Let's share recipes!!


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
My Girl Joey
I thought this would be fun, so many of us have been here YEARS, it's time we swapped some recipes :)

I love learning about cooking and family heritage, so I'll go first and REALLY HOPE others join in.....

Our Dad was first generation in the United States (his parents are from Hungry) Our Mom's heritage is German; Scot; and a bit English

Here is one of my favorite recipes for Slovak kolache (nut roll)

Hungarian (Slovak) Nut Roll

Recipe Makes 4 Rolls (5 if made smaller)


In a bowl mix together the following dry ingredients:

(7) cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
(2) teaspoons baking powder

Mix together well and set aside.

In a bowl mix the following wet ingredients:

(6) eggs (beat up really well)
1 lb. of butter (softened)
(1) cup sugar

Mix the above all together and then add:

(1) cup warmed milk
(1) cake yeast (when milk is warm crumble into milk and stir)

Add milk and yeast mixture to the wet mixture above. **do not delay in pouring into wet bowl**

Once well mixed start adding the dry ingredients, you may get to the point where you knead with your hands.

Place dough in bowl, place tea towel over and place somewhere warm to rise.


1.5 sticks butter (soft)
(1) cup sugar
Add brown sugar to taste (maybe a half cup)
ADD MILK UNTIL it gets moist and somewhat creamy
Add ground nuts (probably 3 cups)
****The mixture MUST be spreadable so donā€™t add too many ground nuts. If too dry add more milk

Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. WATCH THEM will get brown on top.

**To Freeze wrap in plastic wrap then in foil. Thaw at room temp and enjoy!
That sounds delicious!
Thanks.....YOUR TURN....please :)

I have a recipe for rice balls I will post but the recipe is at home so will post tomorrow!
[MENTION=14995]sisters3[/MENTION] Great idea! Your nut rolls sound delicious and I will definitely try them.

Here is a recipe of the most Swedish of sweet buns: "kanelbulle", ie cinnamon rolls https://sweden.se/culture-traditions/cinnamon-buns/
We eat a lot of them here and they even have their own national day - we actually celebrated "Kanelbullens dag" (National cinnamon roll day) just a few days ago!

Photo from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3a/Kanelbulle.jpg/375px-Kanelbulle.jpg
[MENTION=9875]cefe13[/MENTION] YAY!! OMG I love cinnamon rolls and will ABSOLUTELY be making these, maybe even this weekend to have after church!!! YUM YUM !!! I totally LOVE this, getting recipes from everywhere.....PRICELESS !! I especially love the stories too. WHO KNEW there was a national day for Cinnamon Rolls (Kanelbullens) HOW FUN!! Sorry I missed it :)

Let's keep this going please. I will try all recipes, I love to cook...I am vegetarian (actually pescatarian -I eat fish) but I cook meat for everyone else (except one of my sisters who is also meatless)
[MENTION=9875]cefe13[/MENTION] YAY!! OMG I love cinnamon rolls and will ABSOLUTELY be making these, maybe even this weekend to have after church!!! YUM YUM !!! I totally LOVE this, getting recipes from everywhere.....PRICELESS !! I especially love the stories too. WHO KNEW there was a national day for Cinnamon Rolls (Kanelbullens) HOW FUN!! Sorry I missed it :)

Let's keep this going please. I will try all recipes, I love to cook...I am vegetarian (actually pescatarian -I eat fish) but I cook meat for everyone else (except one of my sisters who is also meatless)

I'm a vegetarian too (no fish)! I cook meat as well for my boyfriend. My whole family is vegetarian.
I'm a vegetarian too (no fish)! I cook meat as well for my boyfriend. My whole family is vegetarian.

