just sayin Hi


New member
Sep 25, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
MooShi and Owen
:bully::rolleyes:Just wanted to say hi.My name is Tracey,I have a 1 year old female bully named MooShi. We already luv this site, lot of great tips and info.will be back soon.
Welcome! Glad you said 'hi'!!! Hope to see many photos of MooShi- that is a great name!
Welcome, glad you have been enjoying the site! Your pup looks CUTE! Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!
Welcome to the site. You have found the best place. I will be excited to see more photos of Mooshi, what a great name!
Welcome Tracey, you will enjoy this site....and I love your bullys name "MooShi"
Hi there! What a cute little girl MooShi is...welcome!
Thanks for all your warm welcomes,I kind of work crazy hours , so it may take a little while for a responce some time.
Thank you all again,lots of great pictures of your bully's . It is great to have some place to escape to and have people to talk to who luv this breed
as much as I have come to !!!:D

P.S I really suck at typing , sorry about that.

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