Feb 9, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi ,

My English bullydog, is super active that he wants to run and play outside ALL THE TIME. I do it with him but I am scared that he might have joint problems. IS this an issue with you where your bulldog is super duper active? I just want to know if there's vitamins for joints that you give him/her to prevent hip and joint problems in the future. Walter is 9 months old. He is the most active dog I have ever had. He's as active as a Lab. They say bulldogs will never show weakness even if they feel like they're hurting. So I always have this guilty feeling where I don't know when to stop playing fetch with him or should I keep going. Is he hurting? Is he tired? Because he never shows it. Am I the only one that has a super active English Bulldog?
Hi ,

My English bullydog, is super active that he wants to run and play outside ALL THE TIME. I do it with him but I am scared that he might have joint problems. IS this an issue with you where your bulldog is super duper active? I just want to know if there's vitamins for joints that you give him/her to prevent hip and joint problems in the future. Walter is 9 months old. He is the most active dog I have ever had. He's as active as a Lab. They say bulldogs will never show weakness even if they feel like they're hurting. So I always have this guilty feeling where I don't know when to stop playing fetch with him or should I keep going. Is he hurting? Is he tired? Because he never shows it. Am I the only one that has a super active English Bulldog?

Heā€™s 9 months old, let him enjoy himself. I had one and trust me he was a non stop energizer bunny till he slept at night. The things he did was unbelievable. Even flew pass my arm length height n landed a somersault right in front of me n that was smack in winter. What they were doing behind my back for that 5 seconds I have no clue. Some EB are very active. Some might not agree but I believe to keep your dogs going n donā€™t matter the breed. Let them go, let them play n let them have fun. No matter what breed it is, if they will hurt themselves, they will. You canā€™t prevent n protect them 24/7. Like kids. I lost my Duke only at 2.5 years old. Not cause he wasnā€™t healthy and non active, cause of an incompetent vet. Long story...So.....Why IMO, yes keep an eye open for sure but let them have fun, let them play, let them be brats as you never know when they will go. If they are in pain they will let you know.
Heā€™s 9 months old, let him enjoy himself. I had one and trust me he was a non stop energizer bunny till he slept at night. The things he did was unbelievable. Even flew pass my arm length height n landed a somersault right in front of me n that was smack in winter. What they were doing behind my back for that 5 seconds I have no clue. Some EB are very active. Some might not agree but I believe to keep your dogs going n donā€™t matter the breed. Let them go, let them play n let them have fun. No matter what breed it is, if they will hurt themselves, they will. You canā€™t prevent n protect them 24/7. Like kids. I lost my Duke only at 2.5 years old. Not cause he wasnā€™t healthy and non active, cause of an incompetent vet. Long story...So.....Why IMO, yes keep an eye open for sure but let them have fun, let them play, let them be brats as you never know when they will go. If they are in pain they will let you know.

Thank you so very much for your response. WOW you also had one that's like an energizer bunny. Your response gave me some relief because sometimes I stop him thinking that he's sprained and stuff. And he would give me a face that says "why are we stopping?" and then I feel bad because I only care for him. Im so so so sorry about what im gonna do now is to just let Walter live life to the fullest and just have fun. Thank you. Your response gave me so much relief and kinda took a sword out of my chest. I should stop being such a crazy bulldog mom.
The main problem will be getting overheated in the summer. That can be deadly. Otherwise running around shouldn't be a problem, although jumping is a concern before the growth plates close, which happens around 12 months of age, so I wouldn't let him jump around before then. [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] for more insights on this.
The main problem will be getting overheated in the summer. That can be deadly. Otherwise running around shouldn't be a problem, although jumping is a concern before the growth plates close, which happens around 12 months of age, so I wouldn't let him jump around before then. [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] for more insights on this.

Hello thank you! My Walter doesn't really like to jump so that's good! He just likes to run and walk and play fetch. Thanks for the advise about jumping. And yes I've researched about the summer. We will walk and play at night. I have never seen my Walter jump at all!
Louie just turned 3 and heā€™s another active one. Iā€™ve always said heā€™s part horse because of how much he loves to run. When he was younger, he would wake up at 5 am and go nonstop until he would pass out around 3 pm. He doesnā€™t do that anymore but heā€™s still active. And now we have a 6 month old puppy and so they keep each other entertained.

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Louie just turned 3 and heā€™s another active one. Iā€™ve always said heā€™s part horse because of how much he loves to run. When he was younger, he would wake up at 5 am and go nonstop until he would pass out around 3 pm. He doesnā€™t do that anymore but heā€™s still active. And now we have a 6 month old puppy and so they keep each other entertained.

