just wondering if anyone has experienced this


New member
Mar 19, 2010
washington, west virginia
Bulldog(s) Names
porkchop, abbey, gucci and rocky,
i mentioned earlier that i am dog sitting for my stepsons dog and how he is very picky with her.. and he won't let anyone watch her except his dad and I.. well, this whole time i was worried that he was going to miss her to much so i'm sending a picture of her everyday he is on vacation.. mind you he has went from west Virginia to Alaska, so he cant just come home when he wants because he misses his dog so much.. yeah, he is very abscessed with her.. but anyway,, here all this time i was worried how he was going to be from being apart from her i didn't think that the dog was going to be upset also..

I know my dogs will pout for a couple days when we leave for a vacation but this dog will not eat and lays on bed and pouts.. it has been 6 days now.. i can only get her to eat if i hand feed her and its very little.. i can tell she is upset and misses him.. of course i have not told him because i don't want to spoil his vacation but has anyone every seen a dog do this for this long.. a couple days i understand but 6 days and she only gets up to go out and potty.. a few times she paces the floor a while then lays back down.. i feel sorry for her missing her dad so much..

she did chase my cat once so i know it isn't anything physically wrong with her.. and i know she is spoiled at her house.. but it is really sad when you can see a dogs emotions when it isn't physical pain.. i really believe dogs feel love...

anyone else ever experience this.. ??
How long will he be gone? I have actually experienced this with one of my dad's pugs. We were pug-sitting and while we paid lots of attention, Oobie was just so sad the whole time. He also wouldn't eat unless we hand-fed him and he just moped around. We watched him for about four days so I don't know if it would have continued or he would have perked up. We felt bad but we made sure that he was getting lots of attention and ate at least some food.
have you tried walking her outside on a leash. This will distract her from missing his owner. I can relate to this. Our babysitter, my daughter's classmate from high school was looking after Harvey when we left for San Francisco for 3 1/2 days. He was moping around staying underneath the dining table. She was sending us snapchats of him whenever she visited to feed him and take him out to potty. I had a heavy heart during this time and really was not enjoying my San Francisco trip.
he will be back on Wednesday a total of 7 days. i am doing just that.. giving her extra attention and even sleeping in another room with her, just because we also have two little dogs that don't like any of the big dogs in bed with us. So my husband sleeps with little dogs and i sleep in extra bedroom with her so she wont feel lonely.. she is use to sleeping in bed with them so i am trying to make her feel better.. she wiggles her butt a few times when i tell her its bed time then she kisses me and goes to sleep.. but she still acts so sad.. she gives you that look like when are they coming back.. its sad.. i feel a little guilty giving her so much time and not my other bullbabies so i have some kissing up to do when they come home now..
i am going to do try that tomorrow.. she wouldnt hardly go out to potty at first.. she goes out does her business and runs back in to the bed..
Can you FaceTime him so she can see him and hear his voice?
Since they are so attached to each other, it sounds like a pretty normal reaction. At least she eats a little bit-the most important is that she drinks water. As long as she
does not seem sick to you, It won't be too much longer, and he will be home. There have been many dogs, who have stayed at their owner's grave, after they have passed.
i know for a fact that dogs(sometimes depending on the dog itself) have emotions,my niece's chihuahua(whom she adopted from a shelter) lays by the front door and waits until she comes home even though her husband is home-my niece travels for work, and that is where the dog stays waiting. She will eat and drink, and go right back and lay at the door.
yes she is drinking.. i have given her lots of belly rubs that she enjoys.. at one time i thought she is faking because she is enjoying all this attention.. lol i even have my sister check in on my dogs while i am at work so shes not alone much.. its really a bitter sweet thing to see the love that the two of them share. This is the only time they have been apart.. he was a basket case when he had her at the vet to have her spayed. i don't make to much fun of him but i do think he goes to extreme sometimes.. and yes ginger he wanted to face time her everyday... but couldn't work it out with our phones.. his roams more there but so his wife tells him the pictures are enough to keep his cell phone bill down.. if it was up to him i think it would be on face time 24/7 so he can see her. lol. that really isn't a joke for him.. ha
yes she is drinking.. i have given her lots of belly rubs that she enjoys.. at one time i thought she is faking because she is enjoying all this attention.. lol i even have my sister check in on my dogs while i am at work so shes not alone much.. its really a bitter sweet thing to see the love that the two of them share. This is the only time they have been apart.. he was a basket case when he had her at the vet to have her spayed. i don't make to much fun of him but i do think he goes to extreme sometimes.. and yes ginger he wanted to face time her everyday... but couldn't work it out with our phones.. his roams more there but so his wife tells him the pictures are enough to keep his cell phone bill down.. if it was up to him i think it would be on face time 24/7 so he can see her. lol. that really isn't a joke for him.. ha

how is everything today?
she did better yesterday.. shes started eating with out me having to hand feed her.. she ate most of her food.. .. my husband told her they are coming back today and she seems to understand.. shes been by the door looking out.. i let her in and out at least a dozen times now and she just goes to the end of the porch and looks out towards the driveway.. shes a smart one.. i think we will all be better when they get home.. lol.
shes all better now.. no limp or anything.. it must have just been a sprain or something.. maybe she wanted extra belly rubs.. lol.. just happy she is happy..

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