Orion is having a crisis...please help!


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
Today for some reason Orion's eye has been bothering her. She wants to rub it..and she is blinking and tearing up. I don't know if she scratched it or has something in it. I'm thinking of getting her an eye drop to help soothe it...any recommendations? I was thinking just some normal saline. We will be taking her to the vet, but I want to get her something until then. Any suggestions?
oh no, poor little o. it could be so many different things! she could have gotten something in it while she was rubbing her face or scratched her cornea, or just simply irritated it! i hope it is nothing serious. butler had an ulcer on his cornea and now he has a large white scar on his eye. can't wait for the vet to fix/diagnose her. i would use a saline rinse to flush out her eye, and then a gel drop for itchy irritated sensitive eyes. good luck to miss o!
Any over the counter eye drops? If her eye is scratched, would a gel sting her? [MENTION=1539]sheila[/MENTION]
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the gels are just thicker and provide longer lasting lubrication for the eye, but i'm not sure what otc drops would be best. all the drops i have for But are medicated. i used a gel when i had an ulcer on my cornea and it gave me so much more relief than just me regular eye drops. they didn't sting near as bad as my antibiotic or steroid drops.

i know dog's skin is a lot different than ours but i imagine their eyes are just as sensitive so people drops would be okay for emergencies, but i'm not a vet :( i sure wish i was though!
awww poor orion :{ i would think normal saline would help wash whatever she has in there out... good luck keep us posted
No, never put human saline drops in just in case there is a scratch- (that will sting it) you should get some eye wash and lubricating eye ointment from your local drug store until you get her to the vet. If it gets worse get her in ASAP.
ok...off to the store for me. Thanks.
I always keep eye wash from the vet on hand and then Terramycin Ophthalmic Ointment - 1/8 oz | Pet Supplies, Horse Supplies, Dog Supplies | KVsupply.com is the eye ointment to use on eyes, there are some eye drops/ointment that will do more damage then good if there is an ulcer in the eye. Use the terramycin until you have them vet checked to see what else needs to be done or until the eye goes back to normal.
Many many times the terramycin has saved me a vet trip! It even keeps mild entropian livable for a long time.
Awwww, poor O.... it looks like it was really bothering her. How is it this morning???
How she doing? Silva had issues with ingrown eyelashes and we used lubircating eye gel! Hope she is doing better.
It does look really bothersome. Poor Orion. I hope she is feeling better! Please update us as soon as possible. Hopefully it isn't anything serious and is maybe just something that got in there.
When she got out of her kennel...first thing she did was swat at her eye. It took me 1/2 to convince her/ trick her with the eye ointment. She is still squinting/batting. I ordered the terramycin off of ebay. Thankyou [MENTION=1703]bjsfarm[/MENTION]. I did go to the store last night and picked up some eye wash and GenTeal lubricant. I did my research, and you can use the hypromellose on dogs. That will work for now.
Hopefully they will send the terramycin out today. They had a good price on it. $4.75 per tube. $2.75 to ship. I expedited the shipping...depending on how she does when I get home will determine if she goes in tonight or tomorrow. I have Tues and Wed off from work..so I will be able to keep her with me the whole day. Now it's time to get ready for my day. There really isn't anything worse than a Monday, working retail pharmacy..at the store with the best prices in town. Grouchy, grumpy, impatient and sick people are very tiresome. :crazy:
Hope this helps her... I feel so bad for her watching that video, it's obviously really bothering her :*(
I always keep eye wash from the vet on hand and then Terramycin Ophthalmic Ointment - 1/8 oz | Pet Supplies, Horse Supplies, Dog Supplies | KVsupply.com is the eye ointment to use on eyes, there are some eye drops/ointment that will do more damage then good if there is an ulcer in the eye. Use the terramycin until you have them vet checked to see what else needs to be done or until the eye goes back to normal.
Many many times the terramycin has saved me a vet trip! It even keeps mild entropian livable for a long time.

I'm a bit late answering this one ... I hope she feels better this morning!! If you go to the vet the first thing they will do is check for an ulcer, and then if there is any visible scratch. Hopefully, all she has done is scratch it when she was playing and it's now just irritiating her. The difficulty is in stopping them from rubbing at it!!!

[MENTION=1703]bjsfarm[/MENTION] Thank you ... that is really useful to know. I should order some of that so I can have it on hand!!

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