
Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)
A few members have asked me what kind of essential oils they can use on their bullies for certain issues. I figured, why not start a thread on Essential Oils. Basically oils are NOT a replacement for serious issues but more on prevention, soothing, helping them out to be more relax and even while on meds. (As for humans!) Again oils do not replace meds!!! I do and use oils daily for myself and for Nyala. Best advise I can give is do your homework. Read, read a lot as it takes a few years to understand unless you had a good coach as I did. Im still learning everyday :) Now any other members that has used oils and know of mixtures that really works, by all means, post them. Your mixture might help other bullies with same problem or maybe not even a problem just so they smell nice :yes:

NOTE! There are a couple oils NOT to be used in big quantities and they are Tea Tree and Melaleuca. Ex: if you find a recipe says 15 drops of these 2 oils, well NO. More like 3-4 drops. Nothing is wrong with these oils just pets do not absorb like humans. Also NO..... I repeat NO oils of any kind are for cats!!!! Cats n Oils dont work together!!! I don't want to scare you from oils just we have to use our heads and be logic. Oils has been around for 1000s of years and a lot of today's medication are made from oils.

So here are a couple recipes and I will post more but again would be great if YOU know of some mixture that works please post them :)

Great way to learn is read up on each oils then you will say... oh I get it :) USE ONLY essential oils that has a bin# on the bottle or therapeutic grade. Some will say 100% pure, organic and they are not. Ask questions.


14 oz of Witch Hazel
12 drops of Lavender
15 drops of Citronella
15 drops of Lemongrass

Put all in a spray bottle and shake.

When I bought Nyala home at 3 months old, she was doing fine. At 5 months she caught a cold had to be put on antibiotics for 7 days :( she had green snots, guk coming out of her nose n eyes 24/7 I have a diffuser ultrasonic ionizer and I decided to do my own mix that I use for my breathing when I get all stuffed up at night. My diffuser is on all day n night. Has a timer. It took 2 days for all to clear Nyala's cold n guk. I put the diffuser towards her kennel while she was sleeping. I swear it worked better and faster than her pills. BUT I still gave her the antibiotics.

I always suggest put a diffuser where the dog sleeps or hangs around. This will open up the lungs n breathe better. Oils are powerful so don’t change the recipe or add different oils:

In a diffuser that holds 1-1.5 Cup water…. I only buy from either DoTerra or young living. DoTerra is less expensive both quality Oils.

8 drops of Eucalyptus
8 drops of Peppermint
8 drops of Lavender
3 drops of Lemongrass
3 drops of Tea Tree

if you have a cat, omit the peppermint.

Oil and water DO NOT mix why you need a diffuser that is ultrasonic ionizer cause the vibration is so fast it breaks the oils in the water. If you put oils in your bath you need a carrier which means like a teaspoon of honey or coconut oil n mix it in then put it under running water.

Got more but off to bed :) tomorrow :)
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I'm saving up for an Ionizer, our Pug Lycka got sick with Kennel cough last week and the vet assistant told me Ionizers are great cos they kill airborne viruses and bacteria. I can't believe I've never heard of that before:blink: cos it's really awesome! Also here in South Africa, especially where we live it gets incredibly static during winter due to no rainfall.
Here are some links that will help you all to buy and shop for proper items, oils, a lot of good reading on oils and more.

Now note that what oils you use for yourself/airborne is the same for dog. BUT for the ones you rub or digest can be a bit strong so use less drops in your carrier oil. I DO NOT give Nyala any oils to digest except coconut oil, salmon etc. She's home cooked so she eats well. I need to do more research on digestible oils. :)

Heavenly Scent - Ultrasonic Essential Oil Diffuser - Aromatherapy (Essential Oils)
This is the diffuser i have.


Essential Oils Might Be the New Antibiotics - The Atlantic







Here's a UPLIFT for diffuser

10 drops Lime
10 drops Cedarwood
10 drops Lavender
08 drops Copaiba.........Copaiba Essential Oil is the most powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient. Massive tree fromethe Amazon rainforest.

You can also use one teaspoon of a carrier oil with 8 drops a lavender and 4 of copaiba and massage on pain.
From [MENTION=3991]Saalwi[/MENTION] /Sarah

It's been a little while since I've posted so to catch up...Sgt.Schultz is turning 10 tomorrow and is still full of himself. His health has been pretty good (lots of maintenance) but I wouldn't trade him for the world.I've been home cooking for about 3 years (in a pinch we use a grain free honest kitchen that we add a protein to) and this seems to work well for his system.His chronic ear infections have been healed with a blend of essential oils that we apply weekly with a cotton balls - better than any antibiotic or vet supplied ear drop.

