Help Needed! Lady is acting out


New member
Nov 4, 2017
Bulldog(s) Names
Lady Bella
So my lady is acting out.

For 99% of her life sheā€™s been the only dog in the family.
She potty trained and has a doggy door.
She never really socialize with other dogs on a full time scale just if they bump
Into each other on a walk etc.

Well we slowly introduced her to a new dog and then slowly started to bring him around more and more until he started to live at the house. Well now thatā€™s heā€™s here my lady is acting out.

She has decided itā€™s now okay to pee anywhere she wants.
Iā€™ve walked into the house and find multiple pee spots from her.
Sheā€™s also walked up on me multiple times let me pet her wags her butt
Then stares at me and pops a squat and pees. Or just randomly walks to where Iā€™m at stares at me and pee on the floor or couch or bed etc.....

I was sorta expecting the new dog to pee and being bad cause heā€™s younger and a boy but heā€™s actually been super good but my lady is the one acting out.
She wonā€™t play with him she actually ignores him basically and sheā€™s been using the bathroom in the house. Btw new dog is a pitbull.

The first month I didnā€™t do anything I just cleaned it and told her bad in a firm voice.
She put her head down and would go hide for 30min-1hr.
Now Iā€™m locking her up in her kennel when she does it.
However it doesnā€™t seem to mind her cause even after I feel I locked her up long enough and go to let her out she just looks at me and stays in the cage until sheā€™s ready to leave.

I donā€™t know what else to do itā€™s going on almost 3 months.
Tough situation. From what you describe it seems pretty clear that Lady Bella doesn't want the new dog in the house. If the house has been her terrritory for so long and if she hasn't socialised much in the past, it must be a shock to have someone else in the house. If the two dogs don't fight, perhaps she can learn to accept him, but right now she doesn't seem like a happy dog.

Hope others with experience of similar situations can help out.
Lady is letting you know she's upset over the change... bulldogs are stubborn by nature, and this is very common.
I would go back to basics, just like she's a puppy... let her out every couple of hours, and put a leash on her to attach it to your for awhile. Reward her when she goes potty outside, and see if maybe that positive reinforcement changes her tune. Have you taken them out for walks together? Or try to play with them both? It takes time for them to "like" each other, and sometimes they just don't... but it's okay if they aren't the best of friends. As long as they aren't trying to kill each other, you can have peace in your home.
Lady is letting you know she's upset over the change... bulldogs are stubborn by nature, and this is very common.
I would go back to basics, just like she's a puppy... let her out every couple of hours, and put a leash on her to attach it to your for awhile. Reward her when she goes potty outside, and see if maybe that positive reinforcement changes her tune. Have you taken them out for walks together? Or try to play with them both? It takes time for them to "like" each other, and sometimes they just don't... but it's okay if they aren't the best of friends. As long as they aren't trying to kill each other, you can have peace in your home.

So my lady is acting out.

For 99% of her life sheā€™s been the only dog in the family.
She potty trained and has a doggy door.
She never really socialize with other dogs on a full time scale just if they bump
Into each other on a walk etc.

Well we slowly introduced her to a new dog and then slowly started to bring him around more and more until he started to live at the house. Well now thatā€™s heā€™s here my lady is acting out.

She has decided itā€™s now okay to pee anywhere she wants.
Iā€™ve walked into the house and find multiple pee spots from her.
Sheā€™s also walked up on me multiple times let me pet her wags her butt
Then stares at me and pops a squat and pees. Or just randomly walks to where Iā€™m at stares at me and pee on the floor or couch or bed etc.....

I was sorta expecting the new dog to pee and being bad cause heā€™s younger and a boy but heā€™s actually been super good but my lady is the one acting out.
She wonā€™t play with him she actually ignores him basically and sheā€™s been using the bathroom in the house. Btw new dog is a pitbull.

The first month I didnā€™t do anything I just cleaned it and told her bad in a firm voice.
She put her head down and would go hide for 30min-1hr.
Now Iā€™m locking her up in her kennel when she does it.
However it doesnā€™t seem to mind her cause even after I feel I locked her up long enough and go to let her out she just looks at me and stays in the cage until sheā€™s ready to leave.

I donā€™t know what else to do itā€™s going on almost 3 months.

Tracy has you covered... you need to walk them together and go back to basics with Lady... her world is disrupted and you need to get her secure in a new routine that includes your new boy... BTW breed does not matter, it is more about the routine and schedule being out of order.

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