
New member
Aug 16, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello Everyone,

About 4 weeks ago I adopted an English Bulldog from my local Animal Shelter. His name is Butch and he is approximately 2 years old. I was told his reason for being there was he chased horses. Thankfully, I do not own any horses. Butch is my first Bulldog. When I picked Butch up from the shelter, his ears (bleeding), mouth, feet and eyes were bright red and he had really bad gas. I did some research and found that it was probably yeast and that I could get it under control with his diet. That is when I decided to start feeding him real food. His diet consists of venison, rice, carrots, zucchini, spinach, peas, chicken liver, chicken hearts, topped with 3 Tbs of yogurt and sprinkled with ground chicken egg shells. Am I missing something in his diet that he may need? He is 60lbs and I feed him 1 1/2 cups twice a day. His skin is now pink, he rarely has gas and his ears look great! :) Another issue that I knew nothing about was his tail pocket. Every time he went potty, he would sit down immediately. I did research on that and found he also had an infection, or yeast there too. I am pretty sure I have that under control now. I am keeping it clean with medicated wipes, the infection seems to be cleared and he no longer sits after going potty. :) Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this community. I still have lots to learn. My Butch is a wonderful addition to our family, his love for us truly shows.

Welcome Lisa,

Butch is a cool looking BD. Post up some more pics. I really like his colouring. Good on you for rescuing a dog and making the effort to clear up his health issues. Looking forward to seeing more of Butch.

Welcome Lisa and thank you for rescuing that gorgeous boy. It sounds like you are off to a great start getting things under control. Others much more knowledgeable than me will be along to help you out with diet etc! More pics!
Thank you. I have posted more pictures of him. He is doing wonderful.

Hi Lisa. Welcome to EBN. Butch looks fantastic and it is a tribute to your family carrying for him. Looking at his pictures he also has a small nose rope that you should read about. Jewel and Bentley as well as many bullies have them. Butch's is not that pronounced from what I see like my Bentley's. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to post a thread...you are never alone here. Jewel and Bentley say hello.
Thank you so much for rescuing him and giving him such a great new life.... his diet sounds great! And, excellent job on getting the tail issue cleared up!

:welcome3: to EBN! Very happy you found us
:welcome4:We thank you for rescuing Butch, and I am sure he does,too!

You're on the right track so keep doing whatever you're doing as its working for Butch! I also cook for Nyala but I don't give her rice. She's on turkey and all sorts of veggies n fruits. The yogurt I give it as a snack. I keep her off anything that is grain. But that's me.

Great photos!
:welcome2: to EBN!!! Thank you for adopting that sweet boy, and it sounds like you are doing an excellent job of taking care of him... we are so glad to have you both here at EBN!!!
Welcome! Cute boy love the breed never a dull moment. My girl is 7 years old and only had her 3 ( Dec 14) years . It feels like yesterday , I brought her home from rescue.

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