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Omg I hysterically laughed when you said Part Horse hahahahah!!!! Damn, 5am to 3pm huh. Now I know there's more active than my Walter. I just couldn't believe sometimes how active he is. He wants to play all the time. And Im so glad to know there more bulldogs that are super active. Now I am thinking of getting another bulldog lol Because Im kind of tired right now. Esp. quarantined, he expects to go run all the time.
Louie just turned 3 and heā€™s another active one. Iā€™ve always said heā€™s part horse because of how much he loves to run. When he was younger, he would wake up at 5 am and go nonstop until he would pass out around 3 pm. He doesnā€™t do that anymore but heā€™s still active. And now we have a 6 month old puppy and so they keep each other entertained.

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By the way. 5am THATS EARLY!!!! LOL
Omg I hysterically laughed when you said Part Horse hahahahah!!!! Damn, 5am to 3pm huh. Now I know there's more active than my Walter. I just couldn't believe sometimes how active he is. He wants to play all the time. And Im so glad to know there more bulldogs that are super active. Now I am thinking of getting another bulldog lol Because Im kind of tired right now. Esp. quarantined, he expects to go run all the time.

By the way. 5am THATS EARLY!!!! LOL

I gotta say, getting a puppy to keep up with him has worked out great. She totally tires him out.

He now wakes up around 630-7 am and likes to take naps.

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Hello thank you! My Walter doesn't really like to jump so that's good! He just likes to run and walk and play fetch. Thanks for the advise about jumping. And yes I've researched about the summer. We will walk and play at night. I have never seen my Walter jump at all!

Iā€™ve got a 5 year old and a 5 month old. Murphy is 5, and could care less about stuff. Lol. Donā€™t get me wrong, he plays but he also just chills out all day!! Now my 5 month old Milton-like you said energizer bunny haha. With the summer I always have a kiddie pool filled with water, so they can get wet and cool down whenever they want when we are outside together
Thank you so very much for your response. WOW you also had one that's like an energizer bunny. Your response gave me some relief because sometimes I stop him thinking that he's sprained and stuff. And he would give me a face that says "why are we stopping?" and then I feel bad because I only care for him. Im so so so sorry about what im gonna do now is to just let Walter live life to the fullest and just have fun. Thank you. Your response gave me so much relief and kinda took a sword out of my chest. I should stop being such a crazy bulldog mom.

You still feeding him Puppy Pro Plan Purina? If so switch to Acana single protein bags n rotate each bag when finished. As itā€™s extremely important puppy hets different meat protein so the body gets use to all protein n avoid lots of allergies, licking paw, ears issues etc. Better would be a raw diet to have a healthy dog down the road. But definitely we members are no great fans of any thing by Purina, Royal Canin or Science Hill. Higher the protein the better and needs to come from a meat protein n not legumes or fillers. Any puppy that starts on a good source of meat the better it will thrive as the get older. Mother Nature knows best.
You still feeding him Puppy Pro Plan Purina? If so switch to Acana single protein bags n rotate each bag when finished. As itā€™s extremely important puppy hets different meat protein so the body gets use to all protein n avoid lots of allergies, licking paw, ears issues etc. Better would be a raw diet to have a healthy dog down the road. But definitely we members are no great fans of any thing by Purina, Royal Canin or Science Hill. Higher the protein the better and needs to come from a meat protein n not legumes or fillers. Any puppy that starts on a good source of meat the better it will thrive as the get older. Mother Nature knows best.

Hello I want to buy this today at Petco. I tried to switch to royal canin before and my dog just got a diarrhea... so i switched back to purina. I didnt know that purina was not good at all. I want to buy this today. Should I completely change into this? Sorry what did u mean by rotate each bag please ? Thank you. What i am looking at is Acana lamb and apple coz he likes Lamb he hates chicken
Gang has you covered, but in summer, watch the heat, be sure he is indoors going crazy with AC and fresh water.

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Iā€™ve got a 5 year old and a 5 month old. Murphy is 5, and could care less about stuff. Lol. Donā€™t get me wrong, he plays but he also just chills out all day!! Now my 5 month old Milton-like you said energizer bunny haha. With the summer I always have a kiddie pool filled with water, so they can get wet and cool down whenever they want when we are outside together

I will get a kiddie pool for the summer for sure. Thank you so much for sharing!!!
I will get a kiddie pool for the summer for sure. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Yes kiddie pools are great.

Royal Canin, Purina is full of grains. Acana makes single protein bags example. Lamb, Duck, Beef or Pork etc... check out the link. Acana also add taurine, way less legumes than anyone and one of the highest protein coming from meat which is what youā€™re looking for. For diarrhea simply give one tablespoon of organic pumpkin purĆ©e. Each meal. Great for diarrhea n great source of fiber. NOT the ones for pies. Make sure you do a transition with your kibble n the new one. Takes about a5-7days slowly.

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