had a few "typical" EB issues, seasonal allergies, hip dysplasia scare (thankfully he doesn't have it) and one skin issue in December where he suddenly developed a small sore and his hair began to fall out in that...
  32. V

    EPS and drool?

    Hey everyone. So whopper is a heavy drooler. I am constantly wiping his jowls with a towel. I'm wondering if anyone knows if that should subside after he heals from EPS surgery. Seems like he is drooling even worse since the surgery on Monday but I expect that while he heals. I'm sure it's sore...
  33. C

    English bulldog ear infection - pictures attached

    Hello all, I'm seeking advice for my two year old English bulldog Lenny. About 4 months ago Lenny develop a sore looking inflamed gunky ear ( Both sides ) . This was treated with a 12 day course of antibiotics, various ear cleaning products and antihistamine with no avail. More recently...
  34. jlj781

    Allergies still

    Hey guys, just adding another chapter to the saga of buff, weve been off and on prednizone for along time now and were trying to get off it again for good but buff is already starting to itch alot and were still on the weening off stage. I have read alot of the allergy and itch treatment...
  35. sisters3

    Help Needed! Joey is very sore under tail!!!

    Hello all, thanks in advance for any help. We are on vacation and Joey has been swimming daily. Well I'm embarrassed and heart broken to say that I didn't know enough to dry there. She is very very sore now. I dried it good and used baby wipe, kept her out of pool yesterday. I have Vetericyn...
  36. Petra

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~CHEIF~ English Bulldog available for adoption in IL.

    Chief's Info... I am already neutered, housetrained, purebred, and up to date with shots. Chief's Story... Hello, my name is Chief and I am about 8 years old. I was sad because I had a really hard life before these nice folks from IEBR helped me find my way to them. You see, I made me live...
  37. S

    Red and sore wrinkles!

    So I'm a first time Bulldog owner and my 9 month old Jeffrey has really sore wrinkles and I don't know what to do. I clean them out regularly with wipes and dry them with cotton balls so I don't understand how they've ended up like this. They're red and irritate him. One side has patches of fur...
  38. Chanelle13

    HELP!! My bully gets sore after he plays.

    Hello! My bully is a year and a half and everytime he plays he gets so sore he yelps. For example our friend came over with his dogs yesterday and they played for about an hour.. he was so sore afterwards he couldn't walk up the stairs or hop up on the bed & when I went to help him up he yelped...
  39. Sicariobulldoggie

    Not sure what this is?

    Hello I have a 5 month old bulldog and there's an outbreak near his eye and I'm not sure if it's acne? Infection? Sore? It's progressively getting worse and I've tried peroxide, witch hazel, and baby wipes (unscented). im clearly out of options now :/ please help! Btw: his eyes smells really...
  40. Vikinggirl

    A Stress Free Way For Trimming Your Dog's Toenails

    A Stress-Free Way For Trimming Your Dogā€™s Toenails Holistic Care / By Dr Karen Gellman 252633 Shares The most common reasons for avoiding nail trims are that the owner is afraid of ā€œquickingā€ the dog, or that the dog fusses and creates bad feelings around the procedure. Nail cutting...