New Bully owner, need help!


New member
Nov 5, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi guys, boy am I glad I found you--

I got my Bully, Paulie, from a previous owner about 8 months ago. He was loved, but in bad shape. He had the stains around the eyes, he had yeast in his folds, and he had bumps on his chin. Little did i know what all that meant at the time...

So we found a vet, and she seems nice..but I don't know how informed she is, or how many bullies she deals with? He has had paw irritation (she gave us spray and antibiotics), she gave us wipes for his irritated folds, he has cherry eye (she gave us drops) and now Paulie is having some sort of reaction to something...

*here are the meds she gave us: wipes/MalAcetic Wet wipes-dry bath, paw spray/ GenOne Spray, eye drops/falcoon

The vet says its food allergies. Paulie is losing hair in spots around his neck and on the top of his head and he seems to have an infection that is growing from him itching.

I guess here's my dilemma, we started Paulie with the same food his previous owners gave him: IAMS lamb meat proactive health. Well, once I found out how crappy Iams was, I went out and bought the most expensive dog food I could find,and which was rated the highest, and it was WELLNESS SUPER5MIX. I guess that has a single source protein, fish?

And he seems to really like it, but the vet wants to switch us over...And she wants to switch his food over to HILLS D/D variety, PURINA LA/HA, IAMS FP/KO, or ROYAL CANIN variety...this is for a food trial to weed out the allergies? I just feel we could do a different dog food, rather than these crap brands? When I mentioned food ratings, and this site, she questioned the validity? Not in an argumentative way, but more of a curious demeanor. Either way...

Needless to say, I'm not pumped about that. I want Paulie to have the best, but I don't know what to do. It's heartbreaking.

I know it's not as bad as some bullies, but it just seems like once we get his eye taken care of, it's his paw. Once we get his paw taken care of, it's his folds. Once we get his folds taken care of, his hair starts patching out.... We live in Las Vegas, so I don't see how it could be fleas or mites, as both the vet and I don't think it is.

I guess I'm just asking for general thoughts? The food, the meds, advice? I never knew how much work and money a bulldog required. I'm dedicated and so is my fiancee, but we just want to do it right. And gosh, there are SO many people here with the same problems, it could be a huge help.
First off, from what I am told, Vets get no nutrition or food training....and they always sell based on what the sales rep tells them. Listen to this group. I had many problems with my older pup, Abby. I finally narrowed down the allergies by removing one thing at a time and having a lot of patience. Alleriges can come from things other than foods. Abby is allergic to Plastics, like in bowls, artificial fibers, rubber balls and toys etc....

As far as the medications and wipes, I am no help. I have never had the need to use any of them. When Abby has yeast problems, there are a couple things that help her. Baths in which she is rinsed with 50/50 cider vinegar (the vinegar helps with yeast) Also 100% pure coconut oil, rubbed on like lotion, it kills yeast!

Hope your little one is better soon. One thing about Bullies, there purchase price is the cheapest thing about them!
Geez! He could be allergic to plastics, and all that stuff? What about seasonal allergies? Is it just trial and error? Should I start with the food first? Is that the most logical thing it would be, the food? It would cost him 400$ to get tested for seasonal allergies, but it may not be it? I just don't know what to do. thanks btw
Oh I'd also like to add, that he isn't TOO active. We take him on nightly walks, but not too long. And he goes to the park 1 or twice a week. He has no contact with other dogs. And he is only 1 year and 4 months old...those are some things I left out that may help.
First off, from what I am told, Vets get no nutrition or food training....and they always sell based on what the sales rep tells them. Listen to this group. I had many problems with my older pup, Abby. I finally narrowed down the allergies by removing one thing at a time and having a lot of patience. Alleriges can come from things other than foods. Abby is allergic to Plastics, like in bowls, artificial fibers, rubber balls and toys etc....

As far as the medications and wipes, I am no help. I have never had the need to use any of them. When Abby has yeast problems, there are a couple things that help her. Baths in which she is rinsed with 50/50 cider vinegar (the vinegar helps with yeast) Also 100% pure coconut oil, rubbed on like lotion, it kills yeast!

Hope your little one is better soon. One thing about Bullies, there purchase price is the cheapest thing about them!

