I have an idea for a new award.....gross pictures included. don't look if you have a weak tummy.


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
The "stupidity" award. I so deserve it. This is what happened. I decided I wanted to take some summer photos of the pups eating watermelon. We decided to start with Vegas first, so I locked Orion in the kennel. I was sitting on the patio and my mother-n-law sat Vegas down and handed him the piece of watermelon. I snapped a few shots, then quickly realized my mistake. Vegas was eating all of it, rine (rhine) and all. So I set my camera down and removed part of the watermelon rine from his mouth. I had a piece of watermelon in my left hand and my right hand was in his mouth. Vegas would not release his grip on the piece in his mouth. He did, however, adjust his grip on the piece he had in his mouth and included my finger in his new grip. Okay, If I couldn't get him to release his grip on the piece in his mouth before, how was I gonna get him to release his crushing grip on my finger now? I don't know how it happened, maybe it was the taste of blood, but Vegas immediately spit out everything in his mouth. I gave him the "correct" piece of watermelon and proceeded to stumble to the inside sink. I really did stumble. I felt faint. The top of my finger looks like, well, like a backtooth went thru the top of it. Anyways, I'm fine. I haven't died from the loss of blood (it hardley bled) 911 wasn't called (they probably would have laughed at me) and my husband told the girls at my work when he stopped to pick up antibiotics for me that he "hadn't seen it yet, but thought it was probably no more than a scratch". Anyways....don't put your hand in a bulldogs mouth when they are trying to eat. Vegas was not at fault and I really don't think of it as a dog bite....more of a dog chew.
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Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

You are too funny. I am glad you are okay! I can't wait to see the pictures!!
Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

The watermelon photoshoot never happened. I thought I was dying. The few I took was Vegas running off the the watermelon. Hardly print worthy...my mangled finger on the other hand? Were you wanting to see pictures of that?
Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

No thanks. but I am curious if you took photos of the finger? Here is Abby and Bella trying to eat one.
Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

WOW..good story...lol had that happen before over a ham hock...but mine meant to bite me!
Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

No, I haven't taken any of the finger. But let me know...cause I will!!:D After I realized my injury wasn't life threatening, I did have some fun with my fisheye lens.....

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Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

omg so i was feeding spike his very first carrot today and he took a BIG bite out of it and i thought he would choke so what do i do (i deserve the stupidity award TOO) anyway what do i do? i stick my finger in his mouth and he didn't want to give me the carrot...and hold and behold he bit my index finger OUCH i didn't bleed but i felt it for awhile..of course it wasn't his fault i shouldn't have given him the whole carrot to begin with.
Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

I hope your feeling ok.... I do worry hearing about things this way about you.... you don't heal very fast. Love you.
Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

omg so i was feeding spike his very first carrot today and he took a BIG bite out of it and i thought he would choke so what do i do (i deserve the stupidity award TOO) anyway what do i do? i stick my finger in his mouth and he didn't want to give me the carrot...and hold and behold he bit my index finger OUCH i didn't bleed but i felt it for awhile..of course it wasn't his fault i shouldn't have given him the whole carrot to begin with.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Mine was index finger right below the cuticle.
Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

My hand has a very pretty scar from one of Mandy and Molly's fights. I did not want to post on here about it cuz I felt so stupid. I deserve the stupidity award even more- don't try to remove the dogs jaws from the other dog with your hand. Mine was fairly serious, bled like crazy. Two puncture holes and bruising all over on both sides of my hand. My yelp is what stopped them- this is when I knew that maybe most of the problem is me- they don't get along because I let it be that way. Here is a snapshot of my hand after it happened- I sent this to Chip so he could see- thank goodness it did not get infected but it hurt for for a very long time!

This picture does not do it justice- it was far worse than this in person!


ewww my hand looks old and swollen!
Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

Ouch! This must be the day for fishing stuff out of Bully mouths. Gertie got ahold of a sponge and I had to reach in to get it all out of her mouth. But she's just a baby, so I didn't get bit. She sure does have a STRONG jaw tho!
Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

We really should have the award then. Make it a toothy one... More than anything, I thought he crushed my finger. It is THROBBING right now.

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Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

Oh, thats gross. Sorry guys.
Yeah, they do look pretty gross on the internet. Wonder why? :eek: Ouchie Libra, I know that hurts!!!!
Re: I have an idea for a new award.....

I hope your feeling ok.... I do worry hearing about things this way about you.... you don't heal very fast. Love you.

This is so sweet. :heart:

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