
New member
Jul 26, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
My boy Pabllo needed exactly 10 seconds to make a ripe trough a sock and reach the 2 litres water bottle & make the hole in the picture. I only took my eyes off him for 10 seconds to reply to a text message and i have put a sock on top of the bottle for safety measurements ( i tought i was that should stop him from doing any damage too soon). I am not sure if he swallowed it but i could not find it (in my panick tough i did not check inside of the bottle). I looked in the sock, on the floors, i have put my hand in his mouth as soon as i saw the hole. Nothing ! So i have to assume he swallowed it as he is indeed a vacuum. It has been 3 days and i cannot find anything in his poos ( well feel anything cause the plastic is transparent and doubt i could see it). He swallowed stupid small things before and usually eliminated them in 24 h by poop. Called the vet, explained him and he said to watch and wait. He is not very concerned beacuse : 1. i am not sure 100% he swallowed it; is not a hard plastic like a cap - for whatever reason he said he would be more concerned because of a cap).
I am freaking out here, my anxiety is crazy. He is his normal self, he eats, he did not vomit, his poos are good (consitency, volume, frequency). I am scared to death because in the last year he had all sorts of problems, I do not want to cause him any harm, I feel so guilty.

Did any of your babies ate plastic bottle pieces? Or stange things? And turnt out fine?
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I would just wait and see. If he did swallow it, time will tell for sure. We are wishing him well and hopes that he in fact did NOT swallow the plastic piece. Just keep a good eye on him and wait. Good luck and please let us know how things turn out.
I would just wait and see. If he did swallow it, time will tell for sure. We are wishing him well and hopes that he in fact did NOT swallow the plastic piece. Just keep a good eye on him and wait. Good luck and please let us know how things turn out.

i will for sure let you know ! When do you think i can tell : "he most probably did not swallow it" ? After how many days of checking his poop and him beeing well ?
If he has not passed it in the next couple of days, I would keep an eye on him to see if there is any blood in his poo. If he did swallow it and it's not passed, he could possibly have a blockage in the intestines. Just keep an eye and hope for the best.
Louie ate some pieces of fabric one time unbeknownst to me and it took him like 3-4 months before he threw them up. Pieces of toys usually came out within a few days.

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Louie ate some pieces of fabric one time unbeknownst to me and it took him like 3-4 months before he threw them up. Pieces of toys usually came out within a few days.

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I read the same story over and over again from many bulldog owners ! haha ! I have read one swallowed a squeaker from a toy, did xrays and did not show up (unfortunately plastic does not show most of the time) and a few months later they vomit it lol !
I shall wait and see, I have a weird feeling that he did not evan swallow it and he is playing with my hear tat this point ! lol ! We shall see, I have no other choice but to watch him. The thing is, he has ibd also and when he has a flare up he vomits non stop. I pray this does not happen in this period causei t would deffentely give me a heart attack. Evan tough he always gets xrays and scans when he has a flare up (as the symthoms are the SAME as swallowing a foreign object and they always wanna eliminate that and a couple of other things).
This morning he ate, he pooped, I checked...and he was having zoomies at 30 degrees celcius and mom had to stop him because it was too hot ! little gremlinnn !
I read the same story over and over again from many bulldog owners ! haha ! I have read one swallowed a squeaker from a toy, did xrays and did not show up (unfortunately plastic does not show most of the time) and a few months later they vomit it lol !
I shall wait and see, I have a weird feeling that he did not evan swallow it and he is playing with my hear tat this point ! lol ! We shall see, I have no other choice but to watch him. The thing is, he has ibd also and when he has a flare up he vomits non stop. I pray this does not happen in this period causei t would deffentely give me a heart attack. Evan tough he always gets xrays and scans when he has a flare up (as the symthoms are the SAME as swallowing a foreign object and they always wanna eliminate that and a couple of other things).
This morning he ate, he pooped, I checked...and he was having zoomies at 30 degrees celcius and mom had to stop him because it was too hot ! little gremlinnn !

They are quick buggers…. I hope all turns out well and he passes it if he did swallow. Please keep us posted

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They are quick buggers…. I hope all turns out well and he passes it if he did swallow. Please keep us posted

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yes they are ! it takes 1 second, worse than toddlers ! i will, 6th day no sign of it, everything still normal. I must give him a new spot-on treatment tomorrow (revolution - so i do not give pills anymore due to his digestive issues). I pray he has no reactions to it cause I will deffentely wonder if it is the plastic he swallowed instead lol ! fingers crossed, i hope he did not swallow it or i maybe missed it in one of his poops OR that he passes it if he did swallow :( !
I hope your precious Pablo is okay !!!

Question: I read every post, and was shocked about some of your babies not
throwing up a foreign object for MONTHS !!! I wanted to learn more,
so I googled. Unfortunately, google wasn't able to explain exactly HOW
an object can stay in their system for THAT LONG without causing problems?

Lots of info about obstructions (obvi), what signs to look for, rushing them
to the vet if you suspect a problem, etc. But I STILL do not understand
how something like a SOCK, a squeaker, etc. can stay in them for so long
and NOT cause serious problems !! :ohmy: Can someone explain this to me?
I hope your precious Pablo is okay !!!

Question: I read every post, and was shocked about some of your babies not
throwing up a foreign object for MONTHS !!! I wanted to learn more,
so I googled. Unfortunately, google wasn't able to explain exactly HOW
an object can stay in their system for THAT LONG without causing problems?

Lots of info about obstructions (obvi), what signs to look for, rushing them
to the vet if you suspect a problem, etc. But I STILL do not understand
how something like a SOCK, a squeaker, etc. can stay in them for so long
and NOT cause serious problems !! :ohmy: Can someone explain this to me?

Hey ! It's been 2 and a half weeks and he is still fine. I gave up looking at his poop around day 10. I think he did not swallow it or I seriously cannot tell what and how. He has stomach issues and he did not have evan 1 vomit. I am super greatful and pray to God he stays that way.

I cannot tell either for sure. I think they just sit in the stomach and never travel into the intestines, that is why they do not cause an obstruction. And when the object gets too rotten or the doggo gets sick from other causes, he vomits them bak up ? Could be an explanation !

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