I agree with Bella'sMom the vets arent trained in nutrition so they'll sell you whatever crap brand they have. With the wipes i started using Glen Haven f3/w for Beefy's tail and folds and it has worked WONDERS!!! We also use the hal/half vinegar for yeast. I was told by another member for paw irritation use original listerine and soak the feet.I used it on Beefy along with preperation H and his paws are not red or swollen anymore. For the chin pumps it may sound starnge but I use peanut butter, the peanut oil is great and clears it up in abot 3 days. (apply3x a day) .
Thanks Gator, any tips on the food switch? I've obviously read other posts, but is it just trial and error? Any other ideas on what the hair loss and red patches could be from, or is it most likely the food? I started him on the new WELLNESS Super5Mix about 6 weeks ago. It was a slow switch, and he had stomach irritation for about 3 weeks, and I suppose he still does, as he just had some runny poops when I just took him out :( I don't know if it nerves, for some reason, or if it IS his food. He does seem to be gaseous alot too...
I can't say i am of much help here either since i'm new to this whole bully-parent thing but i have been poking around through the forum and learned a bit. Gene was on puppy chow when i got him then since i was told science diet was recommended by vets i switched him to that. He then started getting little red pimple looking things around his mouth so i looked at the food list on here and switched him to avoderm and the (i guess allergies) are now going away. u might want to try to get him insurance too? Good luck!
I can't say i am of much help here either since i'm new to this whole bully-parent thing but i have been poking around through the forum and learned a bit. Gene was on puppy chow when i got him then since i was told science diet was recommended by vets i switched him to that. He then started getting little red pimple looking things around his mouth so i looked at the food list on here and switched him to avoderm and the (i guess allergies) are now going away. u might want to try to get him insurance too? Good luck!
It usually takes about 6-8 wks for a full food switch to take effect. Beefy has to take a probiotic enzyte supplement and a fiber supplement because it poops are runny. I see the mix isnt grain free so if it has been 6-8 wks you may want to try grain free,he could be grain intolerant.For the hair loss I would def get a skin scrape to check for mange, its not too exspensive and def worth it. If its not mange I would def learn towards allergies. You could give him Benadryl according to weight I use the dye free childrens. Also for itching you can bathe him with selsun blue then rise with the half/vinegar.
sorry quoted the wrong post lol
Looking at all those prescribed diets I see absolutely no protien, and my gosh the amount of fillers is rediculous. I would not touch one of those with a 10 ft. pole, especially the purina one!

Anyway, WELCOME to English Bulldog News! I sure hope we can help you. I have some questions.

Did the vet suggest the possibility of mange? Did she do a skin scape, or are the missing patches of hair only in areas where the infection is present? Mange can live on any and every dog, the mites are only 'present' and can attack with a comprimised immune system. Many things can contribute to a comprised immune system, including diet, stress, medications, shots, birth/nursing, ect.

The first thing I would do is find some Fromm or Nature's Logic food. Please view our recommended dog foods. Your vet was wondering about the 'source'. Well, with much investigations, reading of dog food labels, our resident dog food investigator [MENTION=4]Lindathedogsmaid[/MENTION], and many bulldog owners, we came up with these ratings. Much of the ratings go by ingredients and guaranteed analysis. But unfortunately, unless we ran expensive tests on each brand of kibble- we can only judge these foods by questioning the manufacturers and reading labels. Once we changed food ourselves, we wanted to tell the world. Many of our members have been here since we created these ratings and they know how excited we were when we were doing them.

So to make it very clear to anyone, we do NOT get paid by any company to say we like their food. NOT ONE. We have gotten a couple of free bags of dog food, but I also make sure the companies share with OUR MEMBERS, who can get free coupons from the bully market and also win dog food from our photo contests. I am always looking for ways to benefit our members here, and ways to help bulldogs. And dog food is at the top of my list along with saving and helping find homes for bulldogs in rescue.

Now, about the wellness. You are not the first member to say they get the runs on this food. It is quite possible your dog is having an allergy from the food, especially if it has not improved in 6 weeks. Also, make sure you are feeding no more than 2cups a day. This is plenty for an adult bulldog. 3/4 c (twice a day) is good too. High fiber veggies like green beans for snacks, no junky treats either.

I think there is more investigating to do with your bully. Are you currently on antibiotics? Also, get some salmon oil, it is good for the skin.

I am not saying your vet is not advising you properly..... But if you don't see an improvement soon, you should probably seek a second opinion.

If you want some free 2 oz samples of nature's logic, send me a personal message and I will ship them to you.
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It usually takes about 6-8 wks for a full food switch to take effect. Beefy has to take a probiotic enzyte supplement and a fiber supplement because it poops are runny. I see the mix isnt grain free so if it has been 6-8 wks you may want to try grain free,he could be grain intolerant.For the hair loss I would def get a skin scrape to check for mange, its not too exspensive and def worth it. If its not mange I would def learn towards allergies. You could give him Benadryl according to weight I use the dye free childrens. Also for itching you can bathe him with selsun blue then rise with the half/vinegar.
sorry quoted the wrong post lol

I'm pretty sure he had a skin scrape when I was out of town. My better half took him and I don't think it's mange. I was thinking of switching to a Fromm mix? Thoughts? I'm giving him 4 adult benadryl a day, two in the AM and two in the PM. Do you think I should try any fiber or probiotic enzyte's? Or should I wait until we figure out the allergy stuff?
Thanks so much sky! I was thinking about the Fromm mix? Maybe the lamb one? The previous post mentioned Wellness had grain? Maybe try no grain? Is there a Fromm mix for that? Also, he gets no bad treats. Just Blue Buffalo stuff and all organic treats. For daily treats I give him mini carrots and ice cubes, he loves em' :) I WAS giving him 2 1/2 cups a day. Did you say JUST 3/4 a cup would be fine?!

