
New member
Mar 12, 2018
Cape Cod USA
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Louie, Marge (RIP)
So our EB is 12 weeks old. He has been having soft stools now for almost 3 weeks. We did switch him from Royal Canin puppy chiot to Fromm puppy chiot. We transitioned and assumed the soft stool was from the switch of food. I tried pumpkin which seemed to help a little but now itā€™s back to soft and sometimes runny. There is nothing in the stool Ie mucus or blood. He has normal energy, eats and plays. He could probably use more water but doesnā€™t seem to drink too much. The vet has treated him for a bacteria that was shown in the stool sample but we canā€™t seem to get his stool firm again. Anyone have any ideas. Should I try more pumpkin or possible changing his food again. Heā€™s only been on the Fromm for a little over 2 weeks.
So our EB is 12 weeks old. He has been having soft stools now for almost 3 weeks. We did switch him from Royal Canin puppy chiot to Fromm puppy chiot. We transitioned and assumed the soft stool was from the switch of food. I tried pumpkin which seemed to help a little but now itā€™s back to soft and sometimes runny. There is nothing in the stool Ie mucus or blood. He has normal energy, eats and plays. He could probably use more water but doesnā€™t seem to drink too much. The vet has treated him for a bacteria that was shown in the stool sample but we canā€™t seem to get his stool firm again. Anyone have any ideas. Should I try more pumpkin or possible changing his food again. Heā€™s only been on the Fromm for a little over 2 weeks.

How much are you feeding at each meal?
1/2 cup, 3 times a day. He doubled his weight from 8 weeks to 10&1/2. But he doesnā€™t look over weight or bloated.
So the vet put him on a high fiber canned food that Iā€™m supposed to mix with his dry. Heā€™s had 4 meals mixed with the canned food so far, but his stool is still runny soft serve.
On another note he did test positive for giardia when we first got him. He was treated for that with a powder in his food and medication as well. Iā€™m supposed to check in with the vet tomorrow about his stools to update him.
I looked for the beer Fromm at the feed store that I go to, but it seemed to be the only one they didnā€™t have.
So the vet put him on a high fiber canned food that Iā€™m supposed to mix with his dry. Heā€™s had 4 meals mixed with the canned food so far, but his stool is still runny soft serve.
On another note he did test positive for giardia when we first got him. He was treated for that with a powder in his food and medication as well. Iā€™m supposed to check in with the vet tomorrow about his stools to update him.
I looked for the beer Fromm at the feed store that I go to, but it seemed to be the only one they didnā€™t have.

Ha!! I wouldn't think the feed store would sell "beer" Fromm.... lol of course I know you ment beef? but possibly another Fromm would work??
I believe the Fromm 4 star line is all life stages formula if you want to try one of those.
Ha!! I wouldn't think the feed store would sell "beer" Fromm.... lol of course I know you ment beef? but possibly another Fromm would work??

oops! I'll take the beer, beef for the pup.
So the vet put him on a high fiber canned food that Iā€™m supposed to mix with his dry. Heā€™s had 4 meals mixed with the canned food so far, but his stool is still runny soft serve.
On another note he did test positive for giardia when we first got him. He was treated for that with a powder in his food and medication as well. Iā€™m supposed to check in with the vet tomorrow about his stools to update him.
I looked for the beer Fromm at the feed store that I go to, but it seemed to be the only one they didnā€™t have.

Oh boy --- giardia is very hard to clear up... have him tested again. right Citty - [MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION].
Oh boy --- giardia is very hard to clear up... have him tested again. right Citty - [MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION].

It wouldnā€™t hurt to test him again. Cysts donā€™t necessarily shed every time so it is possible to test negative even though they are still positive.

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