Does anything really work to eliminate tear stains?


New member
Jul 11, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello bulldog lovers! I have a puppy 7 months old. She has REALLY bad tear stains and I need help figuring out what to do. She had a little staining when we got her at 8 weeks. At that time she was on Fromm Puppy food. The breeder suggested switching to Victor Performance food as that is what she uses regularly and doesnā€™t have any issues at all with tear staining. I didnā€™t feel good about the Victor because it was an adult food. So I left her in the Fromm and the staining got worse. So I switched her to Bil-Jac Puppy Select. The tear stains have just gotten worse and worse. I have tried a tear stain remover from the vet (didnā€™t do a thing), Eye Envy (didnā€™t help either), antibacterial pads from the vet (no change). It isnā€™t a yeast issue (according to the vet). I have been putting a tsp of white vinegar in her drinking water for about a month (hasnā€™t helped). I hesitate to change her food since she loves it and digests it well and I hate to rock that boat. But I donā€™t know what else to do. Hereā€™s an analysis of the Bil-Jac food she is eating.


I would appreciate any help!!
Hello! I would definitely get her off the Bil-Jac. You donā€™t want to feed anything with by products or corn meal. Some high quality brands are Acana, Fromm, Zignature, Open Farm just to name a few. Some brands are all life stages so it doesnā€™t matter the age. My female had tear stains due to teething but theyā€™re gone now. My 4 year old had them for years and they have now magically disappeared. One thing you can do is wipe the folds to help keep them dry. But definitely get a better food and do one protein at a time.

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I personally wouldnā€™t feed any of my dogs with any ingredient with the word By Products. Not even fit for humans why give it to a dogā€¦. BILJAC has grains in it n byproduct. :no:

You need to up the probiotics in her meals so she can gets a good gut flora to kill any type of yeast. Probiotics is a must for a strong immune system. Tear stains is a form of yeast. One, get her off BilJac, if Fromm didnā€™t work for her go onto either Acana or Zignature. Both have single protein bags. After each bag rotate to another protein. This builds up the gut n avoid future allergies if any. Puppy is the crucial age to build the immune system. If itā€™s kibbles I prefer Acana. But thatā€™s me. When I got my white face he had tear stains n I basically put him on a 100% raw diet n it got rid of all tear stains. I also give my dogs filtered water. Donā€™t waste your $ on all sorts for tear stain products as they do not work. It starts in the gut. So itā€™s caused by food. Get normal fragrance free baby wipes n clean all folds n tears stains daily. It absolutely needs to be dried properly. Never use the same wipe for tear stains to the ears to the folds. One for each. Go to your grocery or butcher n buy organs n heart. Cut them up in small pieces n use as a topper on the kibbles. Btw, when you change kibbles do your transition. Takes about 4-5days. Then add approx a good 1/4 ish cup of RAW organs as a topper. Fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies is really good too. Buy marrow bones (not the joints) at your grocery store as marrow is great as a probiotic. Her age at least 3-4ā€ long. Feed raw n never cooked.

ā€œWhat's the difference between by-product meal and chicken meal? By-product meal is made of the waste material left over after the parts for human consumption have been removed. ... Chicken meal is made of only chicken muscle tissue, though the sources of that chicken can be questionable.ā€

Hello, we donā€™t have as much experience of raw feedings as many of the other forum members do but what i can say is that Dudley (our first bully) did have tear stains which would flair up and he was mainly fed on high quality kibble then we had to switch to wet food after he got kidney stones, partly caused by the dry kibble which unfortunately can concentrate there urine and cause kidney stones which is why we will never go down that route again.

Wesley our new baby boy is 6 months old and has been on raw since we brought him home, he has a white face so we did think tear stains might be a problem but so far there has been no staining at all! We really do feel it is all down to his diet.

If at all possible i would give raw a try, its really no harder than other diets.

