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Financial Assistance With Vet Bills


New member
Community Veteran
Apr 15, 2010
Southern Illinois/Florida
Bulldog(s) Names
Princess Alberta (Bertie) Barkghesi
OK.....I typed this out and it is attached as a pdf document.
It is above the picture!
Click on the link that is named Help.pdf

I thought this might be helpful to some Bully Parents out there....actually probably do good for all pet owners to know about this!

View attachment help.pdf


Here is a list of organizations that provide financial assistance. Please check their websites to see if you qualify.

Angels For Animals - Angelsforanimals.org
Brown Dog Foundation - Browndogfoundation.org
Canine Cancer Awareness - Caninecancerawareness.org
Care Credit - Carecredit.com
Cats in Crisis - catsincrisis.org
Extend Credit - Extendcredit.com
Fairy Dog Parents - fairydogparents.org
Frankie's Friends - frankiesfriends.com
Gracie's Mission - graciesmission.org
Paws 4 A Cure - paws4acure.org
Shakespeare Animal Fund - shakespeareanimalfund.org
The Dog and Cat Cancer Fund - DCCFUND.org
The Magic Bullet Fund - Themagicbulletfund.org
The Mosby Foundation - themosbyfoundation.org
The Pet Fund - thepetfund.com
The Riedel & Cody Fund - riedelcodyfund.org
Sam Simon Foundation. Hearing Dogs | Service Dogs for Veterans | The Sam Simon Foundation Assistance Dogs Program

You can also check with National Animal Organizations For More Info.
Alley Cat Allies - alleycat.org
American Humane Association - americanhumane.org
ASPCA - aspca.org
Best Friends Animal Society - bestfriends.org
HSUS - hsus.org
Petsmart Charities - petsmartcharities.org
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Dang..I can't get it clear enough..but I do see Care Credit. I am thinking its resources to help? If so..Awesome Rob! We have had a few members lately in dire need of ideas. Thank you!
Dang..I can't get it clear enough..but I do see Care Credit. I am thinking its resources to help? If so..Awesome Rob! We have had a few members lately in dire need of ideas. Thank you!

Yes, there are 23 or 24 resources for help with vet bills. This lists the names and websites. I will type it all out in a bit and post it...I can't make the picture any bigger without it getting really distorted.
Yes, there are 23 or 24 resources for help with vet bills. This lists the names and websites. I will type it all out in a bit and post it...I can't make the picture any bigger without it getting really distorted.

I think it's because I'm on an IPad too. This might be great info to keep for the future!

Yes we could stick your post once you do it :up:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk :)
:goodpost: thank you for sharing ... and thank you for taking the time to type it up for everyone!!!
I can't read it either and Im on my laptop. Will be watching this threat!
OK.....look at the first post now and let me know if you can read it! Don't click on picture, click on the link above it!

This is weird!!!! I open it and I can see it...it took a minute to show up, but I'm looking at it now.

OK it gets even weirder - I can click on links in your document....eventhough the text is invisible LOL I was able to copy and paste the invisible text into another document, so the PDF definitely is NOT blank.

Maybe it appears blank because I'm using the PDF reader on my Mac??
OK it gets even weirder - I can click on links in your document....eventhough the text is invisible LOL I was able to copy and paste the invisible text into another document, so the PDF definitely is NOT blank.

Maybe it appears blank because I'm using the PDF reader on my Mac??

LOL I edited the post about 6 times trying to make sure it worked....I was going crazy!!!!
it worked for me, thank you so much for doing the list!

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