Here is the essential oil recipe for ear infections or just maintaining good ear health.Spray on cotton ball and wipe out ears ...don't spray directly in ears.In a 2 ounce glass spray bottle, combine:

15 drops Lavender
15 drops Geranium
15 drops Frankincense
15 drops Basil
10 drops Arborvitae

Fractionated*Coconut Oil*to fill the bottle about 3/4 of the way fullShake bottle well before using. Use once a week to treat ears that have an ear infection or once a month as a preventative measure in ears that are prone to recurrent ear infectionsIf ears are especially inflamed or infected, dilute 2 drops of lavender in 4 drops of fractionated*coconut oil*on a cotton ball and apply lightly to soothe the inflamed ear area.
Thank you for sharing:) I can't wait to order my kit soon !

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Id you get your kit ? And?

I got my kit. I love my diffuser mixing different oils in it to make my place a calmer atmosphere. I am still learning how to use the oils.

I dab a drop of peppermint to get my day going. I add it to my workout water to give me boost.
I use a drop of peppermint for Porkchop 's water.

I add lemon oil to my water for flavor.

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I got my kit. I love my diffuser mixing different oils in it to make my place a calmer atmosphere. I am still learning how to use the oils.

I dab a drop of peppermint to get my day going. I add it to my workout water to give me boost.
I use a drop of peppermint for Porkchop 's water.

I add lemon oil to my water for flavor.

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Wow good job! :2thumbs: if only people knew how good this stuff is when it's done the right way.

Do you see a difference in porkchop or yourself?
Wow good job! :2thumbs: if only people knew how good this stuff is when it's done the right way.

Do you see a difference in porkchop or yourself?

It's great stuff ! I noticed it made me calmer and my allergies are going away. I hardly wake up with allergies anymore .

The peppermint in Porkchop's water is amazing ! Her poop doesn't stink LOL I had no other way to put it. It's almost scent less so to speak. Peppermint helps the digestive system that might explain why lol

I love using my diffuser at night to relax and enjoy the aroma.

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Came across this. Lady Asking a question about bulldog n tumors..... Just a thought.

Alli November 8, 2015 Any thoughts on using frankincense for dog tumors/growths? How often should it be used? I want to do one tumor at time to make sure I’m not over dosing her with oil. We have a 6 year old bulldog with multiple tumors. We had some surgically removed, but she still has some left. Incorporating coconut into her diet too to help.**

Reply Dr. Z November 8, 2015 Hi Alli, I have seen some fantastic testimonials on frankincense for canine tumors, but the research doesn’t support any specific protocols. My main recommendation is to remember to heavily dilute with a carrier, because animals are so much sensitive to smells and chemicals than we are…

Sue January 30, 2016 Hi, Alli We used one drop frankincense diluted with 50 drops fractionated coconut oil, applied once per day, on our cat’s tumor (which was the size of a lima bean). It was gone in a month! Not a pretty sight as it seemed to split open, scab over, then drop off, but it didn’t seem to cause our cat ANY discomfort. Her hair just around the tumor initially fell out but grew back in quickly. There was no skin irritation (redness, scaling, or swelling). We weren’t prescribed the ingredients or dosage by a vet; but we googled something like ‘essential oils safe for cats, tumors’ and found this option, which definitely sounded less traumatic & less expensive than the surgery suggested/urged by the vet. (Plus, that would’ve meant antibiotics..and we all know those are the pits.) You may have found another solution by now, but whatever the case, I pray your dog is well.*

Ok...what he means by carrier oil is example one I use is coconut oil but its transparent. Not the white one we are used to. I can guarantee god forbid anything happens to Nyala I would be the first to do this. But that's me.
I use Doterra oils on my Bulldogs for many different things. The natural way is the way to go before medication if possible in my personal opinon.
I use Doterra oils on my Bulldogs for many different things. The natural way is the way to go before medication if possible in my personal opinon.

I just posted some links to you post on your bully having cancer. Read them. Im sure you will understand if you go natural before meds. Read on frankincense. I personally, I would rub some on top were the tumour is. Again that's me. Another good brand is young living. Since you know Doterra, means youve done your homework!

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