Monty was on Royal Canin (yuck) when we got him with bad tear stains but they disappeared after we changed foods to Zignature. Buster has some staining but he is on many eye drops a day after his surgery and that it is what is causing it. They tend to come and go a bit.
If you can source Tylan works like a charm. We've been using it (1/4 teaspoon with breakfast every morning for 3 weeks) for 20+ years and it works every time. It is often prescribed for GI issues and may require a scrip. There used to be a product called Angel's Eyes that contained Tylosin that also worked on tear stains but I think they changed the formulation to exclude Tylosin because it was a controlled medication. Not sure about the new formulation but if I had to guess I'd say it likely does not work as well...since the main effective ingredient has been replaced by herbs, roots, frog hair, newt feet, & chicken lips.
Agree with the eh gangā€¦ food and environmental allergies play a big role in the cause. My guy suffers with environmental allergies so his are always wetā€¦ gotta keep them clean and dry. And, as suggested, high quality kibble or raw is they best way to help limit the impact
Quick question- you said you use 1/4 tsp Tylan powder every morning for 3 weeks. Do you use it only for 3 weeks and then stop?
Consider testing another protein. Our Castor had them when he was young and ate beef. Later he ate other proteins and had no tear stains. Not sure that was the reason but might be worth testing.
Do you use it only for 3 weeks and then stop?
Yes, because we immediately get the rescues on quality kibble(Zignature Duck) and the tear stains do not return.
In our experience the tear stains have been 100% food allergy related.
Hello bulldog lovers! I have a puppy 7 months old. She has REALLY bad tear stains and I need help figuring out what to do. She had a little staining when we got her at 8 weeks. At that time she was on Fromm Puppy food. The breeder suggested switching to Victor Performance food as that is what she uses regularly and doesnā€™t have any issues at all with tear staining. I didnā€™t feel good about the Victor because it was an adult food. So I left her in the Fromm and the staining got worse. So I switched her to Bil-Jac Puppy Select. The tear stains have just gotten worse and worse. I have tried a tear stain remover from the vet (didnā€™t do a thing), Eye Envy (didnā€™t help either), antibacterial pads from the vet (no change). It isnā€™t a yeast issue (according to the vet). I have been putting a tsp of white vinegar in her drinking water for about a month (hasnā€™t helped). I hesitate to change her food since she loves it and digests it well and I hate to rock that boat. But I donā€™t know what else to do. Hereā€™s an analysis of the Bil-Jac food she is eating.

View attachment 121187

I would appreciate any help!!
Hi try wrinkle paste it's white and blue u can buy on Amazon my dog had it , I applied 2 times tear stains gone amazing product.
Hello bulldog lovers! I have a puppy 7 months old. She has REALLY bad tear stains and I need help figuring out what to do. She had a little staining when we got her at 8 weeks. At that time she was on Fromm Puppy food. The breeder suggested switching to Victor Performance food as that is what she uses regularly and doesnā€™t have any issues at all with tear staining. I didnā€™t feel good about the Victor because it was an adult food. So I left her in the Fromm and the staining got worse. So I switched her to Bil-Jac Puppy Select. The tear stains have just gotten worse and worse. I have tried a tear stain remover from the vet (didnā€™t do a thing), Eye Envy (didnā€™t help either), antibacterial pads from the vet (no change). It isnā€™t a yeast issue (according to the vet). I have been putting a tsp of white vinegar in her drinking water for about a month (hasnā€™t helped). I hesitate to change her food since she loves it and digests it well and I hate to rock that boat. But I donā€™t know what else to do. Hereā€™s an analysis of the Bil-Jac food she is eating.

View attachment 121187

I would appreciate any help!!

My dog had tons of tear stains too, he had allergies too which also can cause this, but I gave him a berry blend supplement(antioxidants are great for tear stains), the product I bought him is Four Leaf Rover-Red Rover berry blend product.

He had been on it for a year now, no tear stains came back!

Also for the food, it has ā€˜chicken by product ā€˜ and chicken by product meal in it.

Thatā€™s fillers and waste from humans.

Corn is another filler and a high allergen for most dogs too, and it has added synthetic vitamins which arenā€™t good.

I highly recommend you put him on a better food.

Rice can also cause tear stains.
Highly recommended rotate proteins to prevent food allergies. And also the Red Rover berry blend can help!

Raw diet is highly recommended, but if you need a kibble, these are the high quality kibble:

Carna 4
Natures Logic
I personally wouldnā€™t feed any of my dogs with any ingredient with the word By Products. Not even fit for humans why give it to a dogā€¦. BILJAC has grains in it n byproduct. :no:

You need to up the probiotics in her meals so she can gets a good gut flora to kill any type of yeast. Probiotics is a must for a strong immune system. Tear stains is a form of yeast. One, get her off BilJac, if Fromm didnā€™t work for her go onto either Acana or Zignature. Both have single protein bags. After each bag rotate to another protein. This builds up the gut n avoid future allergies if any. Puppy is the crucial age to build the immune system. If itā€™s kibbles I prefer Acana. But thatā€™s me. When I got my white face he had tear stains n I basically put him on a 100% raw diet n it got rid of all tear stains. I also give my dogs filtered water. Donā€™t waste your $ on all sorts for tear stain products as they do not work. It starts in the gut. So itā€™s caused by food. Get normal fragrance free baby wipes n clean all folds n tears stains daily. It absolutely needs to be dried properly. Never use the same wipe for tear stains to the ears to the folds. One for each. Go to your grocery or butcher n buy organs n heart. Cut them up in small pieces n use as a topper on the kibbles. Btw, when you change kibbles do your transition. Takes about 4-5days. Then add approx a good 1/4 ish cup of RAW organs as a topper. Fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies is really good too. Buy marrow bones (not the joints) at your grocery store as marrow is great as a probiotic. Her age at least 3-4ā€ long. Feed raw n never cooked.

ā€œWhat's the difference between by-product meal and chicken meal? By-product meal is made of the waste material left over after the parts for human consumption have been removed. ... Chicken meal is made of only chicken muscle tissue, though the sources of that chicken can be questionable.ā€

View attachment 121188
Wow you are awesome thank you my dog keeps getting cyst on his paw , yeast infection :(

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