Omg how cool! We can share meatless dishes! Yesterdayā€™s homemade soup was roasted cauliflower and is a favorite among my carnivores! I serve with fresh grated Parmesan on top and always have a good crusty bread for dipping. At a mere 35 calories per cup an extra piece of bread is suggested ��
The problem with Italians, we donā€™t follow recipes lolll. Weā€™re the pinch of this n pinch of that breed. But I will get you some real recipes. I do sauces as a business but canā€™t give out my recipes. :p

Let me dig some old recipes out....
Omg how cool! We can share meatless dishes! Yesterdayā€™s homemade soup was roasted cauliflower and is a favorite among my carnivores! I serve with fresh grated Parmesan on top and always have a good crusty bread for dipping. At a mere 35 calories per cup an extra piece of bread is suggested ��

Yum!!! That sounds delicious...I love cauliflower!

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The problem with Italians, we donā€™t follow recipes lolll. Weā€™re the pinch of this n pinch of that breed. But I will get you some real recipes. I do sauces as a business but canā€™t give out my recipes. :p

Let me dig some old recipes out....

Yay Helene! Bring them on! Stories too please!

- - - Updated - - -

Yum!!! That sounds delicious...I love cauliflower!

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How about it? I did grilled cauliflower steaks this summer, with Montreal seasoning. So good!
Will get some from my sister as she files recipes from ancestors and from original recipes.
Love Ravioli or any homemade pasta. I donā€™t eat much carbs as when I go home to visit, my sister feeds me till I canā€™t move. Then I fly back home takes me a month to digest n lose the 10lbs I gained hahaha...

500g ā€œ00ā€ flour
4 eggs
Mix all together like a dough n roll it out or pass it through the pasta machine
Nowadays you can also get any pasta form tray cutters. Lay the dough on top, fill with the filling, another layer of dough on top and roll with the rolling pin to cut into shapes...

1 cup ricotta
1 cup mozz/provelone
1 egg

28oz can San Marzano (best tomatoes on the planet)
7g sliced garlic
1 t salt
Fresh basil

View attachment 117606
The problem with Italians, we donā€™t follow recipes lolll. Weā€™re the pinch of this n pinch of that breed. But I will get you some real recipes. I do sauces as a business but canā€™t give out my recipes. :p

Let me dig some old recipes out....

So freakin true... I very rarely measure anything when cooking... only measure in baking

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I thought this would be fun, so many of us have been here YEARS, it's time we swapped some recipes :)

I love learning about cooking and family heritage, so I'll go first and REALLY HOPE others join in.....

Our Dad was first generation in the United States (his parents are from Hungry) Our Mom's heritage is German; Scot; and a bit English

Here is one of my favorite recipes for Slovak kolache (nut roll)

Hungarian (Slovak) Nut Roll

Recipe Makes 4 Rolls (5 if made smaller)


In a bowl mix together the following dry ingredients:

(7) cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
(2) teaspoons baking powder

Mix together well and set aside.

In a bowl mix the following wet ingredients:

(6) eggs (beat up really well)
1 lb. of butter (softened)
(1) cup sugar

Mix the above all together and then add:

(1) cup warmed milk
(1) cake yeast (when milk is warm crumble into milk and stir)

Add milk and yeast mixture to the wet mixture above. **do not delay in pouring into wet bowl**

Once well mixed start adding the dry ingredients, you may get to the point where you knead with your hands.

Place dough in bowl, place tea towel over and place somewhere warm to rise.


1.5 sticks butter (soft)
(1) cup sugar
Add brown sugar to taste (maybe a half cup)
ADD MILK UNTIL it gets moist and somewhat creamy
Add ground nuts (probably 3 cups)
****The mixture MUST be spreadable so donā€™t add too many ground nuts. If too dry add more milk

Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. WATCH THEM will get brown on top.

**To Freeze wrap in plastic wrap then in foil. Thaw at room temp and enjoy!

Here is a link to an EBN sister site... I never posted, I donā€™t think but it looks to have a lot of content. Taste Tested Recipes Cooking Forum - Taste Tested Recipes- Cooking Forums

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