New EB owner- question on food and tear stains


New member
Mar 25, 2018
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello all, I recently adopted an 8 month old EB from a family that was feeding him Science Diet Puppy Food. All his stools are solid and heā€™ll eat it up like itā€™s his last meal. The only issue I see is he has really bad tear stains and the folds are constantly wet from years with he occasional eye booger. Heā€™s not doing any other scratching and his coat looks great. My question is do you guys think switching his food will eliminate the tears and tear stains? If so what would be the best? Iā€™ve seen the TOTW, Fromm, Acana,etc thatā€™s been recommended but hoping someone has experience with this and can give me a pointer. Iā€™d like to try a single protein grain free food. Also will the raw food option help? Does it break the bank though lol?

I attached a pic of Waffles and his tear stains. Thanks all! 4B862721-725D-486A-A811-BD104B26E1E9.jpeg
Hello all, I recently adopted an 8 month old EB from a family that was feeding him Science Diet Puppy Food. All his stools are solid and heā€™ll eat it up like itā€™s his last meal. The only issue I see is he has really bad tear stains and the folds are constantly wet from years with he occasional eye booger. Heā€™s not doing any other scratching and his coat looks great. My question is do you guys think switching his food will eliminate the tears and tear stains? If so what would be the best? Iā€™ve seen the TOTW, Fromm, Acana,etc thatā€™s been recommended but hoping someone has experience with this and can give me a pointer. Iā€™d like to try a single protein grain free food. Also will the raw food option help? Does it break the bank though lol?

I attached a pic of Waffles and his tear stains. Thanks all!View attachment 111691

Welcome!!! We have a discussion on this same topic...also add Apple cider vinegar a cap full or half depending on size of water bowl.
You can also add ACV to their food. My guys wonā€™t drink water with it in it but have no problem when itā€™s mixed in their food.

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Hello all, I recently adopted an 8 month old EB from a family that was feeding him Science Diet Puppy Food. All his stools are solid and heā€™ll eat it up like itā€™s his last meal. The only issue I see is he has really bad tear stains and the folds are constantly wet from years with he occasional eye booger. Heā€™s not doing any other scratching and his coat looks great. My question is do you guys think switching his food will eliminate the tears and tear stains? If so what would be the best? Iā€™ve seen the TOTW, Fromm, Acana,etc thatā€™s been recommended but hoping someone has experience with this and can give me a pointer. Iā€™d like to try a single protein grain free food. Also will the raw food option help? Does it break the bank though lol?

I attached a pic of Waffles and his tear stains. Thanks all!View attachment 111691

Welcome switch may not eliminate the tear stains, the AVC will help lessen them for sure.... but Science diet is not a good food.. it is mostly grains and fillers..... definitely loo into changing to a better high quality food.

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