In Need of Bully Advice!!


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Holden Beach, NC
Bulldog(s) Names
My 6 year old neutered male English Bulldog has been extremely aggressive towards my 2 year old neutered male Bloodhound. The Bulldog has not drawn blood, but his actions are completely unprovoked. The Bulldog is taking 10mg of Prozac each day, and has been on this dose for 3 years. What would be causing this change in behavior? Any advice will be very appreciated! :pray: doggies.jpg
Sorry I can't help you on this one, but you have found the right place.....
Is your bloodhound a new addition? I have the same issue with my OEB and EB. When i brought the english bulldog in she became extremely aggressive and ripped his ear today. Since they are both fixed i wouldnt think its dominance but I could be wrong. When is he attacking the bloodhound? is it food,toy, being protective,territorial? Can you give a little detail on what happens b4 the fight?
We brought Max (bldhound) in when he was 4 months old, he is now 2 years old. Kula's "attacks" don't seem to be provoked by Max in any way. There have been 2 major changes in the household since July of this year- 1) our 8 year old lab, Daisy Mae, passed away due to sudden liver failure 2) Max began to have epileptic seizures. I have one other dog, Bodie a 10 year old mutt, that I had prior to getting Kula, he has never shown any aggression to her. When Kula "jumped" Max there were not any triggers to cause it, Kula didn't break skin but he did go for Max's neck. Max is a very laid back pup, and will only cower & hide after Kula attacks. =(
I am no doggies psychologist but maybe he needs a med change? I know with humans sometimes they can become resistant to meds after being on them so long.....
How long have the attacks been happening? Just recently since the changes? If it just been since the death of Daisy Mae, he might need to be re-evaluated. He might need a dose change or a mg increase like gatorfans85 mentioned. Was he really close to Daisy Mae? Was Max and Daisy Mae close? What is causing Max's seizures? Is it something that Kula can sense and is uncomfortable with? I know with my bulldog, Vegas....they wanted to do an MRI to rule out a tumor. Have you done this with Max?
I have no suggestions because I suck with training my own and also have aggression problems with two of mine, and the scars to prove it. But I just wanted to say I am so sorry you are dealing with this, I know very much how hard and frustrating it is.....
We have done every test imaginable, our vet is not only a bully expert but also a seizure expert, we are so lucky to have him as our vet! Bodie was the closest to Daisy Mae, Bodie rescued her from a house down the street that had been abandoned in 2002. Max was pretty close to Daisy Mae too, Max's seizures did start (that we know of) within a week of Daisy Mae's death. One of the thoughts I've had is that maybe they are trying to work out the new pecking order, Bodie has always been the nurturing-mother figure while Daisy Mae was more in the alpha roll, followed by Kula, then Max.
Max is actually 1/2 AKC Bloodhound and 1/2 AKC Lab, his mom Jazibelle was about to be breed when the neighbors Lab got to her first! He is such an unique dog with lots of personality!
I am very fortunate that I am able to stay at home, I moved back home with my mom & grandmother, my job is taking care of my granma that way we don't have to hire someone to come in (she doesn't do well with strangers) so I am able to be a "stay at home" mommy to the doggies too! (I don't have human children, so the dogs are my babies)

Wow, I didn't mean to write a book, lol...I ramble sometimes :whistle:
Kula is actually trainned, it's just a matter of whether or not he wants to listen or is in the mood, he's very bull-headed (no pun intended). I really appreciate all of the responses, I am so thankful that I found this Bulldog community (hug)
Funny you say maybe figuring out the pecking order cuz I was thinking that same thing as I read your story. Aside from the changing of meds etc that was offered as advice it could be that Daisy Mae was the one who kept them all in line and now with her gone there is a fight for that position. Or even she protected Max more and now cant? Or maybe Kula sees the seizures as his chance to step in since Max appears weak? I am no training expert by far but that sounds like it could be the cause anyhow. Now what to do about it I have no idea but I know you will get good advice here. Are you strict on how you feed and all that, as in the order of operations. I know you have to show them who is who in their pack by feeding the head first and in that order for everything, snacks, attention, etc.
I am terrible at this stuff, luckily I've never had this issue. I hope you get the answers you need to figure this out though, I know these are tough situations :( They are all absolutely adorable by the way!
Well the first thing I thought of was maybe a change in meds help but definately makes sense about the order and the alpha dog, I hope things work out :)
I'll give the feeding order a try, I've never really noticed what order I feed or give them treats. I have made an appointment with the vet for Wednesday, so I will keep y'all updated!

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