And yes, we put him on Antibiotics today for the infection, as well as starting the eye drops for his cherry eye (again). Also, I'm giving him 4 benadryl a day (starting today) 2 in the morning, 2 at night. I also use Johnson and Johnson kids shampoo for his baths. I only bath him once every two-three weeks...should that be more?

Like I said, he isn't TOO active, as we don't have a backyard :( BUT I didn't buy him as a pup, meaning I didn't PUT him him in Vegas :) I try to do as much with him as possible. I work from home, so that is nice, he has alot of attention. And being a previous relentless dog owner, I know he adapted well to the switch in homes. His previous home had a doggie door and backyard w/ kids :( But his attitude and great disposition stayed the same! He has adapted great. And like I said, the previous owners fed him IAMS and told me to clean his folds once a week! BS! I clean his folds 3X's a day and feed him only the best. I just don't think they knew what they were getting into (like me, LOL!)

But I'm dedicated, and man oh man, I REALLY appreciate the help. I'm a cynical 27 year old, and I dog (pun intended) the internet alot, but it's times and moments like this that remind me how great it really is. Thanks a million. You guys are doing an amazing job.
So the vet did not give you any anti bacterial shampoo to bath in? When molly got a skin infection I had to bath her every other day.

I am going to try that coconut oil [MENTION=770]Bella'sMom[/MENTION] .... does carolina pet pantry have it?

I would try fromm grain free surf and turf for grain free. Switch slowly, and give nothing else for a few days. (no treats or extras). But I would also suggest trying one new food every month, or when it's time to get a new bag anyway. You will find the one that works the best and go from there. It can sometimes take 5 different foods before you find the right one.
Take away anything plastic, wash his bed in fragrance free detergeant, and if you see him get better, slowly add things back into his lifestyle, one at a time, to see if it is effecting him.

Fall is a high allergen time, but depending on where you live, the allergy season may be coming to an end.
Nope, the vet gave us no anti bacterial shampoo.

I don't have a bed for him? He sleeps with us...Should I get him one?

Take away ALL plastics? What about his KONG rubber toys?

I live in Vegas, so I'm not sure about the allergies...

Thanks again!
Hi and welcome!

My bf and I also got Stig recently, 2 months ago to be exact, and he seems to have the same sensitivities as yours. We've been to the vet many times and they first thought his hives and itchiness were due allergies. Then they found out he had mange. Then the next week our original vet told us that his mange may be due to allergies. All in all, after 2 months of antibiotics, we're still unsure and losing a little confidence in our vets. Stig also recently developed an ear infection, which I think is due to being on antibiotics for too long. :(

Here are some of the things that worked though:
- 1 capsule of salmon oil morning and night --> good for their skin
- oatmeal & aloe shampoo --> relieves the itchies, also bathe once a week. After rinsing really well with water, rinse with a 50/50 water and vinegar mixture. This also relieves the itchies
- clean wrinkles daily. not sure if you're already doing this, but after you clean and dry his wrinkles, get a q-tip and put some corn starch in them. This will ensure that they stay dry.
- for benadryl pills, it's 1 per 25 pounds. Stig's almost 50 pounds, so we used to give 1 every morning and nite until our costco sized bottle ran out :eek:
- fromm surf and turf is grain free --> feed 1 cup morning and nite. You may find that you need to experiment with different foods. We're switching Stig to raw soon. It's going to be alot of work at first, but Stig's dog daycare owner swears by it and is going to help us transition. She says that all her dogs, including those she rescuend fostered, did really well on it, and decreased her vet bills to practically nil. If you'd really like to find out what he's allergic to, I read that you should not give him treats. This way you can pin point based on the food you give him. You can also use kibble as treats if you like.
- Stig's also got cherry eye which comes and goes. Some members are able to massage their bully's back to normal, which my bf and I are still trying to do.

As what all the members will say, finding the best food is the most important thing you can do for bully. This doesn't necessarily mean to get the most expensive, but rather, find the best brand/type for your fur-kid. That's what we're still trying to do for Stig, and hopefully, switching to raw is the best for him.
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