I guess we all kind of lucked out


Active member
Sep 24, 2013
United States
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Hi everyone!

I know, long time no chat. Things are still going well (knock on wood) and the change of environment has been great for Curly. We are on a very set schedule where he has dog group time and then alone time. We learned that Curly really likes his space sometimes, and now our place is big enough to give him space away from the other 3 dogs. All 4 of us go on a daily LEASHLESS hike. Yes, without a leash - all four of them, through the woods and all of them are so well behaved.

Curly has his moments in which he will get upset if the energy level changes - He seems to like order all the time. Now that we know what his triggers are it's a lot easier to separate him from the group if we see any of the dogs start playing or if we know there will be visitors. Every since moving though and now that he has his own space he's a completely different dog, more back to normal now that he has his own space that none of the other dogs can bother him. Maybe that was what his problem was? he wanted his own space? I have no idea. He's a funny guy.

On another subject, I tried changing his food - you might say why fix something that's not broken? it was because I haven't figured out what the great dane can eat. He wasn't doing good on Fromm's Pork & Peas, so I switched all the dogs to Orijen 6 -Fish (i think that was the name). They all had upset stomach from the Orijen, we had them on it for 2 months - did the slow switch with pumpkin etc. It just wasn't right for any of the dogs. Then I tried Merrick's limited ingredients - that didn't work either. So they are going to go back on Fromm's which is right for 3 out of the 4 dogs. I'm starting to think that the great dane might have something else going on than the food. He hasn't had a solid poop day since the day we brought him home (his morning poops are solid than slowly goes down hill). I want them all to eat the same food but I think that I'm going to need to put the GD on a special diet.

ANYHOW, that's enough for now. Dinner is ready. We are doing well :)

Chunky White

Chunky's Chauffeur
Aug 13, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Chunky White
Chunky never had consistent poops until I started putting "Braggs apple cider vinegar with mother" in his food once per day. Since then they have been consistent. I tried a few different kinds of food trying to slow his shedding thinking he needed more fat or protein because he didn't have any issues with shedding a lot when he was on Orijen Puppy and he had been on Orijen Six Fish for two months now and sheds a lot less. The ACV might be part of the reason also

That looks like a great place to walk also


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
Staff member
Community Veteran
Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
Our daily hike


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Such a great update!! Beautiful place to be living and the availability to walk them all together. So very happy things are coming together for you all.
As for the runny poo.... have you added a probiotic?


Well-known member
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Apr 18, 2014
Somewhere in the Universe. Really Maryland.
Bulldog(s) Names
Cooper, Jewel (April 27, 2013-May 7, 2022-RIPDaddy's Girl) and (Bentley Oct 2013-Dec 2021)
Hi Nu, Stu, Curly, and the rest of the gang. Love the little movie you put together and Curly is looking great. The fresh air, water, and walking the Curlmeister should loose weight in no time. Probably real quiet and serene up in the altitude you have there.

Jewel and Bentley say hello. Jewel is 2 days post op from L knee surgery and is resting as we speak. Bentley has a nasty R ear infection that we are treating. Other than my pitiful back, we're doing great.

Thanks for your post. Say hello to Stu for me.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2013
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Castor (2013-2021 RIP)
Great update and film!

Re Orijen Six Fish, Castor had the same reaction when he ate that, and he tends to have loose stools too whatever we feed him (apart from Royal Caonin Hypoallergenic, but that he refised to eat after a few months). Now we feed him raw (lamb) and to help his digestion we add some carrot fibres (looks like this but we have a Swedish product) which seems to work.


Well-known member
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May 2, 2013
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What a great video! Thank you, and it's so good to see you,and the kids! I hope you can gets things straightened out with your Dane! I am sure you know that they should not have any greater than 24% protein,and 12/14 percent fat. Avoid Brewers Rice, Cereal Food Fines, Feeding Oat Meal, Grain Fermentation Solubles Maltodextrins & Fermentation Solubles, Potato Product, Soy Flour. I use a pro-biotic for my dogs called Kauffman's Stress Protection. It has enzymes,pro-biotics,vitamins,and gastrointestinal bacteria. I also give them NuVet Plus. Kauffman's are always happy to speak to you,about your dog's problem.You can ask for Tom. This is not a commercial, but just a suggestion, as My dogs have done very well(so far) and for years I used their products for my horses,also. In fact my 28 yr. old horse was dying,and they got her 4 more years! I am forever grateful to them.
I hope you carry a weapon, as watching that video,I was thinking about a cougar appearing! [MENTION=9956]nubonics[/MENTION]

My Otis

Well-known member
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Sep 2, 2013
North Carolina
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Nu, I love the hiking trail you guys were on, I wish we had one like that here where I live, Great Video of your Beautiful Stu and Curly, is the other dog there your dog also? He or she is good looking also.


