General Question Luca wakes up with eye boogers


New member
Dec 4, 2012
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Luca Brasi
Lately Luca has been waking up every morning after a long nights sleep with a small stream of greenish snot running down his eye along the tear stain path of his face. Usually on both sides. His eyes don't seem to bother him at all although I do notice he gets a bit itchy on his hind legs. I saw in another post that that might be relevant. Is it just allergies??? His crate is located in the living room under a small window that we close at bed time. Also the crate is close to the base board heaters but too close. Maybe the air is too dry??
It could be allergies. Does it happen any other time during the day?

Im a little concerned that you said there was green pus. That would usually mean there is infection!!
Could be allergies, could be dry eye. Your vet can check for dry eye at the next check up appointment, (not something necessary to schedule a special visit for).

If you think his food is causing allergic reactions you can try changing foods and eliminating the usual suspects (grain, chicken etc....), but do a slow transition, you might not see instant results but it'll be better for his health overall.
It could be allergies. Does it happen any other time during the day?

Im a little concerned that you said there was green pus. That would usually mean there is infection!!
No other times o the day. Only see it when he wakes in the morning in his crate
Luca is 16 weeks now

I tagged a few puppy knowledgable members.... as I am not sure if you can give benedryl that young, but if you can it will be 1mg per pound up to 3x a day
Lately Luca has been waking up every morning after a long nights sleep with a small stream of greenish snot running down his eye along the tear stain path of his face. Usually on both sides. His eyes don't seem to bother him at all although I do notice he gets a bit itchy on his hind legs. I saw in another post that that might be relevant. Is it just allergies??? His crate is located in the living room under a small window that we close at bed time. Also the crate is close to the base board heaters but too close. Maybe the air is too dry??

yes it can very well be allergy related, but I'm sure the dry heat is not helping him. I set up a humidifier in the house during the winter months, is it possible for you to do this? it also take's the static out of the air
if its just in the morning not sure it would be food but maybe environmental allergies. i also use a humidier in my home that i can set at a certain percentage and it turns on and off. might want to move the crate and see if this helps. also check the bedding and stuff in the crate for possible allergens.

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