
Active member
Feb 12, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
Ok..I am already the type of person who tends to 2nd guess themselves (always want to make sure I am doing doing the right thing). So, sorry for sounding like a crazy person You all know Gilbert was having the tummy issues..I believe it was too many marrow bones and and the pumpkin..but I took everything but his food away and his poops have been great! But now, I am wondering if he does have an allergy to something in the food? Again, poops are fine! Just his tear stain (which was hoping would go away when he was done teething) has gotten bigger! 20210329_143614.jpg. Was on Fromm Heartland Gold Lrg breed puppy...was thinking could be the beef? Potato? Environmental? He already gets filtered water..stainless steel and ceramic bowls.

2nd part to this question...I have just started him on Fromm Pork and Peas (only single meat protein in this brand) to see if it would help with the rusty color...but my question is...with any (whatever brand) Adult or All Life Stages..the percentage of fat is higher than his puppy food was (14% vs 17% +) should I be worried about the higher fat content? Want to stick to kibble for now.
Sorry for being so long..I am sure I am just overthinking all of this.
Dogs need fat n 17% is all good. The oils you need to watch would be like Palm oil, soy etc..

To get rid of tear stains (yeast) is with a good probiotic n prebiotic from food source. I feed them a raw diet n stains disappeared. Their is a big difference in probiotics as a supplement form n as food wise. I give them that green smelly tripe youā€™ll find at the pet shop frozen section. But you absolutely need to wipe them folds to keep them dry all times. Nyala doesnā€™t have fold issues as sheā€™s a bantam bulldogge so their folds are small. But Jake his is a daily routine. Part of an English Bulldogs maintenance.
Dogs need fat n 17% is all good. The oils you need to watch would be like Palm oil, soy etc..

To get rid of tear stains (yeast) is with a good probiotic n prebiotic from food source. I feed them a raw diet n stains disappeared. Their is a big difference in probiotics as a supplement form n as food wise. I give them that green smelly tripe youā€™ll find at the pet shop frozen section. But you absolutely need to wipe them folds to keep them dry all times. Nyala doesnā€™t have fold issues as sheā€™s a bantam bulldogge so their folds are small. But Jake his is a daily routine. Part of an English Bulldogs maintenance.

Thank you! And I feel like I am constantly chasing Gilbert around with a towel! :yes:
My boy is on raw, several proteins to rotate and his folds are a mess in the spring and fall due to environmental allergies. Clean with witch hazel and ACV in AM... night again, then once dry I put desetin on to help . In AM he wakes up with beautiful clean white folds, by 2:00, the are red and raw. It is a constant battle as he is allergic to all things green

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My boy is on raw, several proteins to rotate and his folds are a mess in the spring and fall due to environmental allergies. Clean with witch hazel and ACV in AM... night again, then once dry I put desetin on to help . In AM he wakes up with beautiful clean white folds, by 2:00, the are red and raw. It is a constant battle as he is allergic to all things green

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Thanks! I have been doing the witch hazel but will definitely add the other! Gilbert is such a pickle to wrestle with to do anything with his face! The thought had crossed my mind to giving him a zrytec (he has come in a few times with a runny nose)? What are your thoughts ?
Sometimes I think my bearded dragon is easier :lol:
Thanks! I have been doing the witch hazel but will definitely add the other! Gilbert is such a pickle to wrestle with to do anything with his face! The thought had crossed my mind to giving him a zrytec (he has come in a few times with a runny nose)? What are your thoughts ?

Sorry... yes, Lambeau gets a Zyrtec with breakfast

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My boy is on raw, several proteins to rotate and his folds are a mess in the spring and fall due to environmental allergies. Clean with witch hazel and ACV in AM... night again, then once dry I put desetin on to help . In AM he wakes up with beautiful clean white folds, by 2:00, the are red and raw. It is a constant battle as he is allergic to all things green

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This is exactly what happens to Walter... it never ends!!!
This is exactly what happens to Walter... it never ends!!!

Right?? And, that is with daily Zyrtec and monthly Cytopoint... :facepalm:

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