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2015
Houston, TX
From England
Bulldog(s) Names
Buster 2013-2023 Monty 6/2010 - 1/2020 Chumly 2002-2014
So glad everything is sorting itself out for you all. What a lovely walk! I would love to live somewhere like that again. I do miss living in the country. Enjoy!!


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Jan 3, 2012
Cleveland, Ohio
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Hi everyone!

I know, long time no chat. Things are still going well (knock on wood) and the change of environment has been great for Curly. We are on a very set schedule where he has dog group time and then alone time. We learned that Curly really likes his space sometimes, and now our place is big enough to give him space away from the other 3 dogs. All 4 of us go on a daily LEASHLESS hike. Yes, without a leash - all four of them, through the woods and all of them are so well behaved.

Curly has his moments in which he will get upset if the energy level changes - He seems to like order all the time. Now that we know what his triggers are it's a lot easier to separate him from the group if we see any of the dogs start playing or if we know there will be visitors. Every since moving though and now that he has his own space he's a completely different dog, more back to normal now that he has his own space that none of the other dogs can bother him. Maybe that was what his problem was? he wanted his own space? I have no idea. He's a funny guy.

On another subject, I tried changing his food - you might say why fix something that's not broken? it was because I haven't figured out what the great dane can eat. He wasn't doing good on Fromm's Pork & Peas, so I switched all the dogs to Orijen 6 -Fish (i think that was the name). They all had upset stomach from the Orijen, we had them on it for 2 months - did the slow switch with pumpkin etc. It just wasn't right for any of the dogs. Then I tried Merrick's limited ingredients - that didn't work either. So they are going to go back on Fromm's which is right for 3 out of the 4 dogs. I'm starting to think that the great dane might have something else going on than the food. He hasn't had a solid poop day since the day we brought him home (his morning poops are solid than slowly goes down hill). I want them all to eat the same food but I think that I'm going to need to put the GD on a special diet.

ANYHOW, that's enough for now. Dinner is ready. We are doing well :)

I felt that way about Schultz the English Bulldog ... tried every kind of commercial prepared food ... only thing that straightened out his system was home cooked ... the other dog lucked out ... home cooked agreed with both dogs[emoji6]


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Sep 24, 2013
United States
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Thank you everyone for the wonderful feedback! We are still not 100% trusting Curly around Astro but they are getting along a lot better - we stick to a strict routine of walks and social time, then we allow Curly to hang out with just my mother in-law and her cats. He seems a lot happier and less stressed with this routine. He has never really been a "dog" dog - he likes to be around people more than other dogs so it really doesn't stress him out that he isn't with the "pack."

Curly has a thing for cats too, so I think that now he has 2 cat buddies, it makes his day even better. After losing Mongo, our cat of 16 years, back in April Curly seemed a bit down and out.

I think the moment I realized that this might work out with all the dogs was a couple days ago. We went on a walk down to the waterfall. At the waterfall I leash all the dogs and then we walk up a dirt road back to the house. I had 3 out of 4 dogs leashed when a neighbor's dog unleashed, came running up to my small Boston mix, Mi'me (my 20 lb dog). I met this dog before, so I knew she was friendly but it startled Mi'me. When Curly and Astro saw Mi'me get startled they both pulled themselves in front of her, I believe in an effort to protect her. They weren't aggressive to the other dog but they were standing their ground in front of her.

We had incidences like this in the past when Curly didn't like Astro and Curly would turn to Astro (who wasn't having a reaction to Mi'me being afraid) and get aggressive with Astro. It was almost like Curly was getting aggressive because Astro wasn't also trying to protect the pack. I don't think Curly understands what a "puppy" is; I mean, technically, the last puppy he was around before we got Astro was his litter mates. Now that Astro is becoming more of a dog he's thinking, you're all right now.

Chunky never had consistent poops until I started putting "Braggs apple cider vinegar with mother" in his food once per day. Since then they have been consistent. I tried a few different kinds of food trying to slow his shedding thinking he needed more fat or protein because he didn't have any issues with shedding a lot when he was on Orijen Puppy and he had been on Orijen Six Fish for two months now and sheds a lot less. The ACV might be part of the reason also

That looks like a great place to walk also

thanks for the tip! I haven't tried ACV yet, but I'll give it a go to see if that helps. Currently the GD gets pumpkin in all of his meals but it still isn't doing the trick.

@cefe13 @Saalwi we are currently cooking the dogs meals until our Fromm's delivery comes in (Should come tomorrow). They have been on it for about 2 weeks and they are still so gassy. It is just Turkey and rice. The 3 older dogs were never gassy on Fromm's which is more or less the reason for the switch back

@Manydogs @2BullyMama thanks for the tips! We've been giving him probiotics - it's a 4 in one by First Choice Naturals. which I'm not sure if it works yet or not; we just started giving it to him about a week ago. BUT that being said, I'll def. get in contact with NuVet for some advice :)

We had and amazing orthopedic surgeon who specialized in Great Danes (He had several) and he informed us the protein content is a myth. The rumor was that the lower content would slow down the growth but studies revealed that there was no correlation to the protein content and the speed of the Large breed's growth. BUT even still, we tried the lower protein content before his injury just to see if his poops would firm up and still nothing.

http://www.vcaspecialtyvets.com/ckfinder/userfiles/files/VCAASG_Breed Size Puppy.pdf

Nu, I love the hiking trail you guys were on, I wish we had one like that here where I live, Great Video of your Beautiful Stu and Curly, is the other dog there your dog also? He or she is good looking also.

Thank you! we are so lucky to have this trail leading from out house to the waterfall! Curly gets so excited when we walk down there and gets the "zoomies" when we get to the waterfall. Yes, the Boston/french bulldog mix is my oldest dog. If you look carefully, you can also see my other Boston mix - she's a tiny little thing walking in front of the Great Dane. We have in total 4 dogs and 2 cats (the cats are my Mother In Law who lives with us now).

@rjisaterp Many hellos from Stu and Curly and we wish Jewel & Bentley a speedy recovery. Sounds like you have your hands full - it always seems that way with multiple pets, when it rains it pours!

We just went through an ear infection with Curly a couple weeks ago. I was gone all September traveling for work and left Stu/my mother in-law in charge. Curly loves his mud baths so one day when I was going he decided to roll around in the mud, so Stu was forced to give him a bath (usually my job). Even though Stu use to be a vet tech back in his early days of the Army, he forgot to clean Curly's ears out after his bath (we might have run out of ear solution too). Long story short, we think a little bit of water got into Curls' ear and caused the ear infection. Fortunately enough, we had an ear infection scare when we were in Philly right before we moved which turned out to be allergies but the vet gave us antibiotic drops for him, just in case.

We are still dealing with an uphill battle with Curly's weight loss. I have put him on a strict diet, and exercise routine BUT my lovely Mother in-law gives him treats, lets him eat cat food - I really feel that she believes affections comes through food. Both Stu and I asked her not to feed him outside of our plan diet but I was traveling for the last month and Stu had long hours at the office so there was very little we could do to prevent her from over feeding him. Plus she never exercises them and Stu can't do it when he gets home from work because it's too dark (we have mountain lions and bears here). BUT I am grateful she is here to take care of them because our lives sometimes gets very busy and we need that extra help.

here is a picture of the two sleeping together. I was originally in the middle of them but they squeezed me out.


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
Staff member
Community Veteran
Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
Thank you everyone for the wonderful feedback! We are still not 100% trusting Curly around Astro but they are getting along a lot better - we stick to a strict routine of walks and social time, then we allow Curly to hang out with just my mother in-law and her cats. He seems a lot happier and less stressed with this routine. He has never really been a "dog" dog - he likes to be around people more than other dogs so it really doesn't stress him out that he isn't with the "pack."

Curly has a thing for cats too, so I think that now he has 2 cat buddies, it makes his day even better. After losing Mongo, our cat of 16 years, back in April Curly seemed a bit down and out.

I think the moment I realized that this might work out with all the dogs was a couple days ago. We went on a walk down to the waterfall. At the waterfall I leash all the dogs and then we walk up a dirt road back to the house. I had 3 out of 4 dogs leashed when a neighbor's dog unleashed, came running up to my small Boston mix, Mi'me (my 20 lb dog). I met this dog before, so I knew she was friendly but it startled Mi'me. When Curly and Astro saw Mi'me get startled they both pulled themselves in front of her, I believe in an effort to protect her. They weren't aggressive to the other dog but they were standing their ground in front of her.

We had incidences like this in the past when Curly didn't like Astro and Curly would turn to Astro (who wasn't having a reaction to Mi'me being afraid) and get aggressive with Astro. It was almost like Curly was getting aggressive because Astro wasn't also trying to protect the pack. I don't think Curly understands what a "puppy" is; I mean, technically, the last puppy he was around before we got Astro was his litter mates. Now that Astro is becoming more of a dog he's thinking, you're all right now.

thanks for the tip! I haven't tried ACV yet, but I'll give it a go to see if that helps. Currently the GD gets pumpkin in all of his meals but it still isn't doing the trick.

@cefe13 @Saalwi we are currently cooking the dogs meals until our Fromm's delivery comes in (Should come tomorrow). They have been on it for about 2 weeks and they are still so gassy. It is just Turkey and rice. The 3 older dogs were never gassy on Fromm's which is more or less the reason for the switch back

@Manydogs @2BullyMama thanks for the tips! We've been giving him probiotics - it's a 4 in one by First Choice Naturals. which I'm not sure if it works yet or not; we just started giving it to him about a week ago. BUT that being said, I'll def. get in contact with NuVet for some advice :)

We had and amazing orthopedic surgeon who specialized in Great Danes (He had several) and he informed us the protein content is a myth. The rumor was that the lower content would slow down the growth but studies revealed that there was no correlation to the protein content and the speed of the Large breed's growth. BUT even still, we tried the lower protein content before his injury just to see if his poops would firm up and still nothing.

http://www.vcaspecialtyvets.com/ckfinder/userfiles/files/VCAASG_Breed Size Puppy.pdf

Thank you! we are so lucky to have this trail leading from out house to the waterfall! Curly gets so excited when we walk down there and gets the "zoomies" when we get to the waterfall. Yes, the Boston/french bulldog mix is my oldest dog. If you look carefully, you can also see my other Boston mix - she's a tiny little thing walking in front of the Great Dane. We have in total 4 dogs and 2 cats (the cats are my Mother In Law who lives with us now).

@rjisaterp Many hellos from Stu and Curly and we wish Jewel & Bentley a speedy recovery. Sounds like you have your hands full - it always seems that way with multiple pets, when it rains it pours!

We just went through an ear infection with Curly a couple weeks ago. I was gone all September traveling for work and left Stu/my mother in-law in charge. Curly loves his mud baths so one day when I was going he decided to roll around in the mud, so Stu was forced to give him a bath (usually my job). Even though Stu use to be a vet tech back in his early days of the Army, he forgot to clean Curly's ears out after his bath (we might have run out of ear solution too). Long story short, we think a little bit of water got into Curls' ear and caused the ear infection. Fortunately enough, we had an ear infection scare when we were in Philly right before we moved which turned out to be allergies but the vet gave us antibiotic drops for him, just in case.

We are still dealing with an uphill battle with Curly's weight loss. I have put him on a strict diet, and exercise routine BUT my lovely Mother in-law gives him treats, lets him eat cat food - I really feel that she believes affections comes through food. Both Stu and I asked her not to feed him outside of our plan diet but I was traveling for the last month and Stu had long hours at the office so there was very little we could do to prevent her from over feeding him. Plus she never exercises them and Stu can't do it when he gets home from work because it's too dark (we have mountain lions and bears here). BUT I am grateful she is here to take care of them because our lives sometimes gets very busy and we need that extra help.

here is a picture of the two sleeping together. I was originally in the middle of them but they squeezed me out.
View attachment 101621

FANTASTIC!! So happy for you all and hope it continues to be a solid pack for you.

cali baker

Worlds Greatest Chef
Feb 25, 2011
The Crown City (Pasadena)
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Tate Rory & Finn Paddington
Wow, what a beautiful place to live and to hike on a daily basis! I'm so happy to hear that Curly is adjusting well to his new home and surroundings. Thank you for sharing this with us!


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Aug 27, 2016
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I love your walk :) I miss my forest and creek walks so much! we now walk the ocean which is great, but miss the creeks so much :(


Well-known member
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Apr 18, 2014
Somewhere in the Universe. Really Maryland.
Bulldog(s) Names
Cooper, Jewel (April 27, 2013-May 7, 2022-RIPDaddy's Girl) and (Bentley Oct 2013-Dec 2021)
[MENTION=9956]nubonics[/MENTION] great to hear. Have a good time while you're there. Tell Stu that golf balls travel farther in the altitudes. Also the sun is much closer as I had a warning from my brother-in-law (works at aerospace) while out in CS earlier this year that I could get sunburned not having any headgear on. So be mindful of the kids, you, and Stu.

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